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Test Administration Q&A Session for the ACT© Test [with Writing]

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1 Test Administration Q&A Session for the ACT© Test [with Writing]
Welcome to the WI Test Administration Q&A Session for the ACT© Test [with Writing] Spring 2018 Orientation, Configuration, Verification and Preparation Welcome to the question and answer session for [State] testing staff administering the ACT test. Today we are here to answer your questions on the administration of the ACT [with Writing] test. For Audio Please Call: Participant Code:

2 Test Dates - ACT February 27 – Initial Standard Time
February 27-March 13 – Accommodations Test Window March 20 – Makeup Standard Time March – Makeup Accommodations Window April 3 – Emergency Makeup Standard Time April 3-9 – Emergency Makeup Accommodations Window Lets go over the most important information right up front-test dates. Your ACT test dates are shown here, as well as being listed on your schedule of events and listed on the home page once you log into PANext. With the different options available, you will be or have already indicated your testing dates in the manage participation section of PANext-if you have not, the deadline to do this is tomorrow, Dec 1st, so please log in and complete this information.

3 Test Dates - WorkKeys February 28 – Initial Standard Time
February 28-March 14 – Accommodations Test Window March 21 – Makeup Standard Time March – Makeup Accommodations Window April 4 – Emergency Makeup Standard Time April 4-10 – Emergency Makeup Accommodations Window The WorkKeys test dates will follow the ACT test dates, as in previous years. Reminder! You must complete manage participation for both ACT and WorkKeys in PANext, as they are different administrations, so completing one does not automatically transfer to the other. One important thing to remember when updating your participation information is when you want to receive your initial shipment. Even if you are not testing on the initial test date, you need to tell us when to ship your non-secure materials.

4 Key Dates December 1 – Deadline to manage participation
January 12 – Deadline to request ACT Approved accommodations January 17 – Deadline to order WorkKeys accommodated materials January 18 – Q&A session (different content) February 21– Deadline to enroll/edit students and place additional orders January 29-February 2 OR February 5-February 9 – Materials arrive in school (secure, non-secure, standard, accommodations, ACT and WorkKeys) These are important dates to note, as they require an action of some sort. The biggest one coming up is the deadline to submit requests to TAA-you MUST submit all accommodation requests by Jan 12th! Also remember that you must log into PANext and order ALL accommodated WorkKeys materails-if you don’t log in and place the order, you will not receive any accommodated WK materials. I have also noted that the Q&A session scheduled for Jan 18th will cover different material than this one-this webinar is focused on activities before testing, and that one will focus on test day and after. You can also see the two option for when to receive that initial shipment.

5 ACT Contact Information Wisconsin ACT Testing Website: Department Phone Test Administration ext 2800 Accommodations and Supports ext 1788 Here is a chart with the basic contact information for ACT. Hopefully everyone has visited the ACT hosted website, as this contains a plethora of information and resources to help you prepare for testing. This webinar will be posted on the website within the next week, and the accommodations presentation is already posted there.

6 -English Language (EL) Supports
What’s New in ? -Manage Participation Required -Lunch break option between 4 multiple choice tests and writing -Timing Code 6 change -English Language (EL) Supports -NO non-college reportable accommodations ACT is continually working to improve our products and services to better meet our customers needs, and we base this on feedback from the state, district and school personnel. As noted already, manage participation is required this year, which is a change from last year. ACT is allowing a lunch break between the 4 multiple choice tests and the essay, for those school who choose to offer this. There was also a slight modification to the guidelines for administering timing code 6, which removes any possible advantage for students taking writing vs just the multiple choice test. ACT is excited to offer English Language or EL supports this year, allowing more students to gain the advantage of a college reportable score. Another significant change this year is non-college reportable accommodations will not be offered in Wisconsin. Hopefully the addition of EL supports will minimize the impact of this change though. The details surrounding the change to TC6 and the EL supports were shared during the accommodations webinar on Nov 8 and there is additional information on these subjects on the website.

7 Lunch Break Before Writing
ACT will allow an extended break for lunch between the end of the MC tests and the beginning of the writing test. Decision is made school-wide, not individually or by classroom. During the break all examinees must be constantly monitored by school personnel for examinee conversations and any other means of sharing test content, including cell phone usage. Test booklet and answer document must be collected and securely stored during the break. Under no circumstances can these materials be left unattended or stored in the same location as the examinees during the break. Feedback from school and districts express that schools would like to offer a lunch break to students on testing day. It is a long test, and if you start testing later than 9am, that can mean students going a long time without substantial food. This year we are allowing a break of up to 45 mins between the multiple choice tests and the essay. Whether to offer this lunch break will be made at the school level, and all testing rooms will follow that school decision. This break will be similar to the break between tests 2 & 3 in that students will need to be monitored the whole time, and are not allowed to access electronic devices or cell phone during this break.

8 Authorized Observers Do they have a state education agency or district assessment agency photo ID? No. Do they have an authorization letter from ACT? Deny the observer access Yes. They have an agency ID, but no photo Do they also have any photo ID? Allow the observer Members from ACT, DPI or your district may come to your school on test day to observe how the administration runs. They are not necessarily there to try to catch you doing something wrong, but get a better idea of how test day goes as a whole. This is a handy chart to help you decide if someone should be allowed in as an observer; they must have photo id, proof of the agency they work for, and the TC will need to call ACT to verify the observer is authorized to be there. Regardless whether or not you admit an observer, you’ll want to submit an Irregularity Report with the observer’s name, agency/company affiliation and if they were admitted or not Family, members of the school board, recruiters, employers, or the media are not allowed

9 Test Facility Requirements
The ACT and WorkKeys While most students will test at their home high school building, some may have to test in an off site location. If you will be testing some place other than the school, you will need to provide the details about that location on the test day documentation (the seating diagram). You do not need to contact ACT prior to testing offsite, as long as your location meets all of the test facility requirements. Planning out your test rooms prior to test day gives you a great opportunity

10 15-30 examinees in each standard time testing room
Type and Size of Rooms 15-30 examinees in each standard time testing room Up to 10 examinees in each accommodated testing room Recommended maximum 100 examinees per room Standard room, 15-30, more students requiring more staff Accoms room up to 10 students, with the same timing code. As was stated in the accommodations webinar, mixing timing codes is unfortunately a reoccurring reason ACT has to void scores. While planning your test room out ahead of time, be sure you are not mixing timing codes, and you are paying close attention to which students require individual testing. Single-level rooms > multi-level seating Rooms should not be too small to be crowded nor too large to cause difficulties with security

11 Proper lighting, temperature, and ventilation Free from distractions
Test Room 2 reliable timepieces A phone or other method to communicate with other testing staff (must be kept on silent) Proper lighting, temperature, and ventilation Free from distractions Each test room needs to 2 reliable time pieces to ensure the tests are timed accurately. At least one of these needs to be an actual clock, but you can use a timer as the other time piece as long as it does not make any noises. You want to take into consideration the general comfort of the room for examinees, so think about lighting, temperature, ventilation, outside noises (such as constructions) and so on when planning your rooms.

12 Scores will be cancelled if the requirements aren’t followed:
Room Setup and Seating Arrangements Scores will be cancelled if the requirements aren’t followed: Examinees face the same direction Seats in proper rows and columns RS can see all examinees Minimum spacing requirements met Requirements for all rooms, regardless of whether at your school or off site, have to be met. The students must be seated in straight rows and columns, with all students facing the same directions. The RS needs to be able to see all examinees desktops, and have room to easily move throughout the room during testing. A minimum spacing of 3 feet both head to head (front to back) and shoulder to shoulder is required to minimize the chance of prohibited behaviors. Examinees face the same direction Examinees sit with 3 feet side-to-side and with 5 feet front-to-back Seats must be placed in lined-up rows and columns Room supervisor must face examinees

13 Proper Use of Tables Round tables: one examinee
Tables less than 6 feet: one examinee Tables 6 to 9 feet: two examinees per table, 3 feet in between Examinees must sit on the same side of the table

14 Testing Staff Requirements
The ACT and WorkKeys Testing staff have many responsibilities when involved in administering the ACT and WorkKeys tests. There are some parameters surrounding who can assist with testing, in order to avoid the potential of a conflict of interest.

15 Persons ineligible to serve as staff:
Selecting Testing Staff Persons ineligible to serve as staff: High school students, volunteers, and lower-division undergraduate students Anyone taking the ACT within 12 months If one is involved in ACT test preparation outside of normal school activities Staff must have a direct relationship with the school. If you are unsure if someone would qualify to assist with testing, please contact ACT before you go through the process of training them. We can help you determine who can or can’t be involved.

16 Potential Conflicts of Interest
Athletic coaches May not serve as Test Coordinator May not have access to secure accoms materials May not supervise one-on-one testing for a student athlete May serve as RS Can not be TC. Can not help with checking in, distributing, or collecting/packing accommodated testing materials. Can not test one-on-one with a student athlete, regardless of what sport the athlete participates in. Can serve as a room supervisor or proctor in a standard time room, as long as not one-on-one or small group of athletes. Important: this policy refers to all coaches and assistant coaches, whether or not their sport is in season at the time.

17 May not serve as Test Coordinator
Potential Conflicts of Interest Relatives testing at any school in your state May not serve as Test Coordinator May not have access to secure materials May serve as RS, provided examinee is not in the same room Relatives and wards include children, stepchildren, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, siblings, in-laws, spouses, and persons under your guardianship. In general, if not on this list, they would not be considered a relative, but again, if in doublt please contact us.

18 Any non-test administration related activity is not allowed
Attentiveness Any non-test administration related activity is not allowed Testing staff must move around the room Avoid creating distractions On test day, a room supervisors only job is administering the test(s). Staff should not be grading papers, reading, working on their novel, talking, using cell phone, etc. Examples of non-test administration related activities include: Reading Grading papers Using a computer, cell phone, recording, or media device Talking casually with other staff Testing staff must walk around to be available to examinees and discourage prohibited behaviors

19 Contact DAC to notify of change DAC makes changes in PAnext
How to set a new Test Coordinator Contact DAC to notify of change DAC makes changes in PAnext Complete training before test day The TC is our main point of contact at the school-all s and communications will go to the person listed under manage contacts in PANext. If this person needs to be changed, the DAC is the person to update this. ACT no longer collects information for the backup TC or the TAC-the current TC is expected to share pertinent information with other staff. Back-up Test Coordinator: The back-up TC must be available in case the test coordinator is unable to be present on test day Can assist the test coordinator Contact DTC to make change in system

20 One room per supervisor, one supervisor per room
Room Supervisor One room per supervisor, one supervisor per room Attend training Accurately monitor and record time Responsible for test materials Complete necessary forms A RS can only be responsible for one room Each room needs a supervisor for the entire session Responsibilities: Check ID/recognize and admit examinees and mark on roster Direct examinees to specific, assigned seats Distribute test materials, keeping test booklets in sequential, serial number order Read verbal instructions to examinees verbatim from the manual Properly time tests, using two reliable timepieces and complete the Testing Time Verification Form Complete the Seating Diagram and Test Booklet Count Form Be attentive to examinees and materials at all times Walk around the test room to ensure examinees are working on the correct sections of the test booklet and answer document Monitor examinees to discourage and detect prohibited behaviors the entire test session Collect and account for all answer documents and test booklets before dismissing examinees Complete the Irregularity Report and void examinee’s tests, as needed Return all materials and forms to the TC immediately after testing

21 Admit examinees and distribute test materials
Proctors Attend training Admit examinees and distribute test materials Help administer the test Be attentive and assist with any irregularities Direct examinees to specific, assigned seats and mark attendance and ID on the roster Verify test timing on a separate timepiece than the RS Be attentive to examinees and materials at all times Walk around the room during testing to check that examinees are working on the correct test, replace defective materials, respond to illness, and discourage prohibited behavior Report any irregularities immediately to the RS Accompany examinees to the restroom if more than one is allowed to leave Monitor examinees the entire test session Help collect and account for all answer documents and test booklets after testing

22 Standard Testing Rooms Accommodation Testing Rooms
Proctors Standard Testing Rooms Number of Examinees/Room Number of Proctors Required 0 – 25 26 – 50 1 51 – 100 2 Accommodation Testing Rooms 11+ These are the minimum requirements-if you have the staff, I highly recommend working with smaller ratios of students to staff (especially when doing large group testing). Proctors may be used to assist RS/TC if less than 25 examinees are testing A proctor is required (in addition to the RS) for every 25 examinees after the first 25 in the room If schedules require, proctors may be rotated between rooms as long as a staff member stays in the room

23 Provide training prior to test day
Training Staff Provide training prior to test day Be sure accommodated RS understand their assigned room/timing code Short meeting on testing morning Required read: Administration Manual Hold a short session before testing to ensure everyone knows their roles, make adjustments as necessary, answer any last minute questions, etc.

24 Test Security Requirements
The ACT and WorkKeys ACT takes the security of our testing materials very seriously. Many of our requirements and procedures were created to protect our testing materials/content. Be sure your testing staff understand how important this is, and that they follow the instructions as closely as possible. If at any time any secure testing materials, such as a test booklet or DVD, cannot be located, contact ACT immediately for further instructions.

25 Only the TC and Back-Up TC can access test materials before test day
Authorized Access Only the TC and Back-Up TC can access test materials before test day Any staff who handle test materials should be included on staff list One per school Complete the “ACT State and District Testing Staff List” for all who assist-one per school Access to materials is only for activities necessary to prepare for test day, administering the test, and returning materials Do not allow access to unauthorized personnel ACT authorization for test materials transfer Student scores may be on the line if materials are not securely stored at all times

26 Test booklets cannot be photocopied
Security of Test Materials Test booklets cannot be photocopied Test booklet seals cannot be broken except by the examinee Test booklets cannot be distributed before advised to do so in verbal instructions The TC is responsible for material security from carrier delivery to carrier return After the training session the TC will distribute materials to each RS-the security of these materials is now their responsibility-they must return the same materials they are given. Secure test materials include test booklets and answer documents with examinee identifying information

27 Place in secure storage with double lock system
Receipt and Check-In of Test Booklets Within 24 hours of receipt, the TC must open and verify the test materials Packing List provided Standard time and accommodations Verify serial numbers Contact ACT with any concerns ASAP Place in secure storage with double lock system Check the serial numbers of test booklets against the Packing list First shipment will include non-secure, secure, and accommodated materials, so check these all carefully. Packing list will indicate in which box each item may be found. When counting the test booklets, don’t assume groups are complete ACT with Writing: Don’t open shrink-wrapped packages until necessary. KEEP THE BOXES

28 In the Event of a Security Breach
Call ACT immediately at , ext if there is a security breach Unable to locate any secure test materials Any unauthorized access to test materials prior to test day A security breach can consist of the following: Any items are missing from your shipment You receive test booklets that do not match the serial numbers on your Testing Materials Distribution List Any test booklet seals are broken at any time except by the examinees on test day The cartons or materials appear to be tampered with A test booklet is lost, stolen, or missing at any time from receipt to return You believe someone had unauthorized access to the materials

29 Storage before Testing
Reseal cartons after counting materials with provided tape and sign your name across the seal Lock them in a secure place only those authorized can access Protect them from damage, theft, or loss

30 Never leave test booklets unattended
Secure Materials TC must personally hand over materials to the Room Supervisors on test day Information captured on the test room report Never leave test booklets unattended Test room report (formally test booklet count form) is a chain of custody record-to ensure materials are accounted for at all times. After booklets are received, counted, and sorted, they must be resealed until test day Return materials to storage immediately after testing

31 Completing Non-Test Portions
The ACT and WorkKeys The pre-test or non-test portion of the answer document must be completed before test day for the ACT. If an examinee is unable to complete this prior to test day, you will need to schedule them for makeup testing. For WorkKeys, you are allowed to have students complete this the same day as testing.

32 Must be completed before test day Session will last around an hour
Non-Test Portions Must be completed before test day Session will last around an hour Schedule several sessions to catch all examinees Standard testing requirements do not apply to the non-test portions If information isn’t filled out before test day, examinees will have to reschedule for makeup testing and complete the information before the makeup test date

33 Apply labels to the back, lower right corner of the answer documents
Barcode Labels You receive a barcode label for each student listed in PAN under your school by January 9, 2018 Apply labels to the back, lower right corner of the answer documents If you did not receive labels or the SASID is incorrect, manually grid each examinee’s SASID number in Block U on the back of the answer document Apply before the examinees complete the non-test portion

34 Required Information to complete:
Completing Examinee Information Required Information to complete: Blocks A, B, D, N, O, P, R Scores will not be reported without these complete Score reports may have blank spots if students do not complete all non-test sections of their answer document If pages 2 & 3 of the non-test section are blank, reports to colleges will be partially blank. School staff cannot fill in these sections for examinees

35 If testing site is home school, leave blank
High School Code – Block K If testing site is home school, leave blank If testing at a high school other than where students information should be reported, find the high school code for examinees’ “home” high school and code in Block K Use Testing staff must ensure the high school code (Block K) is correct so scores are reported to the right school

36 Preparing for Test Day The ACT and WorkKeys
The last few things to think about before testing….

37 Materials Provided by Your School
Test Room Material Checklist No. 2 pencils with erasers Pencil sharpener Two timepieces Signs, cards, and test administration documentation Permitted calculators – if you choose The school should be prepared to supply these materials for each testing room: Soft lead No. 2 pencils with erasers A pencil sharpener Two timepieces Signs, cards, and materials used in admissions procedures Permitted calculators (if your school chooses)

38 Some accommodations do not need approval if they meet ACT requirements
Local Arrangements Some accommodations do not need approval if they meet ACT requirements Preferential seating (e.g., front of the room) Small group or individual testing Marking answers in the test book Snack, drink, or medication for an examinee with a medical need (test separately to avoid distracting other examinees) Sign Language Interpreter (for test instructions) Accommodations do not need approval if all of the below are met: Examinee must test in one, standard time session Examinee must not receive extra breaks Examinee must use a regular, 10-point test booklet Testing must occur on the initial or makeup date Accommodations are consistent with examinees accommodation plan on file at the school Accommodations can not disrupt testing or provide and advantage to the examinee

39 ACT Contact Information ACT Website Standard Time Testing Phone: , Ext ACT Accommodations Phone: , Ext

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