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What would the acceleration be if one of the weights is doubled.

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Presentation on theme: "What would the acceleration be if one of the weights is doubled."— Presentation transcript:

1 What would the acceleration be if one of the weights is doubled.

2 200N 100N -100N + 200 = 100N Fg= mg 200N = (m)(10 m/s2)
First create a force diagram of the spring scale 200N 100N Next find the Net Force of the situation -100N = 100N FIND THE MASS OF THE 200 N weight (Fg) Fg= mg N = (m)(10 m/s2) m= 200/10 m = 20 Kg APPLY The 2nd law equation F= ma 100N = (20) (a) or 100/20 = 5 m/s2

3 Determine the resultant, or net force, exerted on the stationary elephant by the two clowns in the above figure. What is the tension in the rope attached to the elephant?

4 We need to add the two vectors together.
Using the parallelogram method. This is a triangle. Therefore, the resultant is 500 N. Now we have to calculate the angle. Tangent will help us calculate that angle. Now the final answer is The tension in the rope is 500 N, because the net force exerted by the clowns is transmitted to the rope.

5 Determine the net force exerted on the ring by the three people in the figure below.

6 First we need to resolve the vectors into component vectors along the horizontal and vertical directions. First we need to add up all of the forces in the y-direction. Since the vectors are all in the same direction, we can add up the scalars of these vectors. Using the angles and the magnitudes of the vectors and the fact that the third vector is along the y-axis you get the equation:

7 Therefore, the sum of the y-components of the vectors is zero.
Now, we do the same for the x-direction. Here the third vector is zero in the x-direction. This also give us zero in the x-direction. Therefore, the final force is . Since, the final force is equal to zero the vectors must add up to zero and form a triangle

8 Moe, Larry, and Curly push on a 752 kg boat that floats next to a dock
Moe, Larry, and Curly push on a 752 kg boat that floats next to a dock. They each exert an 80.5 N force parallel to the dock. (a) What is the acceleration of the boat if they all push in the same direction? (b) What is the magnitude and direction of the boat's acceleration if Larry and Curly push in the opposite direction to Moe's push?

9 Part a For part a all three forces are pointing in the same direction. This is the sum of all the x-components of the force, (the only component in this problem). Now we put the values into Newton's Second Law Now solve for the acceleration. Part b Same idea as part a except that two of the forces are negative, so the force is different.

10 A block of mass slides on a frictionless tabletop
A block of mass slides on a frictionless tabletop. It is connected to a string that passes over a pulley and suspends a mass . Find the acceleration of the masses and the tension in the string.

11 First we need to sum all of the forces in the x direction for .
Next we need to do the same for . Then we add the two equations to eliminate T. Solve for a. Substitute a into the first equation to find the tension on .

By examining the model on the table calculate How much force would need to be created to accelerate the mass 7 m/s2 to the right?

Reading the newton's on the spring scales in the model calculate the mass of the weight. Use 9.8 m/s2 for gravity. How will the force change if the angles of tension are reduced, demonstrate this mathmatically.

How much acceleration can be achieved if all the force sensors applied 25 Newton's of force to the 2 Kg brick on the table. How much force would be needed to achieve the same acceleration with 2 sensors and 2 bricks support your answer mathmatically?

If it were releases how much acceleration would the cart used in the model on the table experience? If the mass were reduced by ½ (.25 Kg) how would the acceleration change, explain your answer.

Find the net force and tension for the model on the table. How would the forces change if the angle was reduced, how would they change if the angle was increased.

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