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Lesson 7 – Expectations for Restroom and Electronics

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 7 – Expectations for Restroom and Electronics"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 7 – Expectations for Restroom and Electronics
Welcome Lesson 7 – Expectations for Restroom and Electronics

2 Expectation for Restroom and Electronics
Planner Expectation for Restroom and Electronics

3 Goals for Today: I can explain the expectations for the restroom.
I can understand the expectations for the electronics policy. I can explain the expectations for the electronics policy. Talk through the goals for the day. You may even want your students to summaries what the goals for today are in their notebook.

4 Review from Yesterday Finish your picture from yesterday. Then answer the question: How did applying your goal to lunch time help the cafeteria? Give the students a chance to share their answer with a partner.

5 Restroom Expectations
Safety/Order Achieve Respect ON the top line Write Restroom Expectations and then make 3 columns. Label them Safety/Order, Achieve, and Respect. This should look similar to the above chart. I’m going to tell you an expectation and then I want you to pick the rule that best describes the expectation. (You will need to tell them which corner is safety/order, achieve, and respect.) You need to walk to the corner where your rule is and stand their silently. You may need a reason why you pick that rule so make sure your just not guesting. Once we have come to a conclusion of which rule it follows under you will go back to your seat and write that expectation under the rule. Questions?

6 What rule (S/O A R) does this expectation fit with?
Use the restroom during passing time. Achieve

7 What rule (S/O A R) does this expectation fit with?
ANSWER – ACHIEVE - Use the restroom during passing time.

8 What rule (S/O A R) does this expectation fit with?
Flush the toilet. Safety/Order

9 What rule (S/O A R) does this expectation fit with?
ANSWER – Safety/Order - Flush the toilet.

10 What rule (S/O A R) does this expectation fit with?
Wait your turn. Safety/Order

11 What rule (S/O A R) does this expectation fit with?
ANSWER – Safety/Order - Wait your turn.

12 What rule (S/O A R) does this expectation fit with?
Respect personal space and privacy. Respect

13 What rule (S/O A R) does this expectation fit with?
ANSWER – Respect - Respect personal space and privacy.

14 What rule (S/O A R) does this expectation fit with?
Wash your hands. Safety/Order

15 What rule (S/O A R) does this expectation fit with?
ANSWER – Safety/Order - Wash your hands.

16 What rule (S/O A R) does this expectation fit with?
Limit conversations. Respect

17 What rule (S/O A R) does this expectation fit with?
ANSWER – Respect - Limit conversations.

18 What rule (S/O A R) does this expectation fit with?
Report any problems to an adult. Safety/Order

19 What rule (S/O A R) does this expectation fit with?
ANSWER – Safety/Order - Report any problems to an adult.

20 What rule (S/O A R) does this expectation fit with?
Get in and get out quickly. Achieve

21 What rule (S/O A R) does this expectation fit with?
ANSWER – Achieve - Get in and get out quickly.

22 What rule (S/O A R) does this expectation fit with?
Keep the restroom clean. Safety/Order

23 What rule (S/O A R) does this expectation fit with?
ANSWER – Safety/Order - Keep the restroom clean.

24 Restroom Expectations
Safety/Order Achieve Respect Flush the toilet. Use the restroom during passing time. Respect personal space and privacy. Wait your turn. Get in and get out quickly. Limit conversations. Wash your hands. Report any problems to an adult. Keep the restroom clean.

25 Electronic Expectations
When can you have your electronics out? Have students reflect on this. See if the know the expectations.

26 Electronic Expectations
Electronics can be out: Before School Gym Lunchroom At Lunch After School Students can have their electronics out before school, at lunch, and after school.

27 Electronic Expectations
Why can’t we have the Electronics out during the day? Safety Respect Attention and Focus Tardies Safety – We need to keep you safe. When you are on your phone you may not pay attention to where you are walking. Also we want to keep you safe from the threats that are online. Respectful – The phone comes with drama. There is a lot of drama that can start on Snap chat, Facebook, Instagram, and other social media. This doesn’t help with keeping the focus on learning. The drama could also start an argument and a fight. Attention/Focus– In classes we need your attention. Often when a phone lights up you are no longer focused on your teacher or task that you are working on but on the notification that came through. It then takes time for you to refocus on the task you were working on. Tardies – We want you to get to class on time. When you have your phone out in the hall way you aren’t always focused on the time to get to class on time.

28 Goals for Today: I can explain the expectations for the restroom.
I can understand the expectations for the electronics policy. I can explain the expectations for the electronics policy. Go back over the goals. Did you class reach the goals set for today

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