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Historical Context Feedback

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1 Historical Context Feedback
It’s a pleasure to share my reflections…

2 Feedback: The Papers Weren’t That Interesting
The ‘20s were a fascinating time, but most of your papers didn’t capture the energy and enthusiasm of that time period. Second, there were glaring omissions in many papers. Organized crime was hardly mentioned! Students mentioned the Art Deco movement twice! Most of you missed key aspects of the 1920s. Solution: Conduct closer, more thorough research. A Prohibition meme!

3 Feedback: Watch Casual Vocabulary
Your use of language is improving, but please strike the following terms from your writing: “Huge” Instead: “Thing” “Neat” “Big deal” “You” Gurrrrl…

4 Feedback: Be Direct and Cut to the Chase
I intentionally restricted the word count; I was trying to teach you economy of language, which is useful in a timed writing context. Many of you wasted your time by using general language phrases (e.g. “The 1920s were an interesting time,” or “Women found new things to excite them.”) Don’t meander—cut to the chase and BE DIRECT. Indeed.

5 Feedback: Apostrophes with Years
Don’t use an apostrophe when writing the year. Don’t: 1920’s Do: 1920s (It’s not possessive!) No apostrophe with the letter “T.”

6 Feedback: Fix Your Works Cited
No offense, but SPHS students have the worst Works Cited pages that I’ve ever seen. Entries should never have n.p. or n.d. on them. Don’t include URLs—that’s unnecessary. Don’t numbers or use bullet points with your entries. Never indent the first line; only indent the second or third lines. True dat.

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