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Patient and Public Event 4 th September 2012. Welcome Background & reason for meeting Outline of the study Your Experience & thoughts Trial Intervention.

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Presentation on theme: "Patient and Public Event 4 th September 2012. Welcome Background & reason for meeting Outline of the study Your Experience & thoughts Trial Intervention."— Presentation transcript:

1 Patient and Public Event 4 th September 2012

2 Welcome Background & reason for meeting Outline of the study Your Experience & thoughts Trial Intervention Logo / Website Lay Summary Trial Steering Committee Thank you & Next event PLEASANT PPI Sept 2012

3 Initial event in January 2011 This helped to shape the application PLEASANT initial application submitted - February 2011 Full submission November 2011 Funding finally agreed 28 th May 2012 Study started July 2012 Now we need your help again to progress the actual study and make sure it is still relevant, important and appropriate for those participating PLEASANT PPI Sept 2012

4 There is a rise in children with asthma being poorly in September when children return to school. There is also a drop in prescriptions being collected in August. We would like to see if we can reduce the numbers of children having asthma attacks by reminding them to pick up their medication and use it as prescribed by their GP at least 2 weeks before going back to school The Design; Randomised control trial 140 general practices Approximately 14,000 children with asthma We will send the intervention from half of the practices, to children with asthma, to see if it has any effect. We will collect information on any NHS contacts for a year after the intervention has been sent The trial will finish at the end of January 2015 PLEASANT PPI Sept 2012

5 Hospital Admissions Doncaster

6 Prescriptions England PLEASANT PPI Sept 2012

7 All All ….. What do you think of what we are trying to do? Children Children …. Have you ever stopped taking your medication as you should do over the school holidays? Have you ever noticed your asthma getting worse once you go back to school? Parents Parents…. what are your thoughts? PLEASANT PPI Sept 2012


9 Do you have any other ideas? PLEASANT PPI Sept 2012

10 On the website there will be a folder with all the patient and public events included Are you happy to have your names included on the attendance lists? PLEASANT PPI Sept 2012

11 To oversee the study and to make sure it runs as it should we need a Trial Steering Committee Current members include; The Principal Investigator (Steven), a GP/Respiratory Expert, a GP/Professor of Primary Care & a Primary Care Statistician We would also like to invite 2 parents to join the committee The TSC will meet 3 or 4 times throughout the duration of the study The next meeting is Fri 21 st September (11am-1pm), then around March 2013 and again towards the end of the trial Meetings will be no longer than 2 hours – with refreshments You will receive a list of key terms used in the trial to help in understanding You will be paid £50 For attending (as out of pocket expenses) Travel costs are also paid You will get support before and after the meetings from Jonathan to talk about any issues you might have Any volunteers? PLEASANT PPI Sept 2012

12 You will receive a certificate of attendance which we will send through the post (make sure we have your correct address) We will be holding another event to let you know how the trial went and the results. This will be in January 2015 Would you like to be invited to this? PLEASANT PPI Sept 2012

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