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2 Los básicos Población Capital Gobierno Lenguajes Moneda 40, 341, 462
Madrid Gobierno Parliamentary monarchy Lenguajes Castilian, Galician, Basque, Catalan Moneda Euro 1 Euro = 1.33 USD Cuarenta millon trescientos cuarenta y uno cuatrocientos sesenta y dos What is a parliamentary monarchy? – “constitutional monarchy” – monarch acts as head of state within guidelines of constitution; monarch has strictly ceremonial duties; absolute monarchy is not bound by constitution

3 Autonomous Communities Comarcas (municipalities)
Spain 1st tier 2nd tier 3rd tier Autonomous Communities Provinces Comarcas (municipalities)

4 La historia This time period is called La Reconquista during which the Christian states overtook the Muslim rule of Al-Andalus Before 711 A.D. 711 A.D. 1492 Spain is ruled by the Romans for seven centuries The Moors (the medieval Muslim population of Morocco and other areas) invade and rule parts of Spain The area they rule is called Al-Andalus This invasion had a significant impact on the Spanish language. Now ruled by a Catholic Monarchy, Spain begins the era of Spanish Exploration. Colonize parts of the Caribbean and Central and South America

5 La historia The rule of General Francisco Franco’s Monarchy
15th Century – 19th Century 19th Century 1975 The Spanish Empire Spain acquired and ruled many territories Established its peak economic and political power The Spanish Empire weakens due to wars with France, England, and the US. The Spanish Civil War The death of General Francisco Franco Juan Carlos is the new king – he approves a constitution and restores democracy

6 La geografía This mountain range, Los Pirineos, separates Spain and France Spain belongs to the geographic region called The Iberian Peninsula (La Peninsula Ibérica) This area is called Los Picos de Europa. It forms the largest national park in all of Europe. Spain is the second most mountainous European country. This is called La Meseta, Spain’s interior high plateau. Due to its elevation it has very cold winters. What is a Peninsula? Bordered by water on 3 sides What is a plateau? – table land Andalucía exports olive oil worldwide La Doñana – a nature reserve off the coast of Andalusia which protects migratory bird species.

7 La cultura – El Flamenco
The Flamenco dance holds its origins in Andalusia, Spain. It includes four elements: cante, toque, baile, and palmas. Baile folklorico? Connection to Moors, Andalusia, Al-Andalus Castanets Las castañuelas

8 La cultura – La Sardana Barcelona is known for another dance, La Sardana

9 La cultura – la arquitectura
Due to the many cultures that have inhabited the regions of Spain throughout its history, there are equally many styles of architecture to be found. The city of Ávila is surrounded by walls that have stood for almost 1,000 years. The walls were 33 feet high and they were originally built to protect the city from the Muslims in 1090. La mezquita de Córdoba is a former mosque that shows the obvious influence of Arab culture in Spain. It now has a cathedral built inside of it to reflect the Catholic majority of the country. El museo de Guggenheim in Bilbao is famous for its ultramodern architecture

10 La cultura - ¿Bagpipes? The autonomous community of Galicia was originally settled by Celtic peoples, whose roots are reflected in the musical instruments of this province, including the gatita, which is the Galician bagpipe.

11 ¡Tarea! Research one Spanish (from Spain) cuisine or holiday. Write a one paragraph summary (in your spiral notebook) including the history of the food or holiday and why it is important to Spanish culture. Write this paragraph in as much Spanish as you can  Due mañana! You will be briefly sharing these with the class. What have we not covered that could be considered the culture of Spain?

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