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Psalm 75:1-10 ( Tune: Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone?)

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Presentation on theme: "Psalm 75:1-10 ( Tune: Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone?)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Psalm 75:1-10 ( Tune: Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone?)
Words: The Book of Psalms for Singing, 48A Music: George N. Allen Arrangement: Chris Reeves

2 1. To Thee O God we ren-der thanks, to Thee give thanks…
sin-cere, Be-cause Thy won-drous works de-clare that Thy great… name is near.

3 2. When my ap-point-ed time is come, I’ll judge with e - ven hand.
Though earth and all its dwell-ers melt, I make its pil-lars stand.

4 3. I to the boast-ful said, Boast not!, to vile men lift no horn!
Do not lift up your horn on high, nor speak… with neck of scorn!

5 4. For not from east nor west nor wilds comes ex-al -ta - tion nigh,
For God is judge, de-bas-ing one, an- oth - er rais - ing high.

6 5. The Lord pours out a foam-ing cup which well-mixed…
wine con-tains, And eve-ry wick-ed one on earth must drink the… dregs he drains.

7 6. But I will tell it ev – er-more, to Ja-cob’s God sing praise;
And horns of sin-ners I’ll cut off, but just men’s… horns I’ll raise.

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