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Merten KNX.

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Presentation on theme: "Merten KNX."— Presentation transcript:

1 Merten KNX

2 How to make your building “smart“

3 Themes: Requirements Applications KNX- the Standard Advantages
Cost efficiency Investment protection

4 Can all your demands be met under one roof?
Anyone planning to build a new private home or commercial building can expect more than just a lot of hard work. They also face the challenge of meeting any number of: individual requirements technical requirements financial requirements increased enormously in recent years in the areas of: building management electrical installation where many different factors have to be taken into account Anyone planning to build a new private home or commercial building can expect more than just a lot of hard work. They also face the challenge of meeting any number of individual technical and financial requirements. And these demands have increased enormously in recent years. This is particularly true in the areas of building management and electrical installation, where many different factors have to be taken into account. YES, Schneider Electric KNX can do it!

5 Can all your demands be met under one roof?
Today this is essential for modern building management: Flexibility Safety and security Comfort Can you meet all your requirements under one roof? The critical elements for today’s modern building technology: F L E X I B I L I T Y It must be possible to adapt building functions easily and cost effectively to user needs. S E C U R I T Y Building technology must react quickly and intelligently to critical situations. E A S E OF U S E Operation of a wide variety of functions should always be simple and convenient. E C O N O M Y Operating costs must remain manageable, both in cases of changing usage and also in the light of rising energy costs. Cost efficiency

6 Themes: Requirements Applications KNX- the Standard Advantages
Cost efficiency Investment protection

7 Living the good life! Individual lighting control Living made easy.
Example: individual light control • Deactivation of all electrical consumers via “Central Off” switch. • Individual light settings, easily saved and retrieved, also by remote. • “Panic button” for illuminating house and garden if suspicious noises are heard in the night. • Timed switching to simulate presence during absence or lengthy holidays.

8 Living the good life! Comprehensive messages Living made easy.
Example: comprehensive signalling • Warnings regarding open windows and doors via an information display. • Telephone forwarding of alarm messages, to e.g. a security company or a neighbour. • Deterrence of intruders by means of motion detectors. • Messages signalling malfunction of technical devices via SMS or voice module.

9 Living the good life! Intelligent shutter control Living made easy.
Example: intelligent blind control • Central control of electrically operated shutters and blinds at the press of a button. • Protection from harsh direct sunlight or bad weather via awnings and blinds that react to sun and wind sensors. • Protection from break-ins via time-controlled shutters and blinds. .

10 Living the good life! Timed heating control Living made easy.
Example: precision-timed heating control • Pleasant room temperatures via individual temperature control. • Lowering of heating costs via timed control of heating valves. • Healthy conditions for sleep via automatic reduction of heating at night. • Automatic lowering of room temperature when windows are opened.

11 Living the good life! Flexible building management Living made easy.
Example: flexible building management • Flexible adjustment of building functions to suit altered usage of rooms. • Worldwide access to all building technology by means of IC 1 INSTABUS EIB Internet Controller. • Central monitoring and control of building technology via PC. • Startup of heating by telephone or mobile before returning from holidays.

12 Working made easy! Automatic lighting control Working made easy.
Example: automatic light control • Light sources timed to switch off during work breaks or on weekends. • Daylight-dependent adjustment of lighting via uniform illumination control. • Power savings of up to 70% when combined with our intelligent heating control system. • Automatic illumination of corridors, stairwells and rooms via ARGUS interior motion sensors.

13 Working made easy! Intelligent shutter control Working made easy.
Example: intelligent blind control Control of sun awnings dependent on current levels of direct sunlight. Retraction of blinds by means of wind sensors in the event of strong winds. Adjustment of the angle of blind slats depending on the current position of the sun.

14 Working made easy! Individual lighting control Working made easy.
Example: individual heating control Rooms heated depending on occupancy. Immediate closure of the heating valve when a window is opened. Individual, precision-timed infeed of warm air by means of controllable room thermostats. No more manual adjustment of radiators.

15 Working made easy! Flexible building management Working made easy.
Example: flexible building management Flexible adjustment of building functions to suit altered usage of rooms. Worldwide access to all building technology by means of IC 1 INSTABUS EIB internet controller. Fault messages displayed and automatically forwarded to the building‘s electrician. Monitoring of windows, doors or underground car parks using sensors. Avoidance of cost-intensive load peaks via planned connection and disconnection of electrical consumers.

16 IP Touch-Panel 10" Intelligent building management
10" TFT-Display, 800x600 Pixel 200 MHz Windows CE system software Browser and Internet Controller with face Data links: LAN (10/100 Mbit/s) RS 232 USB on front pluggable KNX-Modul

17 IP Touch-Panel 10" Intelligent building management
optional: TP-VISU-Configurationtool for visualised interactive Controlling of building-functions available by download

18 Themes: Requirements Applications KNX- the Standard Advantages
Cost efficiency Investment protection

19 KNX Technology KNX unites functions under one roof which were previously controlled separately ligthing shutter heating / clima / air conditioning meteorological station time-controlled functions detection- and controlsystem building management

20 Intelligence makes the Difference!
The conventional solution: Intelligence makes all the difference. The conventional solution: many separate lines, little flexibility. Time- and cost-intensive planning. Compatibility problems between the different systems. Increased fire risk due to the large number of control lines and power lines. Costly expansions and adjustments. High operating costs.  Conventional solutions are soon restricted by their limitations. many seperate lines, meaning less flexibility.

21 Intelligence makes the Difference!
The intelligent solution: KNX Intelligence makes all the difference. The intelligent solution: KNX One system, one worldwide standard. Numerous multi-service functions. Maximum flexibility due to compatibility between manufacturers. Simple and economical expansion options. Fire load minimised by straightforward wiring system. High power savings potential. Low operating costs. Secure building management.  EIB opens up virtually unlimited possibilities. one system, one standard, many multi-task functions for maximum flexibility.

22 Themes: Requirements Applications KNX- the Standard Advantages
Cost efficiency Investment protection

23 Can all your demands be met under one roof?
Today this is essential for modern building management: Flexibility Safety and security Comfort Can you meet all your requirements under one roof? The critical elements for today’s modern building technology: F L E X I B I L I T Y It must be possible to adapt building functions easily and cost effectively to user needs. S E C U R I T Y Building technology must react quickly and intelligently to critical situations. E A S E OF U S E Operation of a wide variety of functions should always be simple and convenient. E C O N O M Y Operating costs must remain manageable, both in cases of changing usage and also in the light of rising energy costs. Cost efficiency

24 Everything according to plan!
The advantages for planners: High flexibility and time savings during planning via a modular system. Integration of different services, applications and manufacturers via worldwide KNX standard. Short setup times due to clear, straightforward wiring and cable arrangement. Fire load minimised via reduction in the number of live power lines. Simple handling via easy-to-use projection, startup and diagnostics tools. Integration into building management systems (BACNET).

25 Everything according to plan!
The advantages for architects: Worldwide KNX Standard integrates different services, applications and manufacturers. System can be extended in stages and is use-oriented, making it possible to tailor solutions in modular fashion. Maximum flexibility thanks to simple, economic adaptation of building functions to meet changing requirements. Innovative control interfaces with superb design features, ideal for integration in modern architectural styles. The perfect solution for customers who value comfort, security, energy efficiency and flexibility.

26 Everything according to plan!
The advantages for electricians: Highly flexible and time-efficient electrical installation due to modular system. Integration of different services, applications and manufacturers enabled by worldwide KNX standard. Short installation times thanks to clear wiring and cable routing. Reduced fire load due to reduction in charged wires. Simple procedures guaranteed by useful projection, commissioning and diagnostic aids.

27 Everything according to plan!
The advantages for building owners: Building functions can be controlled simply, effortlessly and comfortably. KNX – “all round protection” of the house and its inhabitants – increased protection from break-ins, fire, etc. Highly flexible thanks to simple, economic adaptation of the building functions to changing requirements. KNX – a pan-generational, use-oriented system that can be extended in stages. With the integration of additional functions, the value of the property can be increased continuously. Cost savings thanks to intelligent KNX energy management and minimal outlay for adaptation to changing requirements.

28 Everything according to plan!
The advantages for investors: Worldwide KNX standard integrates different services, applications and manufacturers. KNX – a use-oriented system that can be extended in stages. Highly flexible thanks to simple, economic adaptation of building functions to changing requirements. Reduced operating costs thanks to energy-efficient applications and cost-efficient adaptations to changing requirements. Electrical installation is simple, effortless and comfortable to control and operate. Building technology reacts quickly and intelligently in the case of an emergency.

29 Themes: Requirements Applications KNX- the Standard Advantages
Cost efficiency Investment protection

30 Long term savings Merten KNX in comparison

31 Making financial sense.
Intelligent building technology doesn´t just offer you flexibility, convenience and security. It pays for itself as well. Over the long term, you could save up to 30% on the usual costs in comparison with conventional solutions.

32 Making financial sense.
KNX makes financial sense in the long term. Making financial sense. KNX makes financial sense in the long term. Costs for KNX only higher up until the construction phase. In the longer term, there are possible savings of up to 30% in comparison with conventional solutions. Precautionary allowance for a bus cable is advisable. System can be extended and expanded in stages.

33 Reduced energy use thanks KNX
Reduced energy use in % Reduzierter Energieverbrauch in % Single room control Automation of heating Automation of sunscreen Automation of lighting Automation of airing A current study shows the energy use can be reduced by the application of building system technology. Source: Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektroindustrie e.V. State: 2008

34 Themes: Requirements Applications KNX- the Standard Advantages
Cost efficiency Investment protection

35 The world speaks KNX. Facts & figures that speak for intelligent building management: • Established international standard since 1990. • Compatible with KNX standard. • More than 110 manufacturers worldwide have joined KNX. • More than 12,000 ETS-licences issued. • More than 100,000 buildings equipped with KNX. • More than 10 million products installed.

36 Can all your demands be met under one roof?
That´s why KNX offers you: Flexibility Safety and security Comfort Can you meet all your requirements under one roof? That´s why KNX offers you: F L E X I B I L I T Y It must be possible to adapt building functions easily and cost effectively to user needs. S E C U R I T Y Building technology must react quickly and intelligently to critical situations. E A S E OF U S E Operation of a wide variety of functions should always be simple and convenient. E C O N O M Y Operating costs must remain manageable, both in cases of changing usage and also in the light of rising energy costs. Cost efficiency

37 Make the most of your energy.

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