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Stress Management.

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1 Stress Management

2 Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.

3 Give yourself 1 point for every statement you agree with.
I often have digestive upsets. I tend to lose my temper easily. I have trouble sleeping. People say I am a "worry wart." I have difficulty concentrating. I feel tired and drained all the time. I watch a lot of TV. I often get migraines or tension headaches. I feel "blue" and have a hard time getting over it. I am really impatient with other people I feel "burned out." I feel the harder I work, the more behind I get.

4 0-3 Congratulations! You don’t seem to be experiencing many common symptoms of stress. Through Targeting Stress you will discover new ways to maintain your low stress habits. 4-8 You have quite a few symptoms of stress. Learn how to cope better by participating in Targeting Stress and working through the exciting material that follows. 9-12 The many symptoms you are experiencing may be related to high levels of stress.

5 Physical Signs of Stress
Shaking hands Inability to sleep Shaky legs Excessive sleep Clenching fists Binge eating Reddening of the skin Loss of appetite Headaches Tenseness Muscle spasms

6 Emotional signs of stress
General feelings of anxiety Feeling overwhelmed Inability to focus Avoidance behaviors Inability to make decisions Fight or flight response Acting out

7 Stress may contribute to:
•high blood pressure •heart disease and stroke •decreased immune defenses •cancer •stomach problems •poorer brain functioning Stress also can lead to serious mental health problems, like depression and anxiety disorders.



10 Other techniques for stress management
Meditation: guided meditation progressive muscle tension Create/Use time management plan Write in a journal Breathing Techniques Positive affirmations

11 Time management: -Use a planner. -Prioritize. - Ask for help.


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