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The Diary of Anne Frank.

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1 The Diary of Anne Frank

2 Basic Facts Born June 12, 1929 in Frankfurt, Germany
Second daughter. Older sister Margot (pronounced Mar-go. The t is silent) Parents: Edith and Otto Otto was in the German Army during WWI, then became a business man. In 1933, due to Hitler and the Nazis coming into power, Otto moved the family to the Netherlands when he felt it was too dangerous for them to remain in Germany. Once they were in Amsterdam, Otto became the director of the Dutch Opekta company, which produced products for jam making.

3 Amsterdam

4 Basic Facts (Continued)
Anne was known as chatterbox. Often got in trouble for her talking. Loved reading and writing Got good grades, though she detested Algebra Was given a diary for her 13th birthday on June 12, 1942 She named it Kitty, and would begin her entries with “Dear Kitty”, as if she were writing to a friend. Her first entry stated that "I hope I will be able to confide everything to you, as I have never been able to confide in anyone, and I hope you will be a great source of comfort and support."

5 Nazi Invasion Germany invaded the Netherlands on May 10, 1940
In October 1940, anti-Semitic sanctions began. Strict curfew Couldn’t own businesses Had to wear a star of David at all times On July 5, 1942, Margot received a summons to go to a work camp in Germany The next day, they went into hiding.

6 Hiding Went into hiding in the empty space above and behind Otto’s company building. Called “The Secret Annex” Were joined by Otto’s business partner Herman Van Pels and his wife Auguste and son Peter. Later joined by Fritz Pfeffer Were provided food and news from employees Kleiman, Kugler, Jan, Miep Gies and Bep. Hid in the Annex for over two years Did not go out at all; EVER. Anne passed the time writing in her diary.

7 Hiding

8 Hiding

9 You will receive the remaining notes from this slideshow AFTER we have read the text.

10 Capture On August 4, 1944, four Dutch Nazis and a German Secret Police Officer arrived at the Secret Annex. Everyone was arrested. They were betrayed by an anonymous tip, and to this day, no one knows who it was. All of the residents were sent to Westerbork, a camp in the Netherlands Were transferred to Auschwitz in Poland. The men and women were separated.

11 The Camps Anne and Margot were transferred to Bergen-Belsen after a few months Edith wasn’t allowed to go and died shortly after they left Food was scarce at the camp and disease was ramptant Anne and Margot got Typhus and died during March of 1945 Anne died just a few weeks before the camp was liberated by Russian soldiers She was only 15 The only survivor of the camps was Otto Frank More than 1 million children died during the Holocaust

12 The Diary When Otto returned to Amsterdam, he received the news of his entire family passing away. Miep Gies had found Anne’s diary when they were captured, and saved it while they were in the camps. Otto sought to get it published, which it was on June 5, 1947 It has been published in 67 different languages. Many film adaptations have been made

13 Anne Frank:

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