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The seven continents of the world

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1 The seven continents of the world
By Sarah Ellis

2 What is a continent? A continent is a large area of the Earth.
Each continent has its own unique qualities. It can consist of several countries, regions, and islands. The 7 continents are: Antarctica, North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia (and Oceania).

3 Antarctica 98% of the continent is covered by ice!
It never rains here, so it is considered the worlds largest desert. Population: 0 (scientists do research here, though) Antarctica is the windiest, coldest, and driest place on Earth! It is the southern most continent and is the home of the South Pole. It is the fifth largest continent. Animals: Penguin, seal, killer whale, shrimp, krill, and many more

4 North America Population: 565,265,000
Major Countries: United States of America, Canada, Mexico, Cuba, Costa Rica, Greenland, and many more Canada is larger than the U.S. making it the second largest country in the world (after Russia). The longest river on the continent is the Mississippi River! It is the third largest of the continents. Major languages: English, Spanish, French Animals: Gray wolf, American black bear, Virginia opossum, Red fox, Raccoon, Cardinal (bird), Canadian goose, North American beaver, and many more

5 South America Population: 387,489,196
It is the fourth largest of the continents. Major languages: Spanish and Portuguese The Andes Mountain Range and the Amazon River (about 4,000 miles long) dominate much of South Americas geography. Major countries: Brazil (the largest in size and population), Venezuela, Argentina, Chile, Columbia, Peru, and many more Animals of South America: Anaconda, Sloth, Anteater, Vampire bat, Armadillo, Piranha, Giant tortious, Llama, and many more

6 Europe Population: 738,199,000 Europe is the sixth largest of the continents. Major Countries: England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Belgium, Italy, Greece, Germany, Russia, Spain, Denmark, Switzerland, and many more The Vatican is the smallest country in the world (in population and size) and is located inside of Italy! This is where the Pope lives. The Caucasus Mountains, located in Eastern Europe, is the origin of the Caucasian race. While over 200 languages are spoken in Europe, the major ones are: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, and many more. Animals of Europe: Puffin, European lynx, Raccoon dog, Horse, Reindeer, Artic fox, Badger, Dog

7 africa Population: 1,022,234,000 Africa is the second largest continent in size and population. The Nile River in Africa is the longest river in the world! Major countries: Algeria, Chad, Egypt (the most rich in world history), Kenya, Madagascar, Morocco, Niger, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, and many more It has the most diverse range of languages than any other continent. Major languages: Swahili (the most common), Amharic, Oromo, Zulu, Yoruba, Portuguese, French, and many more Animals: Lion, Giraffe, Elephant, Monkey, Crocodile, Zebra, Cheetah, Rhinoceros, and many more

8 asia Population: 4,164,252,000 Asia is the largest continent in size and population. About 60% of the worlds population lives here! It contains the worlds most populous country, China, and the worlds largest country, Russia.* The sub-regions are: Northern Asia, Central Asia, Middle East, Southern Asia, Eastern Asia, and Southeastern Asia. Major countries: China, India, Japan, North and South Korea, Pakistan, Russia, Afghanistan, Maldives, and many more Asia contains the highest point on Earth, Mt. Everest, and the lowest point, the Dead Sea. It is the only continent to share a border with two other continents (Europe and Africa). Animals: Komodo dragon, Sloth bear, Tiger, Cobra, Badger, Golden cat, Giant Panda, and many more

9 Australia and Oceania*
Population: 36,593,000 Less people live in Australia than in Texas! Australia is the smallest continent and it is an island. Major countries: Australia (the main country), New Zealand, Fiji, Guam, Papua New Guinea, and many more Australia is the major country of Oceania but the continent is made up of several smaller islands. There are more sheep than people on the continent! Major languages: English, Indonesian, Filipino, Tahitian, Hawaiian, and more Animals of Australia: Kangaroo, Koala, Platypus, Sheep, Frog, Dolphin, Gecko, Tasmania Devil, Wombat, and many more

10 * Note: Russia is partly located in Europe but it is mostly in Asia.
* Note: Australia is a country and it is the major country of the Australia and Oceania continent. Sometimes the continent is referred to as Australia and sometimes it is Oceania. The entire continent is made up of several islands.

11 Geography game! Question #1: What is the largest continent in size?

12 Geography game! Question #2: Which continent has a population of zero?

13 Geography game! Question #3:
On which continent is the United States located?

14 Geography game! Question #4: Which continent is made up of islands?

15 Geography game! Question #5:
On which continent are Egypt and Madagascar located?

16 Geography game! Question #6:
Which continent contains the Amazon River?

17 Geography game! Question #7:
Which continent contains the smallest country in the world (by size and population) and is located inside of another country?

18 Geography game! Identify each continent on a map of the world.

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