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Sampling Evan Mandell Geog 3000.

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Presentation on theme: "Sampling Evan Mandell Geog 3000."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sampling Evan Mandell Geog 3000

2 What is a sample? A sample is a relatively small subset of the total population. Why do We Sample? There are just too many things in the world to measure each and every one. Evan Mandell Geog 3000

3 Sampling Design How big of a sample do we need for the results to be meaningful? Answer: 1/sqrt of N How do we get statistically dependable results? Answer: We choose a sample at random. Evan Mandell Geog 3000

4 The Simple Random Sample
This method is the standard against which we measure all other methods because it has: Unbiasedness: Every item has the same chance of being chosen as the other ones Independence: The selection of one item has no effect on the selection of other items. Evan Mandell Geog 3000

5 Stratified Sampling Split the population into similar groups (strata) and draw a simple random sample from each group. Evan Mandell Geog 3000

6 Cluster Sampling Group the population into smaller clusters and derive samples from each cluster. Evan Mandell Geog 3000

7 Systematic Sampling Starts with a randomly chosen unit and then selects every kth unit thereafter. Evan Mandell Geog 3000

8 Sample Size and Standard Error
We introduce a new variable! P - pronounced P-Hat P-hat is the number of successes x in the sample, divided by the sample size n. P = ^ ^ X/N Evan Mandell Geog 3000

9 Sampling Error Continued
The standard deviation of P-hat is a measure of the sampling error. A) Define population with unknown parameter B) Find an estimator, it’s theoretical sampling distribution and Standard deviation σp = sqrt [ P(1 - P) / n ] C) Draw a random sample and find the estimate D) Report the result and its sampling error Evan Mandell Geog 3000

10 Central Limit Theorem X bar is approximately normal
As n gets larger, x-bar approaches the Normal Distribution To find the distribution of X-bar, we only need to know the population mean and standard deviation. Evan Mandell Geog 3000

11 The t-distribution The t-distribution solves the two problems of the central limit theorem. A) It depends on a large sample size B) To use it, we need to know the Standard Deviation. The “T” can handle small sample sizes! Evan Mandell Geog 3000

12 T-Distribution Continued
T is “the best we can do under the circumstances”. T is more spread out than Z because the uncertainty makes T a bit sloppier. The larger the sample size, the closer T gets to Z, the normal! Evan Mandell Geog 3000

13 What the Heck Did We Just Learn?
Proportions (p-hat) are approximately normally distributed The larger the sample size, the more “normal” they appear We use t-distribution for small sample sizes Evan Mandell Geog 3000

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