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Point-to-point connection between each DOM and the shore station

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1 Point-to-point connection between each DOM and the shore station
Photonic Readout and DAQ system E. Heine , M. van der Hoek, J. Hogenbirk, , P. Jansweijer, M. de Jong, G. Kieft, P. Kooijman, S. Mos, H. Peek, J.W. Schmelling, P. Timmer , E. de Wolf (Nikhef, Amsterdam, the Netherlands), H. Löhner (KVI, Groningen, the Netherlands) on behalf of the KM3NeT Consortium 12,800 digital optical modules (DOMs), 31 3-inch PMTs per DOM Shore station at 100 km distance Point-to-point connection between each DOM and the shore station D wavelength CW laser array Clock/Data gen. Clock-Data modulation POPT time i=1 i=M λ1 λM Pout,i = A(λi)*Pin(λi) Reduced optical power Pout = Pin / N detect Reflective modulator DOM electronics Serialized PMT data DOM #1 Data All DU data P(t) per λ Wavelength mux Wavelength demux Shore station electronics Optical amplifier Power splitter to different DUs 100 km < 2km Shore station Prim. Junction Box DU’s Gated Seabed DOM # M A Y X Mirror 1 A’ TY→X Sec. Junction Box 3 km looptime signaling to electronics Wavelength Demux in sets of M channels TA → DOM#i → A’ Norm Cal. TA’ → DOM #i → A’ TX→Y i=1…M i=(3M+1)…4M per DU Channels 1…M Looptime M Z TX→Y = TY→X TA’ → DOM#i → A’ TDOM#i → A’/2 TA → DOM#i → A’ For illustration (measured only during construction) Pulse echo A’ to all DOMs #i--M and Z Clock/framing round trip measured TA → DOM#i = TA → DOM#i → A’ – TDOM#i → A’ * Slow control not shown wavelength POPT visualizer Data stream Overview Timing measurement * Optical I/O port in DOM Bit Error Rate (BER) test results at a bit rate of 1.25 Gbps Timing circuit Conclusions Signal amplification adapted to transmission over 100 km cable to shore. Reflected R-EAM modulated signal of -10 dBm with an extinction ratio of r = 7 fits in the return path of the network.

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