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Mrs. Scott-Ellis’s Weekly Newsletter

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1 Mrs. Scott-Ellis’s Weekly Newsletter
Team Tribune Week 6 Name_________________________#________ Parents Mrs. Scott-Ellis’s Weekly Newsletter Attached to this newsletter you should find the following items: 1. Weekly Progress Report and a midterm report 2. Week 5 homework * Students self corrected and a rubric was used to give a culminating weekly score. Together Everyone Achieves More! Approximately, 95% of the class is saying thank you to the person holding the door for them in the morning. Thirty-five percent increase from last week! Students picked up trash so thoroughly from the floor, 5 students were left walking around aimlessly searching for something to pick up. First problem I am looking forward to having again. Thursday, 100% of the class completed their math review activity and turned in their math journal. Plays of the Week 3. Please go online to schedule SEP conferences, a letter explaining this process was sent home Monday. 4. The results for our first two math assessments are below. Students not reaching mastery will receive small group instruction, and will be tested again later in the year until they test at mastery level. I have reviewed my child’s progress report. ________________________________________________ Parent Signature Questions/Concerns:__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Student Self Assessment Write (Y) for yes, (A) for Almost and (N) for No ____1. I can explain the characteristics of a persuasive article. ____2. I can explain how a small business can help the community. ____3. I can name the parts of a letter. MVP Player of the Week! Dom has been selected MVP for the week for his outstanding effort in improving his handwriting. Dom is slowing down, taking his time and leaving spaces between his words. Great work Dom! I knew you could do it! 87% at or near mastery 91% at or near mastery

2 ELA Parent Page to Help Prepare for Week 7 (Extension)
Thank you parent chaperones, we had an awesome day learning about environments and just how important it is to protect them! *Note we have such dedicated teachers that they will go “all” in to retrieve trash from a pond. Spelling and Vocabulary Week 7 Students have received their bag of spelling cards from the previous 5 weeks to use to prepare for the review test that will be given next Friday. Students will use their reading textbook to review and prepare for the vocabulary portion of the review test.

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