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AIM: How did Rome develop and expand?

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Presentation on theme: "AIM: How did Rome develop and expand?"— Presentation transcript:

1 AIM: How did Rome develop and expand?
DO NOW: Turn & Talk with a partner and create a list of two interpretations. “All roads lead to Rome.”

2 Geography Italian Peninsula
Natural crossroads for trade, cultural exchange, and conquest of the Mediterranean Basin Provided protection from invasion by sea

3 Early Roman History Latin Ancestors 1200 BCE – 300 BCE
Settled along Tiber River Etruscans ruled Rome Greek and Carthaginian colonies nearby Romans drove out Etruscan king who ruled them Set up new government to ensure no more kings

4 The Roman Republic Patricians Republic - form of government in which affairs of state are a "public matter" Senate Two Consuls Dictator Plebeians Slaves and Freedmen Twelve Tablets* Laws written down and placed in the forum (center of city). Allowed plebeians to appeal judgments by patricians Elected Tribunes to veto laws

5 Expansion The Punic Wars
Rome vs. Carthage (Rome’s political & economic competitor in the Mediterranean area) Rome Wins = moved on to conquer Western Europe & extend Roman influence throughout the Mediterranean basin. Roman culture followed Roman conquests. (CULTURAL DIFFUSION)

6 Expansion Julius Caesar Successful military commander
Forced Senate to name him dictator Implemented reforms Public works programs Gave land to poor Reorganized provincial governments Granted citizenship to more people Fall of Julius Caesar Murdered on the Ides of March by Brutus

7 Augustus After the death of Julius Caesar, a new round of Civil Wars begin  Octavian is triumphant Gains absolute power 31 BCE -14 CE Given title of Augustus (Exalted One), declares him princeps (First Citizen) Lays foundation for a stable government

8 Pax Romana (Roman Peace)
Literature, history and philosophy Virgil Horace: satirize Art & Architecture Mosaic Pantheon Colosseum Science & Math Engineering Road System Aqueducts Ptolemy: Earth was center of the universe

9 Roman Emperors…the Good, Bad & Weird
Directions: pick a roman emperor and using his biography, create a song about that emperor. (Helpful, use the beat of a current song with substituted lyrics)

10 Do Now: Roman Emperor Song Performances
Aim: How did Christianity emerge and then spread to become the official religion of the Roman empire? Do Now: Roman Emperor Song Performances

11 Early Religious History
Includes diverse religions Polytheism: Jupiter, Mars, Juno, Venus, etc. “mystery religions” ex: Cult of Isis Generally, Rome tolerated varied religious traditions DIVISIONS = arise in Judea Idea of the messiah

12 This map gives a little more detail – The yellow shows when the Empire began with the rise of Caesar Augustus, the green is the territory Augustus added to the empire, and the Red shows the empire at the death of Marcus Aurelius in 180 AD. So you see -the empire was growing during the rise of Christianity; -Judea was a recent addition to the empire out on its eastern edge.

13 Rome: The Right Time…the Right Place!
GEOGRAPHIC FACTORS PHILOSOPHICAL FACTORS POLITICAL FACTORS RELIGIOUS FACTORS Geography, Philosophy, and Politics all paved the way for Christianity to spread. Christianity could not have expanded the way it did at any other time in history. But there are even more important factors than just the Roman culture: RELIGIOUS FACTORS Blending of Greek & Other Religious beliefs Polytheism… Many Gods Pagan State recognition of Traditional Greek Gods Emperor cult worship

14 The Rise of Christianity
Monotheistic Jesus is Son of God Life & teachings of Jesus New Testament Believed in life after death – heaven/hell All people equal before God 10 Commandments Christian Church

15 Christianity & Rome Conflicts = Monotheism vs. Polytheism
Persecution of Christians – Nero Acceptance = Constantine’s Edict of Toleration (313 AD) Theodosius declares Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire (380 AD) Augustine & the Rise of the Holy Roman Empire (d. 430 AD

16 *As the Roman Empire declined the Catholic Church grew in importance, membership, and power.

17 Christian Persecution Reading
Directions: Read the provided text and complete the attached document.

18 AIM: What forces caused the fall of the Western Roman Empire?
Do Now: What does this quote mean to you? “The sun never sets on the Roman Empire.”

19 The Roman Empire Stable Secure Powerful!


21 Emperor Diocletian Ruled with iron fist and limited personal freedoms
Doubled size of army Sought to control inflation Divided empire in two: Greek Speaking East & Latin Speaking West

22 Emperor Constantine Moves capital of empire east to Byzantium; builds new city New city is later renamed Constantinople Eastern empire flourishes due to trade and wealth

23 Western Empire Crumbles
“long decline” Final collapse was due to: Worsening internal problems Separation of the Western Empire from wealthier East Outside invasions

24 Germanic Invasions Mongol nomads, The Huns, forced Germanic peoples on empire’s borders to push into Roman lands Last Roman Emperor, Romulus Augustulus, ousted by Germanic forces in 476 AD


26 Finished.

27 Political Cartoon – Exit Slip
Directions: Create a political cartoon representing your #1 Theory on why the Roman Empire collapsed.

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