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Welcome Back!.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Back!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Back!

2 4/17/15 Turn in your Ecology book. Get ready to go to computer lab

3 1/14/15 Describe the cells produced in meiosis.

4 1/7/15 What are the stages of the cell cycle? Why does a cell divide?
Get out yesterday’s Cell Cycle handout so that we can go over it.

5 1/8/15 During which phase of mitosis do the chromatids separate from each other? During which phase do they line up on the equator of the cell?

6 1/9/14 What are 3 forms of asexual reproduction that takes place in eukaryotes? Log into Kahoot. Prepare for your quiz.

7 1/12/15 How are tissues, organs, and systems related?

8 1/13/15 What are two sources of stem cells? Get ready for your quiz.

9 1/14/15 Describe the cells formed in meiosis.

10 1/15/15 Draw and label a pair of homologous chromosomes and label the sister chromatids.

11 1/16/15 Get your notebook ready and turn it in.
We are headed to the computer lab.

12 1/20/15 What is gametogenesis? What is produced? And how many?
See pg 95 in IR. Read pgs in IR

13 1/21/15 Who is considered the father of genetics?
What was the ratio of the pea plants in the F2 generation?

14 1/22/15 What is Mendel’s first law of genetics? Also know as the Law of Segregation. Complete the study guide for 6.1 and 6.2 for remediation. If you complete it 100% by tomorrow your quiz grade will be raised to a 70. Trust me you need it!

15 1/23/15 Prepare for your vocab quiz
Get your study guide out to turn in.

16 1/26/15 Black fur is dominant to white fur. Draw a punnett square assuming one parent is heterozygous and one is white. List the phenotypes of the children.

17 2/4/15 What is the difference between a gene and an allelle?

18 1/27/15 What is a test cross?

19 1/28/15 What is crossing over? When does it occur?
What is the benefit of crossing over?

20 1/29/15 Test Day! Put your notebooks in the crate and get a pencil ready!

21 1/30/15 What is a pedigree? Look it up in the interactive reader.

22 2/2/15 What do circles indicate in a pedigree?
What do squares indicate? Start a new page in your notebook

23 2/3/15 What is the benefit of crossing over? When does it occur?
Draw it.

24 2/5/15 Bell Ringer test! Get your notebooks out.

25 2/6/14 What chromosome are sex linked traits usually carried on? Why?

26 2/9/15 Where are sex linked genes usually located? Why?

27 2/10/15 Cross a female carrier of hemophilia with a normal male.
List the phenotypes of the offspring. Do any of the children have hemophilia.

28 2/11/15 If I cross a red flower with a white flower and get a pink flower, is it codominant or incompletely dominant?

29 2/12/15 If I cross a red flower with a white flower and get a white flower with red spots, is it codominant or incompletely dominant?

30 2/13/15 Put your notebook in the crate. Make sure your table of contents is up to date and everything is properly attached. Prepare for your test. You need a pencil.

31 2/18/15 What do you already know about DNA? What do you want to know?

32 2/19/15 Draw and label a nucleotide Power up to Kahoot!

33 2/23/15 What make up the backbone of the DNA structure? (the outside of the ladder) What kinds of bonds hold them together?

34 2/24/15 What is the name of the enzyme that is responsible for placing the correct nucleotides on the new strand of DNA? What kind of macromolecule are enzymes?

35 2/25/15 In what phase of the cell cycle does DNA replication occur?
Why is it necessary?

36 2/26/15 What is the central dogma?
If DNA is CGTACACT, what is the complimentary RNA strand?

37 2/27/15 What is the amino acid? UGA AUG GCC UCG

38 3/2/15 quiz over tomorrow! ________________happens in the nucleus and uses DNA as a template to make _________which then goes to the cytoplasm and joins a ribosome. ______________happens in the cytoplasm. _____________pairs with the mRNA to make proteins. It transports amino acids to the ribosome.

39 3/3/15 Transcribe DNA to mRNA: CGACTG Translate the mRNA to tRNA

40 3/3/15 Bellringer question: What is a mutation?
Copy the diagram on the right on pg 33 of your notebook. Leave enough space to write in the boxes.

41 3/5/15 What are 2 kinds of Gene mutations? Which has a greater impact, gene mutations or chromosomal mutations?

42 3/9/15 What is a frameshift mutation? And what is the result of this kind of mutation?` List one thing you learned from the video on Friday.

43 3/10/15 Review your notes for the test.
Make sure that you have a pencil.

44 3/11/15 Using your interactive reader, find the definition of restriction enzymes. (Chapter 9)

45 3/12/15 Where do restriction enzymes come from?
What are they used for?

46 3/16/15 Name three things that PCR can be used for.
Think about the song!

47 3/18/15 Where do restriction enzymes come from? What do they do?
What process are they used in? Get ready to kahoot and take your quiz.

48 3/19/15 Get your notebook out of the crate. They are not graded yet
Define Cloning How do you feel about cloning? Yes or no?

49 3/20/15 Get your study guides out. Get ready for your quiz

50 3/25 Bell ringer test. Get your notebooks out!

51 3/26/15 What is natural selection? What are adaptations?


53 3/27/15 List the 4 parts to Natural Selection Hint…
3/27/15 List the 4 parts to Natural Selection Hint….look on your study guide!

54 4/7/15 Which biome has permanently frozen soil?
In which biome would you find lush vegetation, precipitation year round, and poor topsoil?

55 4/8/15 What are homologous structures? What are analogous structures?
Which one has a common ancestor?

56 4/9/15 Explain punctuated equilibrium. Explain gradualism

57 4/10/15 Get ready for your test. You need a pencil.
Turn your notebooks in. Happy Friday….30 more days!

58 4/13/15 Osmosis is an example of A) cytolysis. B) active transport.
C) passive transport. D) a chemical change. Which organelle is a membrane-bound sac which stores nutrients within the cell? A) endoplasmic reticulum B) Golgi complex C) nucleus D) vacuole

59 4/14/15 What are density independent and density dependent factors?
List an example of each.

60 4/15/15 What are renewable and non renewable resources?
Give an example of each.

61 4/16/15 Draw a food chain. Include a producer and a primary, secondary, and tertiary consumer. Get ready for your quiz. Have you been on study island?????

62 4/20/15 What is the difference in a prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell?
Give an example of each.

63 4/21/15 Cell review quiz Thursday
List 3 ways that plant cells differ from animal cells.

64 4/22/15 What are the 3 kinds of passive transport?
What 2 things can affect enzymes? Enzymes are what kind of macromolecule?

65 4/23/15 What are the two reactions in photosynthesis??
What are the 3 parts of aerobic respiration? Get ready for your quiz. Turn in your cells booklet.

66 4/24/15 What are the 3 parts to a nucleotide?
What are 2 differences between RNA and DNA?

67 5/4/15 Get out your genetics thinking map. We will be having an open notes genetics review quiz. Wednesday is the last day for Study Island Milestones is THURSDAY Bell ringer test is FRIDAY

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