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Presentation Basics Lesson 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation Basics Lesson 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation Basics Lesson 2

2 Objectives

3 Software Orientation: PowerPoint’s New Presentation Dialog Box

4 Step-by-Step: Create a Blank Presentation
Before you begin these steps, make sure that your computer is on. Log on, if necessary. START PowerPoint, if the program is not already running. Click the File tab. Backstage view opens. Click New. The New Presentation window opens, as shown previously in the figure on slide 4. NOTE: You need to use the New Presentation window only when another presentation is open, when no presentation is open, or when you want to create a new presentation based on a template or theme.

5 Step-by-Step: Create a Blank Presentation
In the Available Templates and Themes pane, click the Blank Presentation icon, then click the Create button in the lower-right corner of the New Presentation window. A new, blank presentation appears in Normal view, as shown in the figure. LEAVE the blank presentation open to use in the next exercise. Another Way: Press Ctrl+N to open a new, blank presentation without using the New Presentation window. If another presentation is already open, the blank presentation opens in a separate window.

6 Step-by-Step: Choose a Different Layout
USE the new, blank presentation that is still open from the previous exercise. Click the Home tab to make it active, if necessary, then click Layout. A drop-down menu (called a gallery) appears, displaying PowerPoint’s default layouts, as shown in the figure. The title of the gallery is Office Theme, indicating that all these layouts come from the default theme (named Office).

7 Step-by-Step: Choose a Different Layout
Click the Title and Content thumbnail in the gallery. The gallery closes and PowerPoint applies the chosen layout to the current slide, as in the figure. LEAVE the presentation open to use in the next exercise. Another Way: To change a slide’s layout, right-click a blank area of the slide outside a placeholder. When the shortcut menu opens, point to Layout, and then click a layout. Cross Reference: You will work with other slide layouts in Lesson 4.

8 Step-by-Step: Add Text to a Blank Slide
USE the slide that is still on the screen from the preceding exercise. Click the title placeholder at the top of the slide. The text Click to add title ­disappears and a blinking insertion point appears in the placeholder. Type Discussion Points. Click the text at the top of the lower placeholder. The words Click to add text ­disappear and the insertion point appears.

9 Step-by-Step: Add Text to a Blank Slide
Type Customer surveys, then press Enter to move the insertion point down to a new line. Type Inventory tracking and press Enter. Type Absenteeism policy and press Enter. Type Break and press Enter. Type Store security and press Enter. Type Store closing procedures and press Enter.

10 Step-by-Step: Add Text to a Blank Slide
Type Cash drawer management, then click anywhere in the blank area outside the placeholder to clear its borders from the screen. Your slide should look like the one in the figure. LEAVE the presentation open to use in the next exercise. Take Note: If you click any of the icons in the lower placeholder, PowerPoint will display tools for adding non-text content, such as a table or chart. These types of content are covered in later lessons.

11 Step-by-Step: Save a New Presentation
USE the presentation that is still on the screen from the preceding exercise. On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Save. The Save As dialog box appears. Navigate to the folder where you want to save your files. Select the text in the File name box by dragging the mouse pointer over it, and then press Delete to delete it. Another Way: When saving a presentation for the first time, you can open the Save As dialog box by pressing Ctrl+S.

12 Step-by-Step: Save a New Presentation
Type Managers Meeting, as shown in the figure. Click Save. PowerPoint saves the presentation in the folder you chose, under the name you have given it. LEAVE the presentation open to use in the next exercise.

13 Step-by-Step: Choose a Different File Format
USE the Managers Meeting presentation that is still open from the previous exercise. Click the File tab, then click the Save As command. The Save As dialog box reappears. Next to Save as Type, click the current type: PowerPoint Presentation. A menu of file types opens.

14 Step-by-Step: Choose a Different File Format
Click PowerPoint Presentation. The file type changes. See the figure. Navigate to the folder where you want to save your files. (This step is not necessary if you want to save the file in the same folder you used in the previous exercise.)

15 Step-by-Step: Choose a Different File Format
Select the file’s name in the File name box, delete the name, and then type Old Format Discussion Points. Click Save, and then close the presentation. LEAVE PowerPoint open to use in the next exercise. NOTE: Because you are saving the presentation in a different file format, it is not necessary to give it a new name. Files of different formats can have the same file name. This exercise renames it anyway. Cross Reference: Lesson 10 covers the details of saving in many different formats, including saving slides as pictures and saving presentations in PDF or XPS format.

16 Step-by-Step: Set the Save Options
To set the save options, do the following: Click the File tab and then click Options. The PowerPoint Options dialog box opens. Click the Save category in the left panel of the dialog box. The Save Options appear in the right panel. Open the Save Files In This Format drop-down list and examine the available file types. See the figure. Do not change the current setting (PowerPoint Presentation). Take Note: No presentation is open as you begin this exercise, but that’s not important. These steps can be completed without having a presentation open.

17 Step-by-Step: Set the Save Options
In the Default file location text box, take note of the location referenced. (Optional) Change the location in the Default file location text box to the location where you are storing your completed work for this course. If you do this, you will not have to change the location for saving and opening files every time you want to save or open files for class exercises and projects. Click OK to close the dialog box. Click Save, then close the presentation. LEAVE PowerPoint open to use in the next exercise. Take Note: By default, files are stored in the Documents (or My Documents) folder for the current user. In Windows Vista and Windows 7, this is the C:\Users\username\Documents folder, where username is the current user. That’s what appears as the default in Figure 2-8, for example.

18 Step-by-Step: Create a Presentation from a Template
To create a presentation from a template, do the following: Click the File tab. Click New in the left panel of Backstage view to open the New Presentation window.

19 Step-by-Step: Create a Presentation from a Template
Under Available Templates and Themes, click Sample Templates. Thumbnail images of the templates stored on your PC appear, as shown in the figure. A preview of the selected template appears in the Preview pane on the right side of the New Presentation window.

20 Step-by-Step: Create a Presentation from a Template
Click the Classic Photo Album thumbnail, then click Create in the Preview pane. PowerPoint opens a new presentation based on the selected template. It contains several sample slides with text and graphics. On slide 1, select CLASSIC PHOTO ALBUM and type NORTHWIND TRADERS to replace it.

21 Step-by-Step: Create a Presentation from a Template
Click the text in the subtitle placeholder to place the insertion point there, and then type New Product Preview. See the figure. Take Note: In Figure 2-10, and perhaps on your screen too, NORTHWIND has a wavy red underline, indicating that the word is not in PowerPoint’s dictionary. You can ignore that for now. Lesson 3 covers using the spell-check feature.

22 Step-by-Step: Create a Presentation from a Template
On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Save. The Save As dialog box appears. Navigate to the folder where you want to save your files, then save the presentation with the file name New Product Preview. LEAVE the presentation open to use in the next exercise. NOTE: You can change a presentation’s theme from the Design tab; you don’t have to create a new presentation based on a template just to get a new look. You will learn how to change themes in Lesson 4.

23 Step-by-Step: Add a New Slide
USE the New Product Preview presentation that is still open from the previous exercise. On the Home tab, click the New Slide button drop-down arrow. A gallery opens, showing thumbnail images of the slide layouts that are available for this template, as shown in the figure.

24 Step-by-Step: Add a New Slide
Scroll down to the bottom of the gallery, then click Title and Content. On the new slide, click the title placeholder and type THIS YEAR’S NEW PRODUCTS. Click the sample text at the top of the second placeholder, and then type the following items, each on its own line: Women’s jackets Men’s jackets Boots Backpacks Flannel shirts Fleece Turtlenecks Underwear Socks Take Note: To view the New Slide gallery, you must click the New Slide button’s drop-down arrow. If you click the face of the New Slide button, PowerPoint will insert the default new slide for the current template.

25 Step-by-Step: Add a New Slide
Click in the area surrounding the slide to clear the placeholder’s border. When you are done, your slide should look like the one shown in the figure. On the View tab, click the Normal button to switch to Normal view, and in the Slides/Outline pane, click the Outline tab.

26 Step-by-Step: Add a New Slide
Click to place the text insertion point after the word Socks in slide 2 and press Enter, creating a new paragraph. At this point the new paragraph is a bullet on slide 2. Press Shift+Tab. The new paragraph is promoted into a new slide title. Type Clearance Items and press Enter. A new paragraph appears. Because the previous paragraph was a slide title, the new one is too. Press Tab. The new paragraph is indented so that it is a bullet on the Clearance Items slide. Take Note: Some of the slides in the Outline tab show no text in their Title placeholder; that’s because this presentation is based on a photo album template.

27 Step-by-Step: Add a New Slide
Type the following items, pressing Enter after each one to place it in its own paragraph: Biking accessories Camping supplies Spelunking gear After all the text is typed in for the new slide, it appears in the Outline as shown in the figure. LEAVE the presentation open to use in the next exercise. Another Way: With the Slides tab selected in the Slides/Outline pane, you can click to place a flashing horizontal line after an existing slide, and then press Enter to create a new blank slide that uses the same layout as the one before it.

28 Step-by-Step: Duplicate Non-Contiguous Slides
USE the New Product Preview presentation that is still open from the previous exercise. Click the Slide Sorter button on the View tab to switch to Slide Sorter view. The presentation’s slides appear together in a single pane.

29 Step-by-Step: Duplicate Non-Contiguous Slides
Change the Zoom level to 90% for the Slide Sorter pane by clicking the minus sign button at the left end of the Zoom slider. See the figure.

30 Step-by-Step: Duplicate Non-Contiguous Slides
Click slide 4. A yellow outline appears around it, indicating that it is selected. Hold down Ctrl and click slide 7. A yellow outline appears around it too. Click the Home tab and click Copy. The two slides are copied to the Clipboard. Click to the right of slide 9. A flashing vertical line appears there. Another Way: You can also press Ctrl+C to copy, and Ctrl+V to paste.

31 Step-by-Step: Duplicate Non-Contiguous Slides
On the Home tab, click Paste. The copied slides are pasted after slide 9, as in the figure.

32 Step-by-Step: Duplicate Non-Contiguous Slides
Click slide 2 to select it. On the Home tab, open the New Slide button’s drop-down list. Click Duplicate Selected Slides. A copy of slide 2 is pasted directly following the original slide 2. SAVE the presentation file and CLOSE it. LEAVE PowerPoint open for the next exercise.

33 Step-by-Step: Rearrange the Slides in a Presentation
To rearrange the slides in a presentation, do the following: OPEN the Management Values presentation and save it as Management Values Final. Click the View tab, then click the Slide Sorter button to switch to Slide Sorter view. The presentation’s slides appear together in a single window. Use the Zoom control in the Status Bar to set the Zoom to 70%.

34 Step-by-Step: Rearrange the Slides in a Presentation
Click slide 5 and begin dragging it toward the space between slides 3 and 4. When a vertical line appears between slides 3 and 4 (as shown in the figure), release the mouse button. The moved slide is now slide 4. Switch to Normal view, and display the Outline tab in the Slides/Outline pane. On the Outline tab, click the icon to the left of slide 7’s title. All the text from slide 7 is selected. Small business owner: © Fuse/Getty Images, Inc. Business colleagues working together: © Fuse/Getty Images, Inc.

35 Step-by-Step: Rearrange the Slides in a Presentation
Drag slide 7’s icon downward. When a vertical line appears between slides 8 and 9, release the mouse button. The moved slide is now slide 8. See the figure. In the Slides/Outline pane, display the Slides tab, and select slide 8.

36 Step-by-Step: Rearrange the Slides in a Presentation
Drag slide 8 downward. When a vertical line appears between slides 9 and 10, as in the figure, release the mouse button. The moved slide is now slide 9. SAVE the presentation. LEAVE the presentation open to use in the next exercise. Space Needle and Seattle skyline: © Fuse/Getty Images, Inc. Another Way: You can also use the Clipboard to move slides: select a slide and use the Cut command (Ctrl+X) to move it to the Clipboard, and then position the insertion point and use the Paste command (Ctrl+V) to paste it from the Clipboard.

37 Step-by-Step: Delete a Slide
USE the Management Values Final presentation that is still open from the previous exercise. In Slide Sorter view, click slide 10. Press the Delete key. The slide is removed from the presentation. SAVE the presentation. CLOSE the presentation file. LEAVE PowerPoint open for the next exercise. Another Way: You can also delete a selected slide by clicking the Delete button on the Home tab.

38 Step-by-Step: Start a Presentation from a Word Outline
To start a presentation from a Word outline, do the following: Click the File tab. Click Open to display the Open dialog box. If needed, navigate to the folder that contains the data files for this lesson. The Open dialog box might have opened to that location automatically. Open the File type drop-down list by clicking the All PowerPoint Presentations button.

39 Step-by-Step: Start a Presentation from a Word Outline
In the File type list, click All Outlines. The file listing in the dialog box changes to show outlines (including Word documents). The file location is the same; the only thing that’s changed is the filter that determines which file types are displayed. See the figure.

40 Step-by-Step: Start a Presentation from a Word Outline
Click Computer Use Policy.docx. Click the Open button. The outline opens as a new presentation. SAVE the new presentation as Computer Use Policy Final.pptx. LEAVE the presentation open to use in the next exercise. NOTE: Even though you used the Open command and not the New command, PowerPoint still started a new presentation. Look at the file name in the title bar of the application; it is a generic name such as Presentation5, not the name of the original Word document. That's why you have to save it in step 8.

41 Step-by-Step: Promote and Demote Content
USE the Computer Use Policy Final presentation that is still open from the previous exercise. Select slide 2, and click at the beginning of the second line of the bulleted list (Desktops, laptops and handheld systems). Press Tab. The second bulleted list item is demoted, making it subordinate to the preceding item in the list (Computers:), as shown in the figure.

42 Step-by-Step: Promote and Demote Content
Click at the beginning of the third line of the bulleted list (Network servers and hardware) and press Tab. The item is demoted. Select the last two bullets on the slide and press Tab. They are both demoted to a lower outline level. The figure shows the completed slide.

43 Step-by-Step: Promote and Demote Content
In the Slides/Outline pane, click the Outline tab. On the Outline tab, select the last three paragraphs on slide 2 (The Software heading and both of its subordinate bullet points). Press Shift+Tab. The Software heading is promoted to its own slide, and the two bullet points beneath it are promoted to first-level bullet points. Delete the colon (:) following Software on the slide title. See the figure.

44 Step-by-Step: Promote and Demote Content
Select the slide 2 title (Ownership) and press Delete to remove it. The bullets that were subordinate to it move to slide 1. On slide 1, select the bullets that were previously subordinate to Ownership (Computers: and the two bullet points subordinate to it) and press Shift+Tab. The selected text is promoted to its own slide. Select the Computers: title on the slide layout and type Hardware to replace it. The figure shows the completed slide. SAVE the presentation and then close the file. LEAVE PowerPoint open to use in the next exercise.

45 Step-by-Step: Reuse a Slide from a Presentation
REOPEN the New Product Preview presentation that you created earlier in this lesson. On the Home tab, click the New Slide button drop-down arrow. At the bottom of the gallery, click Reuse Slides. The Reuse Slides task pane opens on the right side of the window (see the figure).

46 Step-by-Step: Reuse a Slide from a Presentation
In the task pane, click the Browse button. A drop-down list opens. Click Browse File. The Browse dialog box opens. Locate and open New Jackets. The presentation’s slides appear in the task pane, as shown in the figure. In the task pane, hover the mouse over slide 2. A larger version of the slide appears. Man plowing snow with skis: © Fuse/Getty Images, Inc. Girl snowboarding: © Fuse/Getty Images, Inc.

47 Step-by-Step: Reuse a Slide from a Presentation
In the Slides/Outline pane, on the Slides tab, click slide 2 to select it. In the task pane, click slide 2 of the New Jackets presentation. The slide is inserted into the New Product Preview presentation as the new slide 3. Click the Close button in the upper-right corner of the task pane. SAVE and CLOSE the New Product Preview presentation. LEAVE PowerPoint open to use in the next exercise.

48 Step-by-Step: Paste Content from Word into PowerPoint
START with PowerPoint open. OPEN the Cashier Training presentation and SAVE it as Cashier Training Final. START Microsoft Word, and open Other Resources.docx in it. The procedure for opening files in Word is the same as in PowerPoint. Using the Windows taskbar, switch back to the Cashier Training Final file in PowerPoint. In the Slides/Outline pane in PowerPoint, display the Outline tab, and scroll down to the bottom of the presentation.

49 Step-by-Step: Paste Content from Word into PowerPoint
Click after the last bullet point on the last slide and press Enter, creating a new paragraph. Press Shift+Tab to promote the new paragraph to a new slide. See the figure.

50 Step-by-Step: Paste Content from Word into PowerPoint
Using the Windows taskbar, switch to the Other Resources file in Word. Select the heading (Other Resources) and press Ctrl+C to copy it to the Clipboard. Switch back to PowerPoint. If the insertion point is not already on the Outline tab next to the slide 9 icon, click to place it there. Press Ctrl+V to paste the text. The text appears as the slide’s title, and a Paste Options icon appears below the text. If you don’t see the icon, move the mouse pointer over slide 9’s icon to the left of the pasted text.

51 Step-by-Step: Paste Content from Word into PowerPoint
Click the Paste Options icon to open its menu. Its menu contains three icons, shown in the figure. Click Keep Source Formatting (the middle icon). The pasted text’s font changes to the original font it had in the Word document. Switch to the Other Resources file in Word, and select the bulleted list. Press Ctrl+C to copy it to the Clipboard. Switch to PowerPoint, and click the Click To Add Text placeholder on the left side of the slide (in the Slide pane) to move the insertion point into that text box.

52 Step-by-Step: Paste Content from Word into PowerPoint
On the Home tab, click the Paste button drop-down arrow. A menu opens, containing the same types of icons as found on the Paste Options icon’s menu (step 6), and also containing a Paste Special command. See the figure. Click Paste Special. The Paste Special dialog box opens. Verify that the Paste option button is selected.

53 Step-by-Step: Paste Content from Word into PowerPoint
On the As list, click Formatted Text (RTF). See the figure. Click OK. The text is pasted into the slide keeping the text’s original formatting. The text overflows the placeholder’s borders. That is normal at this point. Triple-click the last bullet on the slide (Special training) to select it, and press Ctrl+X to cut it to the Clipboard.

54 Step-by-Step: Paste Content from Word into PowerPoint
Click in the Click To Add Text placeholder on the right side of the slide, and press Ctrl+V to paste the bullet into that placeholder box (see the figure). SAVE the Cashier Training Final presentation. CLOSE Word without saving the changes to Other Resources.docx. LEAVE the presentation open to use in the next exercise.

55 Step-by-Step: Add Notes in the Notes Pane
USE the Cashier Training Final presentation that is still open from the previous exercise. Display slide 2 in Normal view. Click in the Notes pane (below the Slide pane) to place the insertion point there.

56 Step-by-Step: Add Notes in the Notes Pane
In the Notes pane, type Emphasize the importance of building customer good-will as a cashier. Your screen should look like the figure. SAVE the presentation. LEAVE the presentation open to use in the next exercise. Take Note: You can edit and delete text in the Notes pane just as you can in the Slide pane or on the Outline tab. Select text with the mouse pointer; use the Delete and Backspace keys to delete text.

57 Step-by-Step: Add Notes in Notes Page View
USE the Cashier Training Final presentation that is still open from the previous exercise. Display slide 2 if it is not already displayed. On the View tab, click the Notes Pages button to switch to Notes Page view. On the vertical scroll bar, click below the scroll box once to move to slide 3.

58 Step-by-Step: Add Notes in Notes Page View
Click in the Click To Add Text box below the slide, and type Welcome employees to the training session and introduce yourself. Briefly go through the agenda points (see the figure). SAVE the presentation. LEAVE the presentation open to use in the next exercise. Take Note: If you have difficulty seeing what you are typing, use the Zoom control to zoom in.

59 Step-by-Step: Use Print Preview and Change the Print Layout
USE the Cashier Training Final presentation that is still open from the previous exercise. Switch to Normal view, and display slide 1. Click the File tab, and click Print. A preview of the print job appears on the right side. The default print layout is Full Page Slides, as in the figure. Take Note: If the printer selected under the Printer heading prints only in black and white, Print Preview will display your slides in grayscale. The default printer is set within Windows, not within PowerPoint; open the Printers folder in the Control Panel in Windows to change the default printer.

60 Step-by-Step: Use Print Preview and Change the Print Layout
Click the right-pointing arrow at the bottom of the window. A preview of slide 2 appears. To the left of the preview, under the Settings heading, click Full Page Slides to open a menu of layouts. Click 6 Slides Vertical on the menu of layouts. Print Preview changes to show a page containing six small slides, as in the figure.

61 Step-by-Step: Use Print Preview and Change the Print Layout
Click 6 Slides Vertical, and then click Outline. Print Preview shows the presentation as a text-only outline. Click the Home tab to leave Backstage view without printing anything. LEAVE the presentation open to use in the next exercise.

62 Step-by-Step: Set Print Options
USE the Cashier Training Final presentation that is still open from the previous exercise. Click the File tab, and click Print. The printing options and Print Preview appear in Backstage view. In the Copies box at the top of the window, type 2 to print two copies. Click the name of the printer under the Printer heading. A menu appears of other available printers (if any). See the figure. Another Way: You can also press Ctrl+P to open the Print section of Backstage view.

63 Step-by-Step: Set Print Options
Click away from the open menu to close it without making a change. In the Slides text box (under Print All Slides), type 1-3. This sets only the first three slides to be printed, and Print All Slides changes to Custom Range. Click the Custom Range button, and note the command at the bottom of its menu: Print Hidden Slides. That option is not currently available because there are no hidden slides in this presentation.

64 Step-by-Step: Set Print Options
Click away from the menu to close it without making a change. Click the Collated button to open a menu of collation options. When you are printing multiple copies, you can choose to have the copies collated or not. Click away from the Collated button’s menu to close it without making a change. Click the Color button to open a menu of color options. Take Note: If a black and white printer is selected, the Color button will appear as a Grayscale button instead.

65 Step-by-Step: Set Print Options
Click Pure Black and White from the Color button’s menu. Print Preview changes to show how the setting will affect the printouts. Take Note: In some presentations, there is a difference between Grayscale and Pure Black and White modes. In this particular presentation, there is not, because there are no non-background graphics to convert to grayscale images. Figure 2-37 shows the preview of slide 1 in Pure Black and White mode.

66 Step-by-Step: Set Print Options
Click the Full Page Slides button to open its menu. At the bottom of the menu, click Frame Slides. A border is added to each slide. If you want to print now, click the Print button. Otherwise click the Home tab or press Esc to leave Backstage view without printing. LEAVE the presentation open to use in the next exercise.

67 Step-by-Step: Preview a Presentation
USE the Cashier Training Final presentation that is still open from the previous exercise. On the Slide Show tab, click From Beginning. PowerPoint changes to Slide Show view and the first slide appear in full-screen mode. Click the left mouse button to move to the next slide. Keep clicking the mouse until all of the slides have been viewed. When you click the mouse on the last slide, PowerPoint displays a black screen. Click the left mouse button to return to Normal view. SAVE and CLOSE the Cashier Training Final presentation. EXIT PowerPoint. Take Note: You can also switch to Slide Show view by pressing F5 or by clicking the Slide Show View icon in the lower-right corner of the PowerPoint window. Take Note: You can exit from Slide Show view at any time by pressing Esc. You do not have to go through every slide.

68 Lesson Summary

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