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Spring 2018 Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) & Statewide Science Assessment Paper-Based Training Materials Grades 4–7 ELA Writing Grade 3 ELA Reading.

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1 Spring 2018 Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) & Statewide Science Assessment Paper-Based Training Materials Grades 4–7 ELA Writing Grade 3 ELA Reading Grades 5 and 8 Science

2 Test Administration Manual
Instructions for administering the paper- based Grades 4–7 ELA Writing and Grade 3 ELA Reading Assessments are included in the Spring 2018 FSA PBT Manual. Corrections: On page vi, cross out Reminder #6, regarding PBT accommodations which do not apply. On page 48, under Ensure Implementation of Accommodations, cross out “for ELA Reading” – the guidance applies to all subjects. “If students will receive an oral presentation accommodation for FSA ELA Reading, ensure that test administrators are familiar …”

3 Test Administration Manual
Instructions for administering the Statewide Science Assessment are included in the Spring 2018 Grades 5 & 8 Statewide Science Assessment Test Administration Manual. Available at

4 Appendices Appendices in the Spring 2018 FSA PBT Manual include:
Appendix A—Accommodations Appendix B—FSA Help Desk Appendix C—FSA Paper-Based Materials Return Instructions Appendix D—Florida Test Security Statute and Rule Appendix E—Perforated Forms and Signs Appendices in the Spring 2018 Statewide Science Manual include: Appendix A: Accommodations Appendix B: Florida Test Security Statute and Rule Appendix C: Perforated Forms and Signs

5 Pearson Resources Avocet
An online resource guide, available for locating information on topics related to the FCAT 2.0 and NGSSS EOC assessments Support materials are located (e.g., scripts, forms, checklists) on 2017–2018 Florida PearsonAccess Next User Guide Step-by-step instructions for commonly performed school tasks in PearsonAccess Next available at Avocet website. Pearson Access Next Florida Resource Center Portal to locate resources for Pearson statewide assessments at to access test administration activities, training, and other resources. PearsonAccess Next ( For PBT administrations, website to add new students, print the On-Demand PreID labels, and access the prepopulated Security Checklist.

6 Test Administration Schedule
Weekly Briefing ID #: 22326 PBT Test Grades Testing Day(s) Make-up Testing FSA ELA Writing* 4-7 March 6 March 7-9 FSA ELA Reading 3 April 17-18 April 19-20 FL Statewide Science 5 May 1-2 May 3-4 8 May 1 May 2-4 Note: Schools must adhere to the district-designated testing day(s). *Writing Make-up Window #1: April 2-6, 2018 (Grades 4-10 results in initial reporting; Writing Retake results in late reporting) *Writing Make-up Window #2: May 14-18, 2018 (Grades 4-10 results in late reporting; No Writing Retake offered) Any deviation from this schedule requires written approval from the Florida Department of Education.

7 Test Administration Information
Session Lengths by Subject FSA ELA Writing The Grades 4–7 FSA ELA Writing assessments are administered in one 120-minute session. FSA ELA Reading The Grade 3 FSA ELA Reading assessment is administered in two 80-minute sessions over two days. FL Statewide Science Grade 5 Science is administered in two 80-minute test sessions over two days. Grade 8 Science is administered in two 80-minute test sessions in one day.

8 Calibration Schools FSA ELA Calibration Schools
Schools designated as ELA calibration schools will receive striped return labels that will be used to return TO BE SCORED materials for paper-based calibration materials (Grades 4, 5, 6, or 7 ELA Writing and Grade 3 ELA Reading). Calibration labels will be the same color as the applicable administration (e.g., gray for Grade 3 ELA Reading) but will include a stripe across the middle of the label. SAET provided a list of calibration schools to selected schools via Weekly Briefing #

9 Accommodations for PBT
For eligible students participating in the paper-based Grades 4–7 FSA ELA Writing, Grade 3 FSA ELA Reading, and Grades 5 and 8 Science assessments, the following accommodations are available: Large print Contracted braille* Uncontracted braille* One-item-per-page *FSA Braille tests are available in English Braille American Edition (EBAE) format for grades 6 through 10 and EOCs and Unified English Braille (UEB) format for all grades (refer to Weekly Briefing #21957).

10 Practice Test Materials
FSA Students participating in a Grade 3 FSA ELA Reading assessment are required to participate in a test item practice session. During these practice sessions, test administrators will use a script to walk students through the Directions for Completing Grade 3 FSA ELA Reading Paper-Based Test Item Practice handout that will familiarize them and their students with the test format and item types. Directions handouts and scripts for test item practice sessions are available on the FSA Portal. Students participating in the Grades 4–7 FSA ELA Writing assessment are NOT required to participate in a practice test, though FDOE strongly encourages them to do so.

11 Sample Test Materials FL Statewide Science Sample Test Materials
Materials are developed by FDOE to assist teachers in preparing students for the Statewide Science Assessment. Schools are encouraged to use sample test materials to familiarize students with the test format. Sample test materials can be accessed online at assessment/science.stml. Teachers should instruct students that they can access the materials themselves at any time as they prepare for testing.

12 Practice and Sample Tests
Students with a braille or large print accommodation are required to participate in a paper-based practice test using the appropriate practice materials. Please contact Mara Ugando at if you need to order braille or large print practice test materials. Students should be encouraged to access the Directions handouts for FSA, as well as the full-length paper-based practice tests and answer keys, on the FSA portal to practice on their own.

13 FSA Test Materials Spring 2018 FSA Grade 3 ELA Reading
Grade 3 ELA Reading Test and Answer Books Spring 2018 FSA Grades 4–7 ELA Writing Grade 4 ELA Writing Test and Answer Books Grade 5 ELA Writing Test and Answer Books Grade 6 ELA Writing Test and Answer Books Grade 7 ELA Writing Test and Answer Books Writing Planning Sheets

14 FSA Test Materials FSA Writing Planning Sheets (FSA Writing)
All students taking ELA Writing receive Writing Planning Sheets that they may use to take notes and plan their responses. The Testing Rules Acknowledgment is printed on the back of the sheet. Students testing on paper will sign the Testing Rules Acknowledgment printed inside the test book and may disregard the statement on their planning sheets. Planning sheets are distributed to students at the beginning of the ELA Writing test session. School assessment coordinators and test administrators must ensure that students have enough desk space to use their planning sheets. Used planning sheets are considered secure materials and must be kept in locked storage and returned in the District Assessment Coordinator ONLY boxes.

15 Statewide Science Test Materials
Spring 2018 FL Statewide Science Grade 5 Statewide Science Assessment NGSSS Test Books Grade 5 Statewide Science Assessment NGSSS Answer Books Grade 8 Statewide Science Assessment NGSSS Test Books Grade 8 Statewide Science Assessment NGSSS Answer Books Periodic Tables of the Elements (Grade 8 Science only) Four-Function Calculators (Grade 8 Science only)

16 Statewide Science Test Materials
Periodic Tables (Grade 8 Science) Periodic tables are stand-alone pages and are shipped with test materials. Test administrators will distribute periodic tables on the day of the test, according to the directions in the scripts. Students may refer to them at any time during both sessions of the test. After students complete the test, the test administrator should collect all periodic tables. Used periodic tables are secure materials and must not be reused. Return the used periodic tables in the District Assessment Coordinator ONLY boxes.

17 Statewide Science Test Materials
Four-Function Calculators (Grade 8 Science) Four-function calculators must be provided to students for Grade 8 Science. Each school should have an adequate supply of four-function calculators. Schools can order online additional four- function calculators at The school assessment coordinator and test administrators must ensure that one working calculator is available for each student in Grade 8 for use on the Science test. Calculators may not be used by students on the Grade 5 Science test.

18 Test Materials Required Materials
Ensure a unique four-digit test group code is used for each testing group. Ensure that students use No. 2 pencils to complete information on the student demographic pages, sign below the Testing Rules Acknowledgment, and record their responses. A watch or clock is required to ensure that students are provided the full amount of time indicated for each test session. Starting and stopping times should be displayed for students. If a disruption occurs during testing, note the time of the disruption in order to provide students the appropriate amount of remaining time once testing resumes. Post the Do Not Disturb, Electronic Devices, and Session signs from the manuals prior to testing where it will be visible.

19 Preidentified (PreID) File
The preidentification (PreID) information provided by MDCPS is based on student demographic information as of the following dates: New students after Jan. 19 will have to be entered in TIDE for FSA WRM and On- Demand labels MUST be printed for the students testing on paper. New students after February 23 for Science may be entered in PearsonAccess. School assessment coordinator must print a label in PearsonAccess Next or grid all student information with a No. 2 pencil. M-DCPS supplied class code, therefore the PreID labels and roster are sorted by homeroom. School staff may verify and apply labels no sooner than 5 working days prior to testing. Test Wave 1 Date* Wave 2 Date** FSA ELA Writing, Reading, and Math December 1 January 19 FL Statewide Science Grades 5 & 8 February 23 N/A *PreID student labels and rosters will be printed from wave 1 file. **Student information will be in TIDE but NO PreID labels/roster will be provided.

20 Student Demographic Information
The following student demographic information must be verified in TIDE and PearsonAccess Next before testing: District/school number Enrolled Grade Student name FLEID Birth Date Gender Ethnicity Race

21 Student Demographic Information
In addition to verifying the information on the previous slide, the following categories must also be verified, if applicable. Test Indicator Section 504 ELL Primary Exceptionality Testing Accommodations Listed on IEP or Section 504 Plan If demographic information needs to be updated in TIDE or PearsonAccess Next, follow the instructions in the TIDE User Guide and PearsonAccessNext User Guide.

22 Preidentified (PreID) Student Labels
Affix PreID Labels Please adhere to the following policies when preparing student materials: Affix labels in the box on the student demographic page that states “APPLY PREID LABEL HERE.” Please note that this box contains a barcode used for scanning unused documents that will be covered by the label on TO BE SCORED documents. Test tickets and colored return labels must not be applied to test and answer books. The PreID label number below the barcode must be readable. Be sure that the barcodes are not faded or torn.

23 Preidentified (PreID) Student Labels
Affix PreID Labels (cont.) Only the school assessment coordinator and other authorized school personnel may prepare materials and affix labels. Sealed test and answer books MUST NOT be opened. Do not use student labels from previous administrations. Ensure that the administration (e.g., SPRING 2018 FSA ELA WRITING) is correctly indicated on the label. Students and unauthorized school personnel are not permitted to assist in preparing secure materials before testing or in organizing and returning materials after testing.

24 Preidentified (PreID) Student Labels
Affix PreID Labels (cont.) Verifying student information and affixing a PreID label to a student demographic page: Verify student is enrolled and will be tested. Verify the information on the PreID roster against the school’s student information database. If any information other than the FLEID is blank or incorrect on the PreID label, the information should be entered or edited in TIDE or PearsonAccess Next, but the label may still be used. If the FLEID is incorrect for a FSA PTB, a new student record must be created in TIDE and an On-Demand PreID Label must be printed and applied directly over the incorrect label for FSA Documents. However, if the FLEID is incorrect for a Science PBT, a new student record must be created in PearsonAccess Next and an On-Demand PreID Label may be printed and applied to an unused document.

25 Preidentified (PreID) Student Labels
Sample FSA PREID Label Sample Science PREID Label

26 Test Security Policies and Procedures
FSA Security Numbers A unique identification number and barcode are printed on the front cover of all secure test and answer books. The security number consists of the last eight digits of the identification number located next to the barcode. Schools must maintain test security by using the security numbers to account for all secure test materials before, during, and after test administration until the time they are returned to the contractor.

27 Test Security Policies and Procedures
FL Statewide Science Security Numbers The security number consists of a nine-digit number followed by a check digit. The packing list will indicate the number ranges assigned to each school.

28 Test Security Policies and Procedures
Security Numbers (cont.) All regular print test and answer books and special document test materials are secure documents and must be protected from loss, theft, or reproduction in any medium. The test administrator should also maintain a record of the security numbers for all test and answer books assigned to him or her. If a test administrator receives test and answer books that are not already listed, the security numbers of those materials must be added to this record with the names of the students to whom the test materials are assigned. The security number(s) of the document(s) assigned to and returned by each student should be recorded and verified at the completion of each day of testing.

29 Test Security Policies and Procedures
Hazardous Materials If a secure document is soiled (e.g., with blood or vomit), the school assessment coordinator should the security number, test name, and grade level to Mara Ugando at School personnel may transcribe responses into a replacement test and answer book. The damaged test and answer book should then be destroyed or disposed of in a secure manner (e.g., shredding, burning). Soiled test and answer books should not be returned with test materials.

30 Test Security Policies and Procedures
Missing Materials School assessment coordinators must verify that all secure materials on the packing list are received and should report any mispackaged or missing materials. Schools must investigate any report of missing materials. If, after a thorough investigation, a secure document is not found, the school assessment coordinator must contact the Office of Student Assessment and Educational Testing (SAET) at A written report must be submitted to the Office of SAET within 7 days, after secure materials have been identified as missing.

31 Test Security Policies and Procedures
Test Materials Chain of Custody Form Maintain a Test Materials Chain of Custody Form, located in the manuals and on the portals. The purpose of this form is to track test materials at all times, including their location, the dates and times they are handled, and the names of the people performing various activities involving the materials. Schools must retain electronic or hard copies of completed forms for their files after materials are packaged for return.

32 Test Security Policies and Procedures
Security Log Test administrators are required to maintain an accurate Security Log for each testing room. Anyone who enters a testing room for the purpose of monitoring a test must sign the log for that testing room. This applies to test administrators, proctors, and anyone who relieves a test administrator, even for a short break, regardless of how much time he or she spends monitoring a testing room. After testing, copy all security logs, file the copies, and package the originals in the District Assessment Coordinator ONLY box.

33 Test Security Policies and Procedures
Seating Chart Test administrators are required to maintain an accurate seating chart for each group of students in their rooms during testing. Ensure that test administrators record all information indicated in the manuals and that they create a new seating chart if the seating configuration changes during a test session. After testing, copy all seating charts, file the copies, and package the originals in the District Assessment Coordinator ONLY boxes.

34 Test Security Policies and Procedures
Test Group Code Test group codes are used as a security measure to identify groups of students tested together. School assessment coordinators create unique four-digit codes and distribute test group codes to all test administrators. For Grade 3 ELA Reading and Science Grades 5 and 8, use the same unique four-digit test group code for both test sessions administered to the same group of students. Each testing room must use a different test group code. Students will write and grid the test group code on the front of their test and answer books, as indicated in the scripts, and test administrators will record the code with their required administration information. A different unique test group code must be provided for each make- up session.

35 Test Invalidation Policies and Procedures
Remember that the main purpose of invalidation is to identify when the validity of test results has been compromised. Test administrators should discuss any situation involving possible invalidation with the school assessment coordinator, and the situation should be investigated immediately. For assistance identifying circumstances when invalidation is an appropriate course of action, review the guidelines in the Spring 2018 FSA PBT and Science PBT Manuals.

36 Test Invalidation Policies and Procedures
Do Not Score (DNS) and UNDO Bubbles DNS and UNDO bubbles are located in the SCHOOL USE ONLY box on the student demographic page. The DNS bubble must be gridded when a test and answer book is invalidated. If a DNS bubble has been gridded by mistake, erase the DNS bubble and grid the UNDO bubble. Then package the test and answer book with all other TO BE SCORED materials. Sample WR DNS Box Sample Science DNS Box

37 Test Invalidation Policies and Procedures
DNS Guidelines for Defective Materials If a defective FSA test and answer book or Science test book is identified before testing begins, give the student a replacement book. If the FSA test and answer book or Science test book is used, grid the DNS bubble and return the defective book with all other NOT TO BE SCORED materials. It is not necessary to grid the DNS bubble if the book is defective and unused and has been packaged properly for return with all other NOT TO BE SCORED materials.

38 Test Invalidation Policies and Procedures
DNS Guidelines for Defective Materials (cont.) If a student discovers that the FSA test and answer book or Science test book is defective during testing, give the student a replacement document with the same form number. The form number is printed below the Florida Standards Assessments and Science logo on the front cover of each book. If a replacement book with the same form number is not available, give the student a book with any form number. FSA: An On-Demand PreID Label must be printed in TIDE and applied to the replacement FSA book. Science: If Science test book is replaced with a different form number during Session 1, bubble the replacement form number on the student grid sheet. If the Science test book is replaced with a different form number during Session 2, erase the form number on the student grid sheet. DO NOT BUBBLE NEW FORM NUMBER.

39 Test Invalidation Policies and Procedures
DNS Guidelines for Defective Materials (cont.) After the test session has ended, the student must, under the supervision of the test administrator, transfer the exact responses from the defective FSA test and answer book to the replacement FSA test and answer book. If any test items differ between the original FSA test and answer book or Science test book and the replacement FSA test and answer book or Science test book, leave those items blank. The student’s score will not be negatively impacted. Grid the DNS bubble on the defective FSA test and answer book and return it with all other NOT TO BE SCORED materials. Timing Marks Science: If the damaged portion is less than one inch in size, do NOT grid DNS bubble. The answer book can be returned with other TO BE SCORED materials. (Refer to page 20 in Science TAM)

40 Required Administration Information
Communicate to test administrators the process for collecting the required administration information, which includes the following: Students assigned to each testing room—provide student names and FLEIDs Attendance information—P=Present, A=Absent, W=Withdrawn, and P/I=Present but Invalidated Grade level Test group code Accommodations provided to students Accommodations used by students Unique security numbers of secure documents assigned to each student Signatures of test administrator and school assessment coordinator Dates and times when secure materials (e.g., test and answer books) are received and returned

41 Administration Record/ Security Checklists
Pre-populated Security Checklists: will be provided for the FSA PBT tests and Science tests. Blank security checklists are also available in the manuals and online. School assessment coordinators may create their own checklists.

42 Prepare Materials for Return
Verify that test administrators have returned all secure materials. Notify SAET at immediately, if any secure materials are missing and complete the necessary investigation. Make copies of the following completed documents and file the copies: Chain of Custody forms School Procedural Checklists Test Administration and Security Agreements and Test Administrator  Prohibited Activities Agreements Security Logs Seating charts Records of required administration information Return the originals in your District Assessment Coordinator ONLY boxes according to the instructions on the “Friendly Reminders”.

43 Prepare Materials for Return
Ensure each test and answer book has a PreID label. To print PreID Labels, follow the instructions in the TIDE User Guide or in PearsonAccess Next User Guide. If a test has been invalidated, verify that the DNS bubble has been gridded and that the document is placed with TO BE SCORED materials. Verify that no DNS bubbles have been gridded by mistake. Verify that the DNS bubble has been gridded on any defective documents and place the documents with NOT TO BE SCORED materials. Ensure that the PreID labels applied to special program students’ test and answer books indicate the correct district/school numbers. Prepare materials for return using the FSA Paper-Based Materials Return Instructions in Appendix C of the Spring 2018 PBT FSA Manual or pages of the Science Manual.

44 Return Schedule See Friendly Reminders
Test Grade Label (DRC or Pearson) “TO BE SCORED” Return FSA ELA Writing 4-7 GREEN-STRIPED (DRC) GREEN (DRC) Calibration and Non-Calibration: March 9 or 12 Make-up 1: April 9-11 Make-up 2*: May 17 or 18 FSA ELA Reading 3 GRAY-STRIPED (DRC) or GRAY (DRC) Calibration and Non-Calibration: April 20 or 23 Science 5 & 8 RED (Pearson) May 4 or 7 Also return any Large Print/OIPP (Blue Label) and Braille (Pink Label) To Be Scored Boxes. *FSA ELA scores will be reported late. Note: Schools must hand-deliver TO BE SCORED materials to TDC by 2 p.m. daily, EXCEPTION is on Wednesdays, return by 1 PM. TDC is at S.W. 26 Street, Miami, FL

45 District Assessment Coordinator (DAC) Only Box
TESTS MATERIALS TO BE INCLUDED LABEL FSA ELA Writing Grades 4-7 FSA ELA Reading Grade 3 Statewide Science Grades 5 & 8 Original Test Materials Chain of Custody Form (PBT only) Original Security Agreements and Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreements Original Administration Record / Security Checklist or school’s developed form with all required administration information Original Security Logs Original Seating Charts Planning Sheets (used and unused) Periodic Table of Elements (used and unused) Original School Procedural Checklist (FM-6927) A fillable PDF “RETURN LABEL” – Enter requested information, Print, and Tape to the side of the box Note: Please retain copies of all of the above documents for your records for one year. Do not copy planning sheets. Do not pack paper-based test materials in these boxes. Friendly Reminders from TDC

46 Pick-Up Dates of NTBS and DAC Only Box
Comet Delivery Services will pick- up FSA and FCAT 2.0 “NTBS” and DAC Boxes: Materials Date* All “NOT TO BE SCORED” NTBS materials (including NOT TO BE SCORED special documents) WHITE Labeled Boxes May 21-25 DISTRICT ASSESSMENT COORDINATOR ONLY BOXES (DAC) (No Color Return Label) include all documentation for: FSA ELA Writing (Grades 4-10 and Retakes); FSA ELA Reading (Grades 3-10 and Retakes); FSA Mathematics (Grades 3-8); Science (Grades 5 and 8); FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake; FSA Algebra 1 Retake EOC; and FSA and NGSSS EOC Assessments May 29-June 6 *Please note that if materials are not ready for pick-up, you must hand-deliver them to TDC no later than June 6th. Friendly Reminders from TDC

47 Student Assessment and Educational Testing
Contact Information Student Assessment and Educational Testing Maria C. Bruguera, Director Mara Ugando, Staff Specialist Kathy Sierra, Supervisor Phone: Fax: Test Distribution Center (TDC) 13135 S.W. 26 Street, Miami, FL 33175 Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Phone: Fax : Ms. Darma Rodriguez, Curriculum Support Specialist Ms. Maria Vargas, Administrative Assistant II

48 Thank you for ensuring secure and successful Spring 2018 FSA and Science test administrations!

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