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Presentation on theme: "URBAN STREAM REHABILITATION"— Presentation transcript:



3 Contents: Approach Case studies Impacts of urban river rehabilitations
Planning and implementation process Aesthetic evaluation methods Social appraisal and participation Rehabilitation techniques Summary and conclusions        

4 1 Approach Survey on urban rehabilitation schemes (Europe, others)
Case study approach - urban setting - rehabilitation (ecological improvement) - scheme completed Standardised enquiry form Quantitative and qualitative analysis of each case Comparison of tools, techniques, procedures and impacts

5 1. Approach

6 Selected case studies Comparison of General Characteristics  2. Case studies -Brief description

7 Austria: Vienna - Wienfluss 2. Case studies -Brief description

8 Germany: Munich – Isar 2. Case studies -Brief description

9 Florence – Mugnone Brook
Italy: Florence – Mugnone Brook 2. Case studies -Brief description

10 Switzerland: Zurich – Brook Concept Albisrieder Dorfbach
2. Case studies -Brief description

11 Czech Republic: Chrudim – Náhon 2. Case studies -Brief description

12 2. Case studies -Brief description

13 Cananda: Toronto – Mud Creek 2. Case studies -Brief description

14 Wilmington – Christina River
United States: Wilmington – Christina River 2. Case studies -Brief description

15 2 Case studies - Characterisation
1 Objectives of urban river rehabilitation 2 Objectives of ecological improvement 3 Length of urban river rehabilitation schemes 4 Total costs of urban river rehabilitation schemes 2. Case studies -Characterisation

16 2. Case studies -Characterisation

17 2. Case studies -Characterisation

18 2. Case studies -Characterisation

19 2. Case studies -Characterisation

20 3. Impacts of river rehabilitation
schemes Ecological impacts Social impacts Economic impacts Impacts on public health and safety 3. Impacts of river rehabilitation schemes

21 3. Impacts of river rehabilitation schemes

22 3. Impacts of river rehabilitation schemes

23 3. Impacts of river rehabilitation schemes

24 3. Impacts of river rehabilitation schemes

25 3. Impacts of river rehabilitation schemes

26 3. Impacts of river rehabilitation schemes

27 4. Planning and implementation process
Initiation of urban river rehabilitation projects Site selection Project management Almost 90 % public administration initiations primary initiative usually from citizen groups 20 % responding to legal demands Most aim at rehabilitation of certain river section Selection methods on basin or city scale, determination of potential for rehabilitation 21% used some kind of site selection method 4. Planning and implementation process

28 4. Planning and implementation process

29 4. Planning and implementation process

30 5. Aesthetic Evaluation Aspects of Aesthetic Perception and Recreational Usability extracted from Part B and Part C of the enquiry, state conditions and implemented measures quite diverse understanding of what aesthetics for urban rivers is 5. Aesthetic Evaluation

31 5. Aesthetic Evaluation

32 5. Aesthetic Evaluation Aspects of Aesthetic Perception and Recreational Experience Aesthetic Evaluation Methods expert assessments surveys 5. Aesthetic Evaluation

33 5. Aesthetic Evaluation

34 6.Social appraisal and Public
Involvement Legal requirements for public participation Stakeholders and Identification of Stakeholders Informing stakeholders Involving Stakeholders Stewardshop and Advocacy 6.Social appraisal and Public Involvement

35 how did project responsibles deal with this legislation?
legal requirements for public information and involvement have been mentioned for almost half of the projecs how did project responsibles deal with this legislation? involvement from public information to comprehensive participation of diverse stakeholder groups 6.Social appraisal and Public Involvement

36 6.Social appraisal and Public Involvement

37 citzen: residents, property owners
NGOs on national, regional and local level commercial assosiations (Anacostia River Business Coalition) Politicians (Isar) Identification of stakeholders (Kaitzbach, Skerne) 6.Social appraisal and Public Involvement - Stakeholders

38 6.Social appraisal and Public Involvement - Stakeholders

39 increase of social awareness and appraisal
first step to public participation Guided tours Information boards onsite Exhibitions Installations 6.Social appraisal and Public Involvement – Informing Stakeholders

40 6.Social appraisal and Public Involvement – Informing Stakeholders

41 Collection of ideas and site selection
competitions surveys workshops public discussion meetings on site involvement (Wandse, Toronto) 6.Social appraisal and Public Involvement – Involving Stakeholders

42 6.Social appraisal and Public Involvement – Involving Stakeholders

43 active support for river enhancement through stakeholders
Partnerships: brook sponsorships, NGOs, coalitions continuous activities: newsletter, guided tours, school days, monitoring single events: inauguration of schemes, river related festivals information for rivers non-project related 6.Social appraisal and Public Involvement Stewardship and advocacy

44 6.Social appraisal and Public Involvement Stewardship and advocacy

45 7. Rehabilitation techniques
Improving Water Quality Improving Hydrology and Hydrodynamics Improving Stream Connectivity Restoration Techniques for Aquatic and Riverine Ecosystems Techniques Incorporating Features to Improve Public Health and Safety Measures Practiced Basin Wide Texte in Kapitel 5 Überarbeiten ... Auf max 3-4 graphiken beschränken ?!?! 7. Rehabilitation techniques

46 Groups of individual measures can be found aiming at the same rehabilitation target
7. Rehabilitation techniques – measure groups

47 wet ponds with extended detention grassy filter strips
Measures: wet ponds with extended detention grassy filter strips constructed wetlands bioretention structural enhancement silt trapping devices 7. Rehabilitation techniques – water quality

48 7. Rehabilitation techniques – water quality

49 sediment traps, such as sediment ponds,
measures ‘managing discharge from detention basins in accordance to natural runoff’, or ‘water management in collaboration with power plant’ to ‘master-planning advices for the catchment area’ one fourth of case studies used stormwater infiltration for detaining peak flow sediment balance: sediment traps, such as sediment ponds, check dams for sediment control the management of construction sites (temporary runoff diversions and chutes) 7. Rehabilitation techniques – Hydrology and Hydrodynamics

50 7. Rehabilitation techniques – Hydrology and Hydrodynamics

51 Techniques for longitudinal, vertical and lateral connectivity 1
Longitudinal m.: Alignment and meandering Biological continuity Measures: drops were removed, ground ramps, fish ladders, daylighting 7. Rehabilitation techniques – Improving Connectivity

52 7. Rehabilitation techniques – Improving Connectivity

53 Techniques for longitudinal, vertical and lateral connectivity 3
Vertical m.: Bedforms pool and riffle zones were made Gravel beds and current deflectors have been successfully re-introduced 7. Rehabilitation techniques – Improving Connectivity

54 7. Rehabilitation techniques – Improving Connectivity

55 8. Summary Most projects occur on streams and small rivers
Low number of completed urban rehabilitation schemes Ecological aspects play an increasing role Social aspects Wide variety of soft techniques Scarce use of evaluation methods Schemes need systematic performance control 8. Summary

56 For more information follow this link
1. Case studies

57 Speicher


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