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Tech Que: “Strike a Pose” Title Graphic

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1 Tech Que: “Strike a Pose” Title Graphic

2 Hello everybody and welcome to the very first week of “Strike a Pose
Hello everybody and welcome to the very first week of “Strike a Pose.” Let me show you how I feel about our new series. (Strike a pose with both thumbs up big and a huge smile on your face.) Do you see what I did there—I struck a pose!

3 Now it’s your turn. Stand up with me and I’ll give you some poses to strike. (Kids stand up.) Strike a pose like you’re the coolest kid in the world. (Kids strike a pose.) Nice job! Now strike a pose like you just heard the funniest joke ever. (Kids strike a pose.) Way to go! Now strike a pose like you’re eating a slice of pizza while being chased by a T-Rex. (Kids strike a pose.) Whoa— that’s so believable!

4 That’s exactly what we’re going to be doing to tell the next part of the Big Bible Story. No—I don’t mean eating a slice of pizza while running away from a T-Rex. I mean striking different poses. Here’s how it’s going to work. During the storytelling, I’ll invite some kids up here to help me. If I put you into a pose, all you have to do is hold it. It’s that simple!

5 Before we get started, though, let’s remember what has happened in the Big Bible Story so far. I’ll give you a pose to strike, then you can strike it!

6 Strike a pose like you’re floating in space. (Kids strike pose
Strike a pose like you’re floating in space. (Kids strike pose.) In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Strike a pose like you’re biting into a fruit. (Kids strike pose.) God had a perfect relationship with people until Adam and Eve ate the fruit that God told them not to.

7 Strike a pose like you’re looking up at the stars. (Kids strike pose
Strike a pose like you’re looking up at the stars. (Kids strike pose.) Adam and Eve’s sin separated people from God, but God had a plan to fix things. He told a man named Abraham that his family would have as many people as there are stars in the sky. His family would one day be called the Israelites and they would give birth to a Savior named Jesus.

8 Strike a pose like you’re walking through a hot desert
Strike a pose like you’re walking through a hot desert. (Kids strike pose.) While in Egypt, the Israelites were made slaves by Pharaoh, but God sent Moses to lead them out of slavery. With God’s help, they crossed through the desert and into a new home called the Promised Land.

9 Strike a pose like you’re telling someone to stop. (Kids strike a pose
Strike a pose like you’re telling someone to stop. (Kids strike a pose.) While in the Promised Land, the Israelites turned away from God, so God sent prophets to tell the people to STOP sinning and turn back to Him. The prophets also told people about the coming Savior.

10 Strike a pose like you’re holding a baby. (Kids strike a pose
Strike a pose like you’re holding a baby. (Kids strike a pose.) On the first Christmas morning, the prophet’s words came true. Jesus, the Savior, was born. Strike a pose like you’re on a cross. (Kids strike a pose.) When Jesus grew up, he died on a cross to take the punishment for our sins. But 3 days later, Jesus rose from the dead.

11 “Big Bible Story” Graphic Invite three kids to join you in the teaching area. Decide which kid will play each of the following characters: John, Peter, and Jesus. Tell the kids to remain stiff throughout the story. When indicated in the story, reposition the kid’s bodies as described, then have them hold that position.

12 A short time after Jesus rose from the dead, some of His disciples were fishing on a boat. (Look at John.) Hmm…I think I should make him look like he’s throwing a fishing net. (Position John as if he’s throwing a net.)

13 That night the disciples threw their nets into the water over and over, but every time they pulled them in, they were empty. No fish! Let’s make him look like he’s mad. (With John’s help, scrunch John’s face so that it’s mad looking.)

14 Early the next morning, there was a man standing on the shore
Early the next morning, there was a man standing on the shore. (Cup one of Jesus’ hands to His mouth as if He’s calling out.) He yelled out to the disciples, “Did you catch anything?” The disciples yelled back, “No.” (Make Jesus point to the side.)

15 The man replied, “Try throwing your nets on the other side of the boat
The man replied, “Try throwing your nets on the other side of the boat. You’ll catch some fish over there.” The disciples shrugged their shoulders, why not. They didn’t know who this guy was, but it couldn’t hurt to try. (Rotate John so that he’s casting his net in the direction that Jesus is pointing.)

16 So they threw their nets into the water on the other side of the boat
So they threw their nets into the water on the other side of the boat. And when they tried to pull them back in, they heaved and hoed, but the nets wouldn’t budge. They were so heavy from all of the fish they had caught. It was a miracle!

17 (Put John’s pointer finger to his temple as if he’s thinking
(Put John’s pointer finger to his temple as if he’s thinking.) That got one of the disciples named John thinking, “Wait a second! There’s only one man who could perform a…” Just then, he recognized who it was standing on the shore.

18 “It’s Jesus!” he yelled. (Raise Peter’s arms above his head and put his hands together in a diving position. Bend him over as if diving.) When the disciple named Peter heard that, he was so excited that he dove into the water and swam to Jesus. The other disciples followed him in the boat with the fish in tow.

19 (Straighten Peter up and turn him towards Jesus
(Straighten Peter up and turn him towards Jesus.) When Peter finally got to shore, he couldn’t believe it! Just a short time ago, Jesus had been dead, but now He was alive, standing with him right there on the beach. Not only was Peter excited, he probably felt a little bit ashamed too.

20 Before Jesus was killed on the cross, Peter pretended not to know Him three times so that he wouldn’t get arrested. (Turn Jesus toward Peter. Raise one finger on Jesus’ hand.) Jesus looked at Peter and asked him, “Peter, do you love me?” (Make Peter give a thumbs up.)

21 “Yes, Lord, you know I love you. ” Peter said back
“Yes, Lord, you know I love you.” Peter said back. “Then feed my lambs,” Jesus said to Him. (Raise a second finger on Jesus’ hand.) A second time Jesus asked Peter, “Do you love me?” And a second time, Peter said back, “Yes, Lord. You know that I love you.” “Then take care of my sheep,” Jesus said to him.

22 (Raise a third finger on Jesus’ hand
(Raise a third finger on Jesus’ hand.) A third time Jesus asked Peter, “Do you love me?” Peter started to feel bad. He wondered why Jesus was asking him this question over and over. Was it because he had pretended to not know Jesus? So Peter said, (say with extra emotion) “Lord, you know all things. You know that I love you!” Jesus said, “Then feed my sheep.” This would be one of the last times the disciples ever saw Jesus.

23 (Stretch Jesus’ arms and hands out toward Peter
(Stretch Jesus’ arms and hands out toward Peter.) A couple of weeks later, Jesus lifted His hands up and spoke kind words to His disciples. And as He was doing that, Jesus was taken up into heaven. Their time with Jesus was over, but the adventure was just beginning.

24 Now they had to tell everyone about the good news of Jesus
Now they had to tell everyone about the good news of Jesus. (Have audience applaud for helpers and dismiss them.) Tech Que: “Big Bible Story Questions” Graphic

25 At the end of the Bible story ask the kids the following questions: What was your favorite part of this story? Do you think Jesus was mad at Peter for pretending not to know Him or do you think Jesus forgave Peter? Why do you think that? What does this story teach you about Jesus? Why do you think Jesus asked Peter if he loved Him three different times? After a few minutes, draw their attention back to the teaching area.

26 Tech Que: “Strike a Pose” Title Graphic Isn’t that amazing
Tech Que: “Strike a Pose” Title Graphic Isn’t that amazing? Even though Peter messed up BIG time, Jesus forgave him. And not only did Jesus forgive Peter, He gave Peter a HUGE job to do. Let me show you what I’m talking about. (Move to table and hold up a disposable plastic cup.) Imagine that this cup is Peter.

27 (Set cup upside down on the table
(Set cup upside down on the table.) Peter’s love for Jesus was big and his faith was strong. (Place a cantaloupe on top of the cup.) He was able to do big things for Jesus. But then something happened—Peter messed up!

28 (Take cantaloupe off of cup. Pick up cup and pair of scissors
(Take cantaloupe off of cup. Pick up cup and pair of scissors.) Peter was afraid of getting in trouble, so he pretended like he didn’t know Jesus, not once (cut a slit from the top of the cup all the way to the very bottom,) not twice (cut another slit,) but three times (cut another slit; the slits should be evenly spaced around the cup.)

29 Do you think Peter could still do big things for Jesus
Do you think Peter could still do big things for Jesus? (Set cup upside down on table and place the cantaloupe on top again. This time it will collapse under the weight.) Not so much!

30 In fact, it doesn’t seem like this cup is good for anything anymore
In fact, it doesn’t seem like this cup is good for anything anymore. Most people would just take a cup like this and throw it away. But is that what Jesus did with Peter? (Kids respond.) No way! Jesus didn’t just toss Peter to the side. He didn’t say, “Forget you. I’ll just find someone better!”

31 Instead, Jesus restored Peter—that means he forgave Peter and made him as good as new. Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved Him, and Peter said, “Yes, Lord, you know I love you,” not once (put a piece of tape along one slit,) not twice (put a piece of tape on another slit,) but three times (put a piece of tape along the last slit and set cup upside down on table.) Then Jesus gave Peter a HUGE job to do.

32 (Hold up cantaloupe. ) Jesus said to Peter, “Feed my sheep
(Hold up cantaloupe.) Jesus said to Peter, “Feed my sheep.” In other words, “Tell people about me and share the Word of God with them.” Do you think Peter was up for the challenge this time? (Kids respond. Set cantaloupe on top of cup one last time. The cup will stand strong.)

33 Yes! After, Jesus was raised up into heaven, Peter told everyone he could about Jesus. In fact, Peter’s faith was so solid that Jesus called him “The Rock” and He used Peter to build the very first church.

34 That’s what our Bible verse for today says. Let’s take a look
That’s what our Bible verse for today says. Let’s take a look. (Read the verse aloud with the kids.) Tech Que: Bible Verse Graphic Matthew 16:18

35 (Sit or kneel near kids.) Because of Jesus’ forgiveness, Peter was still able to do BIG things for God. And it’s the same for us. Even though we’re not perfect, even though we mess up and sin against God, Jesus forgives us and He has a big job for us—just like Peter, He wants us to build His church.

36 That means He wants us tell others about Him, He wants us to invite people to church, and He wants us to care for each other. That’s a BIG job, but we have an even BIGGER God who helps us. Let’s pray right now! Let’s ask God to forgive us and to help us build His church. Tech Que: “Strike a Pose” Title Graphic

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