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Tracking students’ progress.

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1 Tracking students’ progress.
ProMonitor: Markbook Tracking students’ progress.

2 Overview To provide a central system to track qualifications and student’s progress Courses have been set up based on the course file for your Curriculum Area The unit information and deadlines set up have been taken from the data that was entered by you/your Curriculum Manager onto the Markbook Templates provided The Markbook Templates were set up based on the Learning Aims keyed in against each course on the course file in your Curriculum area and the units listed were imported from OfQual

3 Using the system Access via Moodle home page
Any new additions or changes to the course/unit set-up will be made locally in your Curriculum Areas General queries relating to your qualifications set up should go through your Curriculum Manager Further training requirements should be requested using the College process of arranging Staff Development via the Quality office Training Documentation will be added to the online Learning Toolkit Technical issues should be reported via:

4 Completion Dates Start Date Deadline Date Progress Check 1 02-Oct
27-Nov 04-Dec Progress Check 3 29-Jan 05-Feb Progress Check 4 19-Mar 26-Mar Progress Check 5 14-May 21-May

5 1 Home Page 2 These are the courses listed under your management; you will be in charge of changing any data in these courses. This box shows the number of students that are completing their assessments on time/to target or otherwise. N.B. This is a training page and will be throughout so this might not look like the screen you see when you log on.

6 Setting up a qualification
2 1 Search – always at the top. Use course code to search for course and refine through session codes. Make sure top right academic year is 2017/18. Always start on the highest level qualification e.g. Level 3 EDip for ease, explained later. Click on none selected to enter student group maintenance. Click the link to go to maintenance page. Choose manager (course leader, not HoS or CM). Choose type of marking scheme; if unsure or missing, ask CM/Leon Kimpton. Always show withdrawn students. Always save. Click on Markbook Structure. N.B. Saving is very important across this system as changes made will not be kept and will be deleted if you move on from the screen. 3 4

7 Setting up units 3 1 If units are already there tick the ones you need; when filling out a qual with multiple session codes, this grey box will appear after the first one has been completed. If not click here. Click Find Units. Click on the corresponding link to the qualification. Select all units needed as found on the templates and click next. If a unit can’t be found enter manually. Unit code and Ext Unit Code are the same thing and are the Unique Reference Numbers on the templates. Enter unit name and level (E1, 3, 5 etc.) and click add. N.B. brown = maintenance, purple = selection. 2 4

8 Setting up assessments
1 4 6 Select the units that have just been set up. Enter Assessment Code (assessment number on template). Enter Assessment Title as on template. Select Assessment Type via assessment type coding on template (e.g. CW = coursework). If the assessment type doesn’t match any of the entries, choose the one closest to it. Out Of Points and Weight don’t change. Click on Maintain Tasks to set up the tasks. 2 5 3

9 1 6 3 2 4 5 Setting up Tasks Same as assessments: select unit.
Enter task code (found in Criteria Covered section on templates). Same as 2. Click add. If using a larger range of codes/tasks, use this to populate tasks quickly e.g. P1-7. Click Task Allocation to allocate tasks to assessments. 2 4 5

10 1 2 3 Allocating Tasks Select unit.
Tick boxes that correspond to the tasks (found in Criteria Covered on templates) that are completed in each assessment/grades that an exam is marked out of. Apply changes to save.

11 2 Copying course data 1 3 4 Click on Copy Markbook Data in the bottom left corner when back in purple. Make sure academic year is 2017/18. Enter course code with existing units. Click on appropriate course. Select units that correspond with the current course. Click next to save. N.B. This is why it is easier to start with the highest level qualification; the larger qualifications will contain the units that the lower level qualifications also contain so the data can be transferred down through qualifications. 5

12 Setting deadlines - Units
2 1 5 Click By Group whilst still in purple. Select unit with completed tasks and assessments. Enter the end date for the whole unit; easier to use the Set All button underneath and alter dates for any exceptions. Enter individual target grades for each student e.g. Distinction, 4, Pass etc. Can use Set All again for this if the class is all on the same target/if only a few students have a different target grade. Part of marking – Auto Fill can be used once the grades have been entered on another page to automatically set points and grade. Date completed and completed box are same concept as 3. Always click save. 3 6 4

13 Setting Deadlines - Assessments
2 3 1 4 Click Assessment Schedule. Select unit. Enter the dates that relate to assessments i.e. date set and resub set. Save.

14 2 1 3 4 Marking Click on By Group and then the Tasks tab at the top.
Select unit and assessment. Select the tasks that have been completed. Use the code at the bottom to further the marking description e.g. if it was a resub or late. Save. N.B. It is vital that the correct marking codes are used and that the assessments are marked correctly according to deadlines because the marks entered here will be replacing the RAG ratings on the students’ e-ILP meaning that a missed deadline could produce incorrect data for a student’s progress. 4

15 1 Markbook Rules 2 3 1) Markbook rules are defined by the mark scheme. For example, a BTEC will only grade a student a distinction in a unit if all distinction tasks have been completed. If one is missing the student will receive a merit if they have completed all of the merit tasks. A-Levels/GCSEs are similar in that it uses points that relate to the grades 1-9/A*-G to determine a grade. 2) This is the Auto Fill function that determines the grade of the student through the Markbook rules by using what tasks they have completed. Date completed auto fills from the last entry of marks that complete the unit. 3) Example of rules relating to 2 and 4; in this example one distinction wasn’t completed because it was NS (Not Submitted) and so the student received a merit for that unit. 4) See 3. 4

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