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Introduction to Biology

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1 Introduction to Biology

2 Observations Using one or more of the five senses to gather information called evidence or data: Touch Sight Smell Hear Taste (ONLY WHEN SAFE!)

3 Inference Logical interpretation based on prior knowledge and experience Example: if you test different samples of reservoir water and the results are clean, you can infer that it’s all clean

4 Observation vs. Inference (copy data table below)
Statement Observation Inference Object A is round and orange. X Object A is a basketball. Object C is round and black and white. Object C is larger than Object B. Object B is smooth. Object B is a table-tennis ball. Each object is used in a different sport.

5 The Goals of Science To investigate and understand nature
To explain events in nature To use those explanations to make useful predictions

6 Biological Topics Macromolecules (lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, proteins) Enzymes (speed up chemical processes) Ecology (environment around us & how it interacts) Evolution (how things change over time) Cells (smallest units of life) DNA (genetic basis for all living things) Genetics (how you get your traits) Anatomy (how the human body works)

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