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The Clubhouse Learning Approach Mitchel Resnick Natalie Rusk

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Presentation on theme: "The Clubhouse Learning Approach Mitchel Resnick Natalie Rusk"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Clubhouse Learning Approach Mitchel Resnick Natalie Rusk
Stina Cooke Leo Burd Robbin Chapman Michelle Hlubinka

2 Guiding Principles Learning through designing Following your interests
Supporting community Respect and trust


4 Learning through Designing
Constructivism (Jean Piaget) Constructionism (Seymour Papert) Imagine Create Reflect Technological Fluency

5 Following your Interests
Choice + Structure Intrinsic motivation Hard fun Flow (Csikszentmihalyi)

6 Structure Software focus on design projects
Sample projects on the walls Support materials Sparks Setting green table, rolling chairs Special events exhibitions Special programs C2C Staff & mentors coaching, catalyzing


8 Supporting Community Collaboration based on interest Mentoring
Social networks

9 Respect and Trust Respect for people, ideas, tools Resilience
Safe to experiment Respect for diversity

10 Traditional Classroom Educational Reform
Acquire facts, information Students work alone Learning isolated skills Focus on memorization Short-term assignments Separate disciplines One lesson fits all Teacher: sage on the stage Educational Reform Learn through hands-on inquiry Students collaborate Learning skills in context Focus on understanding Long-term projects Connections among disciplines Support different learning styles Teacher: guide on the side

11 Green Table Discussions
Social networks (Leo) Reflection (Michelle) Mentoring (Robbin) Following interests (Stina) Motivation (Natalie) Structure (Mitch)

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