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SWT 458/5 conversion project

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1 SWT 458/5 conversion project
Andrew Fairbank, Head of On Train Service Mike Archer, Engineering Change Manager 6 February 2017

2 Purpose and overview of the project
What was the project about for the business - more capacity Longer trains Longer platforms What was the project about for Operations? Driver/Guard training, consultation Change in guard’s operating position, 10 vice 8 Operating practice, change in operations What was the project about for Fleet? Complex technical challenge… MA What project was about – for the business (more capacity – longer trains, longer platforms); for engineering (complex technical) ; for ops (guard’s position, change in operating practice) Driver/Guard training Consultation 10 vice 8 Change in operations 

3 Purpose and overview of the project
+ = MA

4 Purpose and overview of the project
MA Conversion of Class 460 cabs to Class 458 cabs Conversion of Class 460 luggage vans to passenger cars De-motor some cars and bogies New coupler & unit-end gangway Re-gear fleet to 75mph, revised gearbox and Agate Software change for speed and current limit change Revised Door Control ‘High Density’ interior layout giving more standee space & increased crush laden weight Removal of First Class 2 + 2 seating layout Replacement of Saloon Floors Automatic Selective Door Operation (ASDO) New Arrowvale On Train Data Recorder (OTMR)* R2P CCTV equipment (ex 460 only)* Revised Train Monitoring System (TMS)* *all with remote download functionality Class 460 mods to harmonise with Class 458: Sanding system Passenger counting Removal of some toilets Revised trim panels PRM/RVAR compliance

5 Joint working before Involvement of Company Council, Trades Unions
Risk assessment process – joint Hazids and Hazops Fleet/Ops engagement at an early stage to minimise impact, avoid additional training requirements and safety risk Example on 707 project risk of novel GOP MA - Working together - Before Involvement of Company Council/Trades Unions Risk assessment process – joint Hazids and Hazops Ops land – fleet project, engagement at an early stage, more to do on this – good on major projects, less so on small projects. Good example on 707s, guards were involved and mitigated risk of novel GOP. Avoided training requirement and safety risk. Demonstrates importance of getting real feedback from traincrew (driver and guards) importance of translating into engineer’s speak, importance of engineers to understand operating environment, e.g. moving a button, or explaining why what appear like simple mods are actually very complex. Different languages. I think it would be good for all of the above to have examples of each in either 458/5 or other refurb projects

6 Joint working before Importance of getting real feedback from traincrew (drivers and guards), translating into engineer’s speak Engineers need to understand operating environment Potential technical complexity of seemingly simple mods – e.g. moving a button Operational importance of seemingly minor changes – e.g. [to add] MA - Working together - Before Involvement of Company Council/Trades Unions Risk assessment process – joint Hazids and Hazops Ops land – fleet project, engagement at an early stage, more to do on this – good on major projects, less so on small projects. Good example on 707s, guards were involved and mitigated risk of novel GOP. Avoided training requirement and safety risk. Demonstrates importance of getting real feedback from traincrew (driver and guards) importance of translating into engineer’s speak, importance of engineers to understand operating environment, e.g. moving a button, or explaining why what appear like simple mods are actually very complex. Different languages. I think it would be good for all of the above to have examples of each in either 458/5 or other refurb projects

7 Joint working during Porterbrook drivers
Joined up approach to test running Releasing Guards to perform door operations while trial running Engineering team on board On board PIS test Dedicated Operations Standards resource Slide 4 - AF Working together - During Porterbrook drivers Test running – joined up approach to test running Slide 4 Before introducing the trains Dedicated Fleet testing Drivers Releasing Guards to perform door operations whilst trial running Engineering employees onboard Onboard PIS test IVT Dedicated Operations Standards resource Joint working during - Delete dedicated fleet testing drivers

8 Joint working after Train introduction – making sure that there was a project coordinator on the Operations side Rostering Traction knowledge Project resource IVT – Interactive Virtual Train Operations people seconded to the Fleet project to develop Done for 458/5 as significantly different to 458/0 fleet Doing for 707s Combined Fleet/Ops project team to deliver infrastructure change Station CCTV Stop marks Slide 5 - AF Working together - After Train introduction – making sure that there is a project coordinator on Ops side, rostering, traction knowledge, project resource IVT – Ops people seconded to Fleet to develop, done for 458/5 (and also doing for 707s) Andy Lawford, Ops standards, seconded to the HLOS Fleet team (station, CCTV, stop marks), combined Fleet/Ops project team, deal with infrastructure Slide 5 During introduction Managing traincrew resource Involvement of Wessex Integrated Control Centre Customer and employee awareness Dedicated resource co-ordinator

9 Joint working after Involvement of Wessex Integrated Control Centre
Customer and employee awareness station staff customers used to first class Customers and staff used to all doors opening Performance growth Slide 5 - AF Working together - After Train introduction – making sure that there is a project coordinator on Ops side, rostering, traction knowledge, project resource IVT – Ops people seconded to Fleet to develop, done for 458/5 (and also doing for 707s) Andy Lawford, Ops standards, seconded to the HLOS Fleet team (station, CCTV, stop marks), combined Fleet/Ops project team, deal with infrastructure Slide 5 During introduction Managing traincrew resource Involvement of Wessex Integrated Control Centre Customer and employee awareness Dedicated resource co-ordinator Working together leading to performance growth Joint working after Delete dedicated resource co- ordinater Customer and employee awareness - station staff, customers used to first class and all doors opening

10 Customer Communications
Interfaces Operation Standards Customer Communications Drivers Stations Project Team Training School Guards Safety Validation Slide 2 - MA Interfaces Engineering Ops – guards, stations, drivers External Slide 6 Working together Operations & Fleet Key interfaces: Drivers Guards Operations Standards Stations Customer Communications Training School Safety Validation Train Presentation (if these could be bubbles on a slide I will talk through them) Train Presentation

11 Summary of key lessons learnt
Recognise that most “Fleet” projects actually involve much of the business Involve the right people from across the business, and outside Early engagement Share expertise and information Common language Key driver customer satisfaction Slide 6 - AF Summary of key messages Recognise that most “Fleet” projects actually involve much more of the business Involve the right people from across the business and outside Early engagement Get the resource levels correct Share expertise and information Slide 7 Key messages as you suggest with: Key driver customer satisfaction

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