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Personal Alert and Safety System

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1 Personal Alert and Safety System
CS 410 Blue Group Brittany Dufort, Daniel Cox, Marcus Henry, Braden Gibson, Ray Bland, Jon Szewczak 18-Sep-18

2 18-Sep-18 Gene Price General Manager Brittany Dufort Project Manager
Marcus Henry Hardware Development, Financial Specialist Jon Szewczak Daniel Cox Assistant Manager, Web Developer Braden Gibson Software Development, Public Outreach Ray Bland Database Specialist, Public Outreach 18-Sep-18

3 Background In times of need people call for emergency assistance. Personal Crimes (i.e. Robberies, Assaults) Accidents and/or Injuries Existing security paradigms rely on verbal communication with people in need – which usually comes after the event has occurred. During a personal crime the victim often cannot call for fear of aggravating the assailant. 18-Sep-18

4 Response Time 18-Sep-18 U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Statistics Page 115, Table 107 18-Sep-18

5 Societal Problem In the event of a personal crime or emergency, security professionals at higher education, business and civil complexes need an effective way to allow individuals to quickly and silently communicate their location to first responders. 18-Sep-18

6 Proposed Solution Individuals would be equipped with a key fob.
Pressing a button or combination of buttons would trigger an alert at a security dispatch center. The alert would be repeated every 30 seconds until first responders reset the unit. 18-Sep-18

7 How It Would Work Through a series of transceivers that signal would be translated to dispatch. The dispatch station will have a graphic user interface that maps the location of the emergency beacon. When a fob button(s) is pushed a signal would be sent out. Once activated the fob would automatically repeat its broadcast until reset by responders. Dispatch would route a responder at a high priority to assess the situation. 18-Sep-18

8 Benefits of Solution Aids in improving response time
First responders do not need location information from victims. Victims do not have to fumble around for a cell phone and dial a number; a button push is all that is required to summon aid. If the victim is moving (i.e. on the run), the system will report their movement. Based on proven technology. Could act as a deterrent. 18-Sep-18

9 Competition a a* a*** a** r 18-Sep-18 Handheld Device Expandable
Handheld Device Expandable Long Range Silent Alarm Location Info PASS a Safety Alarms r Centurion a* a*** Guardian a** Medical Alert Alarms * With vendor assistance only and requires software upgrade ** Maximum number of repeaters (300) limits coverage area *** Only if preprogrammed messages include a location 18-Sep-18

10 Determining Customer Many possible customers: Scoping Issues
Universities or Colleges Business complexes (i.e. Google, Microsoft, Intel, Trump Tower) Civil complexes (i.e. the Capitol Building) Scoping Issues The initial focus will be on Universities. 18-Sep-18

11 Old Dominion University
Prime Candidate Spends approximately $262, on security every year.1 Personnel, Security Devices, etc. In 20082 10 personal crimes on campus 2 in residence halls 4 off campus 46 in the surrounding neighborhoods That averages 1 crime per week for the entire year. - Commonwealth Data Point ODU Police Department Crime Statistics 18-Sep-18

12 Old Dominion University
Refer to the handout to match up locations with crime descriptions. Wilson, Patrick. “Robbery Crimes At Or Near Campus.”The Virginian-Pilot 03 Nov Nov. 2010: B3. 18-Sep-18

13 Old Dominion University
The interest in the concept is very high. In October two team members met with ODU Police officials. Officials displayed remarkable enthusiasm 18-Sep-18

14 Technical Aspects Radio based Key fob alert units (approx. 100’ range)
Transceivers stationed to give maximum coverage to the most logical areas Transceivers would serve as signal relays Possible solar power option for transceivers 18-Sep-18

15 Technical Aspects (continued)
A master receiver which would interface with the Master Control Unit (server) at a dispatch station. A software suite Graphic User Interface for Dispatch Personnel Master Control Unit Software Triangulation Database Signal Processing 18-Sep-18

16 Data Flow 18-Sep-18 Relay to another transceiver No Yes
Key Fob Signal Sent Master Receiver Wired Power Long Range Wireless Transceiver Signal Received Master Control Unit Server Decodes Received Message Packet Queries Database Triangulates Position Wireless Transceiver Signal Transmitted Prefix Appended If None Exists Relay to another transceiver Graphic User Interface Location of Signal Data About User In Range of Master Receiver No Yes Database 18-Sep-18

17 Database Schema 18-Sep-18

18 Graphic User Interface
Web Application Uses Google® Maps API or some other mapping utility Reports location of victim Allows for notations about alert Allows for easy transceiver health pole. Demo 18-Sep-18

19 Milestones – Phase 1 Phase 1 WBS Defining System Requirements
Approach ODU Define Budget Requirements Prototype Acquire Hardware and Setup for Concept Test Develop Basic Software Package Based on Requirements Perform Test and Analyze Phase 1 WBS 18-Sep-18

20 Milestones – Phase 2 Phase 2 WBS Phase 2 WBS (continued)
Finalize Hardware Designs Finalize Software Designs Complete Production Drawings Develop Documentation Based on Final Designs Seek New Customers Review Budget and Establish Requirements for Continuation Phase 2 WBS Phase 2 WBS (continued) 18-Sep-18

21 Milestones – Phase 3 & Beyond
Begin Production (subcontracted) Receive Production Units Complete Full System Tests Complete Documentation Ship to Customer Continue Marketing and Business Development Establish Support Center Phase 3 WBS 18-Sep-18

22 Risk Management Financial Technical Legal Other 18-Sep-18

23 Risk Matrix 18-Sep-18

24 Risks Cost to Customer Initial Cost Outlay Effective marketing
Universities could seek grants and incorporate cost into student fees. Initial Cost Outlay Cost effective suppliers Venture capitalist funding Partnering with a larger firm 18-Sep-18

25 Risks (continued) Radio Signal Interference System Maintenance
Control Unit / Server software to ensure no false signals Make use of the repeated signal System Maintenance Low maintenance designs – to include solar power options and rugged enclosures. System Malfunction (i.e. Fails to Send Alert) Make sure that a disclaimer is prominently displayed 18-Sep-18

26 Risks (continued) False Alarms System Abuse FCC Regulations
Enact policies stipulating penalties for misuse Include as part of a Universities Honor Code System Abuse A Fob will be de-authorized upon being lost or stolen. Any signal from a de-authorized device is ignored. FCC Regulations Work closely with FCC representatives. 18-Sep-18

27 Pricing Model Base Package – $300,000 Installation Support
Survey of Complex and Recommended Transceiver Locations 5,000 Transceivers 3,000 Fobs 1 Master Receiver All Software NOTE: Master Control Unit Server hardware to be provided by customer infrastructure. 18-Sep-18

28 Pricing Model (cont’d)
Optional Packages Additional Fobs (1,000 each) - $25,000 Additional Transceivers (1,000 each) $45,000 for solar power option $30,000 for non-solar power option Maintenance and Support - $25,000 per year All software upgrades, fixes and patches included. Faster response time for support correspondence. Limited on-site support (for additional fee). 18-Sep-18

29 ODU Costs Based on Pricing Model
$300,000 $75,000 $60,000 + $25,000 $460,000 Base Package Additional Fobs – $25,000 Additional Transceivers – $30,000 1 Year Maintenance & Support 4,500 Students Living on Campus (approximately) 1,600 Faculty and Staff (optional) 6,100 Population (estimated Max) The number of Transceivers Depends on the Desired Coverage Area (estimated 7,000 total receivers). 18-Sep-18

30 PASS Costs Based on Pricing Model
Fobs $20 1 Transceivers $25-$36 Board $16 2 Enclosure $8 3 Battery $1 Solar Power (optional) $15 4 Master Receiver $50 - $100 Software Development $200,000 (estimate) Hardware Fabrication $60,000 (estimate) TOTALS Base Package $430,000 - $500,000 Additional Fobs $20,000 Additional Transceivers $25,000 - $39,000 18-Sep-18

31 Operational Costs Phase 1
Staffing: $176,120 Facilities: Donated by ODU Equipment: Donated by ODU Prototype Hardware: $100 For full staffing breakdown see data sheet 18-Sep-18

32 Operational Costs Phase 2
Staffing: $315,392 Facilities: $27,000 per year 2,000 sf $13.50 per sf 1 Equipment: $30,000 per year System Hardware: $400,000 (see pricing model) For full staffing breakdown see data sheet 1. Commercial Real Estate Guide 18-Sep-18

33 Operational Costs Phase 3 & Beyond
Staffing: $459,536 Facilities: carried over from Phase 2 Equipment: carried over from Phase 2 Marketing: $10,000 System Hardware: $255,000 For full staffing breakdown see data sheet 18-Sep-18

34 Break Even Point Need 5 Sales to Break Even 18-Sep-18

35 Questions? 18-Sep-18

36 Data Representation in Master Control Unit

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