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Chapter 5.

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1 Chapter 5

2 How did Catherine the Great come to power in Russia?
Focus Question How did Catherine the Great come to power in Russia?

3 Enlightenment Scientific Revolution Sparked the Enlightenment Age
1700’s New Inventions come about because of the Scientific Revolution Smallpox Vaccine New Farm equipment

4 Hobbes and Locke 17th Century Thinkers Hobbes Locke
Believed in powerful government People were naturally corrupt, greedy, and selfish If not strictly controlled they would rob, fight, and steal. Thought government was essential Locke Believed people were responsible and moral Thought people had natural rights Life, liberty, and property Only use of government was to protect natural rights Rejected the Absolute Monarchy

5 Philosophers 1700’s Philosophers begin to emerge Montesquieu Voltaire
Studied European Government Hated the Absolute Monarchy Wanted 3 branches of government System of checks and balance Voltaire Hated the slave trade Targeted the corrupt officials and the rich Diderot Wrote a 28 volume book (Encyclopedia) Many banned the book because it attacked government and morals of the nation Helped spread the idea of Enlightenment

6 Women “Free and equal” was the Enlightenment Slogan
Women’s Rights were limited however and they were not free and equal 1700’s women began protesting Demanding more rights Women came together and rallied for freedom Abandoned their basic duties Eventually gained more freedoms

7 Section 2

8 Enlightenment Spreads
France was the center Flowed outward across Europe People began to question the norm Divine right Class system People begin to look toward a just society Everyone could move up or down the social ladder Education was available Decisions based on merit not birth

9 Censorship Government, Churches, and Rulers begin using censorship.
Regulating what was allowed and what was not Banned books Imprisoned writers Philosophers had to write in secret Voltaire and Montesquieu used secret pen names

10 Salons Censorship did not stop the spread of Enlightenment.
People still gathered in salons Women would gather to discuss topics Merged the middle and upper social classes Salons were where the most educated and social people went to discuss the way to better society Mozart Voltaire Diderot

11 The Arts Art Novels Music Enlightenment became known as the Baroque period for the arts Much less extravagant than the previous time period Showed the middle class as the main population Enlightenment became known as the Classical period for music Ballets and Opera’s were affordable to the middle class Mozart, Haydn The Middle class could now afford to buy novels

12 Enlightened Despots Many rulers did not embrace Enlightenment
Some rulers did embrace Enlightenment Enlightened Despots Used their power to bring about political & social change Fredrick II Reduce torture and execution Allow free press Tolerated religious differences Saw himself as a servant of the state First Enlightened despot, but in the end he wanted more power.

13 Catherine the Great Ruler of Austria Ruled Russia
Believed in Voltaire and Diderot Believed in Enlightenment Abolished torture Had religious toleration Denounced serfdom Like Francis II she did not want to give up her power Ruler of Austria Maria Theresa was an enlightened despot of Austria Her son Joseph II took over her work Allowed the Jew back Abolished serfdom Adopted free education His reforms died with him

14 Section3

15 What is an Enlightened Despot?
Focus Question What is an Enlightened Despot?

16 Britain Becomes a Global Power
Britain was dominating world affairs 1. Location 2. Climate/Environment favorable for business and commerce 3. Victory in the French and Indian War 4. Monopolized the slave trade 5. Britain merges with Scotland and Wells creating the United Kingdom.

17 A new King is Born 1760 King George III comes to the throne.
George loved Britain and wanted to restore power, but in the wrong ways. He: Wanted to restore royal authority Wanted to abolish the parliament Choose his own ministers Make himself the head of the state and government

18 The 13 Colonies 1750 Britain had established 13 colonies
Britain has complete control over the colonies. Applied Mercantilist ideas to the colonist Controlled the government The colonies were home to diverse religious and ethnic groups Was called the “land of religious freedoms” Colonist begin to set up major cities and establish their own way of life. Colonist and Britain were cordial to one another until Britain imposed taxes.

19 Colonist Express Discontent
Seven Years war and the French and Indian war had left Britain in debt. King George III though the colonist should pay the debt. George III increased the taxes in the colonies Sugar Act of 1764 Stamp Act of 1765 Declaratory Act Colonist revolted against the idea because they were not represented in parliament or by anyone else in Britain. “No Taxation without Representation”

20 Colonist Rebel Britain mobilized troops and heads to the colonies to demand payment. The colonist and the “red coats” go on living their daily lives with tension The Boston Massacre The Boston Tea Party. The fighting and tension intensified until a group of representatives met at Philadelphia and formed the Continental Congress John Adams George Washington Thomas Jefferson

21 Colonist Declare Independence
1775 War exploded between the British and the Colonist The colonist had more to loose George Washington commanded the army The loyalist and the colonist were the two groups of colonists 1776 the Continental Congress declared Independence from Britain. Life, Liberty, and property Wrote a list of grievances to George III July 4, 1776 the congress approved the document

22 The American Revolution Continues
The British had significant advantages during the war More soldiers Trained army Navy Made alliances with the Native Americans The Colonist Knew the land Had more to fight for Made alliances with the French 1781 France Blocked Chesapeake Bay and Washington forced a surrender in Yorktown The Treaty of Paris ended the war

23 A NEW Constitution Articles of Confederation was the nations first constitutional document Created a federal Republic Power divided between the states and the federal government Created a 3 branch government Created a system of checks and balances Wrote the Bill of Rights Fist 10 Amendments Wrote the Constitution Still exists today

24 What was the Treaty of Paris 1783?
Focus Question What was the Treaty of Paris 1783?

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