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Interview with a White Dwarf

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1 Interview with a White Dwarf
Sol’s Scrapbook

2 Sol’s Scrapbook Nebula Orion Nebula GM2 / r 3/2 NkT GM2 / r GM2 / r Baby stars GM2 / r

3 Protostar Sol’s Scrapbook 105 years, 2.5 x 10-3 galactic year 104 102
100 Luminosity 1 10 Solar Diameters 10-2 1 10-4 3x104 104 6x103 3x103 Temperature (K)

4 Main Sequence Sol’s Scrapbook 4x107 years, 4/25 galactic year 104 102
100 Luminosity 1 10 Solar Diameters 10-2 1 10-4 3x104 104 6x103 3x103 Temperature (K)

5 Red Giant Sol’s Scrapbook 1010 years, 40 galactic years 104 102 100
Luminosity 1 10 Solar Diameters 10-2 1 10-4 3x104 104 6x103 3x103 Temperature (K)

6 White Dwarf Sol’s Scrapbook 1010 years, 40 galactic years
104 102 100 Luminosity 1 10 Solar Diameters 10-2 1 10-4 3x104 104 6x103 3x103 Temperature (K) Sirius B McDonald Observatory

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