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Central America and The Caribbean

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1 Central America and The Caribbean

2 How are landforms created in this region?

3 Caribbean, Central American Landform creation
Cause Plate Subduction Creates Mountains (Central America) Tectonic forces Volcanic Eruptions New Islands Uplift Coral Reefs (Cayman Is.) (Atolls)

4 Plate Subduction Lesser Antilles

5 Plate Subduction Central America

6 Coral Reef uplifted Island

7 Belize “Blue Hole” Atoll

8 Belize Atolls Almost all the landforms of Central America and the Caribbean were created by tectonic activity. Just off the coast of Belize are three oval, island-like bodies called atolls that were pushed up slightly above the surface by tectonic forces. An atoll is a coral formation, usually ring or horseshoe shaped, that can be large enough for human habitation. Enclosed within the atoll is a shallow lagoon. The Belize atolls began forming 70 million years ago. They are home to more than 60 species of stony coral and 200 species of fish. The clear Caribbean waters near Belize make the atolls a favorable destination for divers. How might Global Warming have in impact on atolls?

9 Mangrove Trees – Tropical tree whose roots grow in salt water Home to many fish

10 Climate Types Tropical Humid Tropical Wet and Dry
Highland (rain shadow effect) SEE GRAPH - page241

11 Resources Bauxite (Jamaica) Raw material of Aluminum Fertile Soils
Fishing grounds Gold, nickel (Central America Oil FEW RESOURCES OVERALL!

12 Top Resource Overall: Physical Beauty and Warm Climates

13 Top Economic Activity: Tourism
Cruise Ships in the Bahamas

14 Problems of Geography 1. Volcano Eruptions – Montserrat and St Kitts Nevis

15 Caribbean Volcanoes

16 Problems of Geography 2. Hurricane Damage

17 3. Beach Erosion Grenada

18 Beach Erosion Caribbean beaches are vital to the region’s economic and environmental health. Sandy shores protect areas farther inland from wave action and provide habitats for plants and animals. These beaches are essential elements in the region’s profitable tourist industry. However, natural processes sometimes erode the beaches rapidly. Human actions can also cause beach damage. What are examples of natural beach erosion? What are examples of human caused beach erosion?

19 4. Earthquakes Haiti Earthquake January 2010

20 Regional Problems vs. Benefits
Earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions Vs. Physical beauty, warm/sunny climates, fertile soil, fishing grounds, mineral resources How do you think natural hazards might affect the environments and resources of Central America and the Caribbean?

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