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NEWSLETTER Saint Catherine of Siena School February 23, 2018

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1 NEWSLETTER Saint Catherine of Siena School February 23, 2018
Saint Catherine of Siena School February 23, 2018 NEWSLETTER Sunday, February 25, 2018 Family Lenten Activity: Pray for good things for someone who has been unkind to you. Monday, February 26, 2018 VACATION Lenten Activity: Do a craft, piece of art, or creative project that glorifies the Lord Tuesday, February 27, 2018 Lenten Activity: Have an additional meatless day this week. Wednesday, February 28, 2018 Lenten Activity: Pray for the people in your parish… and remember our friends at Saint Catherine of Siena Parish Thursday, March 1, 2018 Lenten Activity: Ask for forgiveness from someone that you have wronged. Friday, March 2, 2018 Family Lenten Activity: Send a card or note of encouragement to a priest or a member of a religious vocations. Saturday, March 3, 2018 Family Lenten Activity: Pray for someone who is preparing for First Communion or Confirmation. Sunday, March 5, 2018 Family Lenten Activity: Light a candle at church and pray for someone in your life. Kids Caring for Kids Meetings Trimester 3 Wednesdays March 7, 21, April 4, 18 Please mark these on your family calendar. After School Rm. 303 . BOOK FAIR: Week of March 5, 2017 Parent Information: Students will have 2 opportunities to shop at school during the school day. Parents may shop M, T, W, TH from 2:00 – 5:30 All checks are made payable to Saint Catherine of Siena School Memo: Book Fair Credit or debit may only be used between 2:00 – 5:30. Parents must use the Pre-K door to enter the building fro the Book Fair. Students have a last call at 10:00 am Friday morning…and then the Fair is closed. 1

Saint Catherine of Siena School February 23, 2018 NEWSLETTER SAFETY AND WELL-BEING OF THE CHILDREN AND ADULTS February 21, 2018 Dear Parents, I want to assure you that Saint Catherine of Siena School is prepared to protect your children and all individuals in our building. We have an Emergency Management Plan that the Safety Committee and I completed 4 years ago. We researched the process and had the program reviewed by our police (SWAT) contact and Homeland Securities. This EMP is reviewed and updated each summer. Each year Manchester Police Officer Lindstad meets with the full school and parish staff to review and/or update new protocol. This includes EVERYONE (custodial, kitchen, office staff, etc...) This meeting is usually 3 hours. It is very thorough. We are all committed to having a meeting like this every year... In a world where there is so much happening, we can never assume that we know it all. We don’t. Last year (2016 – 2017), we had Homeland Security evaluate our Emergency Management Plan as well as the school building and property. We received a thorough evaluation which included prioritized suggestions. We were asked to re-number the classrooms and label all closets, restrooms, boiler room, etc... In addition, we included placards of room numbers in all windows visible to police and fire from outside. These recommendation are already in place. We are obtaining quotes for outdoor and lobby surveillance and commercial security shades for the building. These shades allow you to see out and to receive sunshine, but outsiders cannot see into the building. We had a fire drill this morning, and the Lieutenant spoke with me about protocol when a fire alarm is pulled. I immediately sent an to all staff with this information. Please know that I take very seriously the safety and well- being of the children and all adults in the building. Thank you for your trust and support. Respectfully, Jocelyn Bergeron . 1

Saint Catherine of Siena School February 16, 2018 NEWSLETTER ENROLLMENT STATISTICS As of February 23, 2018 197/ % This is looking really good… Still so much to do… If you have not re-enrolled and you intend to do so, please send in the re-enrollment form to be counted in our numbers. We still have a month to make our goal. Also, it is so important that you recommend that family and friends visit our OPEN HOUSE NEXT Tuesday, March 20, 2018… and remember… For each new family registered because of your referral, you will receive a $ tuition credit for each child beginning in the fall 2018 3 children $ ! This is a BIG deal! Thank you for sharing this great school… Our TEAM is excellent! Remember, tuition for next year is dependent upon our numbers… We are working on the budget now based on 3

4 “Be who God created you to be, and you will set the world on fire.”
Saint Catherine of Siena School February 23, 2018 NEWSLETTER Do you know someone who goes to St. Joe’s, Nashua Catholic, Holy Family, Trinity, Bishop Brady HS, Bishop Guertin HS, St. Thomas Aquinas HS? Tell them about this Raffle… If they buy a ticket from you, your children will receive a dress down. Direct them to our website. Save the date… Tickets will be available in march! Lots of fun to come! Save the date… “Be who God created you to be, and you will set the world on fire.” 2 4

5 New Pictures - Basketball Girls CYO Win!
Saint Catherine of Siena School February 23, 2018 New Pictures - Basketball Girls CYO Win! ST. Catherine of Siena Girls CYO Team WON against PMA Score: 16 – 12 final Spectacular PURPLE KNIGHTS! “Be who God created you to be, and you will set the world on fire.” 5

6 Pre-K and 6th Grade Counting Objects Together
Saint Catherine of Siena Parish and School February 23, 2018 Happy 100 Days of School!! Pre-K and 6th Grade Counting Objects Together “Be who God created you to be, and you will set the world on fire.” 6

7 Newsletter Saint Catherine of Siena School February 23, 2018
Congratulations to these to Kira and Ethan whose artwork was chosen to represent our school in the 2018 NHAEA Youth Art Month State Exhibit! Their work alongside many others from NH schools will be at the NH State Library in Concord from March 4th throughout the month of March. ALSO Tomorrow, February 24th Arabella will compete in the NH State Spelling Bee Finals at the Capitol Center for the Arts in Concord, NH, from 1 – 3 pm. All are welcome to attend. God Bless to all of our students who work so hard! “Be who God created you to be, and you will set the world on fire.” 4

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