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Senior Leaders’ Section 48 Training

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1 Senior Leaders’ Section 48 Training

2 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2018
‘THAT ALL MAY BE FREE’ Your right hand, O LORD, glorious in power (Ex 15:6)

3 Lead us by your hand, that we may live.
God of the Exodus, you led your people through the Red Sea from slavery into freedom. Free us from all forms of slavery and everything that obscures human dignity. Lead us by your hand, that we may live.

4 Lead us by your hand, that we may live.
God of abundance, you provide for all our needs. Help us to rise above selfishness and greed and give us the courage to be agents of justice in the world. Lead us by your hand, that we may live.

5 Lead us by your hand, that we may live.
God of love, you created us in your image and have redeemed us in Christ. Empower us to love our neighbour and to welcome the stranger. Lead us by your hand, that we may live.

6 Lead us by your hand, that we may live.
God of the covenant you remain faithful to us even when we have wandered into violence. Put a new spirit and a new heart within us that we may instead be servants of your peace. Lead us by your hand, that we may live.

7 Lead us by your hand, that we may live.
God of glory, in Jesus you chose to humble yourself and become part of our story. You made your home with a human family, and have adopted us as your children. Help us to remain faithful to our families and communities, and make us one in Christ. Lead us by your hand, that we may live.

8 Lead us by your hand, that we may live.
God of the Trinity, you make us one with you and each other. Free us from the self-centredness, arrogance and fear that hinders the full visible unity of your Church. Lead us by your hand, that we may live.

9 Establish a monitoring schedule for Catholic Life
INTENDED OUTCOMES Clear understanding of the organisation and expectations of a section 48 inspection Establish a monitoring schedule for Catholic Life Self-evaluate Catholic Life, RE and Collective Worship against grade descriptors from the January 2018 Section 48 Framework Review current monitoring and evaluation processes Improve understanding of how to complete the section 48 SEF

Schools that were judged good or better at their last inspection they will be inspected 5 years later. These schools will also have a monitoring visit 3 years and a term after their last inspection. Schools that were judged less than good at their last inspection they will be inspected 3 years later. They will receive a monitoring visit 1 year and a term after their last inspection. Schools are notified two weeks in advance of their inspection or monitoring visit.

11 S48 INSPECTIONS All inspections take place over two days.
All secondary inspections have two inspectors. Many primary inspections have two inspectors. During the inspection the likely judgements are shared with the school. Quality assurance by the Diocesan Education Service may result in judgements being changed. Judgements are NOT to be made public until the final report is given to the school.

12 Telephone call from Maureen O'Leary
ORGANISATION OF S48 INSPECTIONS Telephone call from Maureen O'Leary from Charlotte Kirby will include: Date of inspection Name and address of inspector or inspectors Documentation to be sent to inspectors and Maureen O’Leary a week before the inspection

13 Dear XXXX, I am writing to let you know that your school will be inspected on X and X October 2017 and the inspector will be xxxxx who will be assisted by xxxxxx . You can contact them  at the following addresses   and The inspectors will require the following documentation so please send them a week ahead of the inspection and I would be grateful if you would copy it to me SEF documentation Analyse School Performance (ASP) School Improvement Plan and RE action plan Achievement data. The achievement data should be a summary of pupils’ attainment  in RE for the last three years to include KS3 data and public exam data ; appropriate analysis of pupils’ progress in RE over time including the progress and attainment of significant groups of pupils;

The inspector will telephone school and may ask for further information Timetable for the inspection will be arranged with school and may include: see p8 & 9 of the framework Lesson observations Learning walks Work scrutiny Collective worship Interviews with headteacher, RE subject lead, PICCLS, parish priest/chaplain, lay chaplain, chair of governors and pupils Review of evidence of monitoring and evaluation

Inspectors arrive on first day 7.30am/8.00am Tour of school building Introductory meeting with whole staff A suitable area for the inspectors needs to be provided Inspectors will leave the school no later than 6.00pm


17 S48 INSPECTIONS During the inspection schools will be kept up to date with what the likely judgements are going to be. This will be fedback at the end of the first day. The ongoing feedback will be phrased  in this way– With the evidence available so far , it is likely that the judgement could be ……………….. This judgement is subject to change. This will allow schools , if necessary, to produce sufficient evidence to support their own self-evaluation judgements . Inspectors will still make their own independent judgements based on the evidence. Schools will be told NOT to make public their likely judgements until the final report is completed.  

S48 INSPECTIONS The inspection will judge 3 key areas: Catholic Life Religious Education Collective Worship OUTCOMES/PROVISION/LEADERSHIP

CL1 The extent to which pupils contribute to and benefit from the Catholic Life of the school CL2 The quality of provision for the Catholic Life of the school CL3 How well leaders and governors promote, monitor and evaluate the provision of the Catholic Life of the School

S48 INSPECTIONS RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (RE) RE1 How well pupils achieve and enjoy their learning in Religious Education RE2 The quality of teaching, learning and assessment in Religious Education RE3 How well leaders and governors promote, monitor and evaluate the provision for Religious Education

S48 INSPECTIONS COLLECTIVE WORSHIP (CW) CW1 How well pupils respond to and participate in the school’s Collective Worship CW2 The quality of Collective Worship provided by the school CW3 How well leaders and governors promote, monitor and evaluate the provision for Collective Worship

Support pack for Primary School Self –Evaluation of Catholic Life Handbook for Leaders of Prayers & Collective Worship Handbook for RE Subject Leaders: Planning, Assessment & Monitoring Templates Secondary support materials are also available on RE Live Has your school used these resources? Have governors/pupils been informed or involved in any of the monitoring & evaluation?


24 CATHOLIC LIFE – What is it?
Area which is least understood by schools What is your understanding of Catholic life (CL)?


26 Support pack for Primary School Self –Evaluation of Catholic Life
S48 INSPECTIONS Support pack for Primary School Self –Evaluation of Catholic Life Useful to clarify the meaning of CL Pages 4 and 5 explain the distinctive signs of a Catholic school Pages 6 and 7 give a clear prompt list for CL

27 CATHOLIC LIFE – How is it monitored?
Schools can use page 9 and 10 to prioritise a 4 year self evaluation schedule of CL Annual schedule for CL Pages 11 and 12 provide key monitoring audit tools Pages provide guidance about monitoring spiritual, moral, vocational, social and cultural aspects of the CL of the school

28 Do you know your school’s strengths and areas for development in relation to Catholic life, collective worship, RE and leadership? How does your school share this information with staff /governors?

29 SPRING 2018 ONWARDS Three Key Judgements: Catholic Life
Religious Education Collective Worship (Leadership will be included in each area) Use January 2018 Framework Familiarise yourself with the expected standards in each area Use to inform your self evaluation What monitoring has been done to inform judgements? Identify areas for development


31 S48 INSPECTIONS SEF School Improvement Plan Reflected in: Staff CPD
KEY DOCUMENTS SEF School Improvement Plan Reflected in: Staff CPD Performance Management Governors meetings/ minutes Link governor meetings/minutes

32 SEF A working document Informed by knowledge of monitoring and evaluation of CL, RE and CW Judgements made against grade descriptors in the Section 48 framework Involves all stakeholders

33 S48 INSPECTIONS Areas for Development from monitoring visits
Knowledge of traditional Catholic prayers Understanding of Vocation Awareness of what Catholic life entails Monitoring and Evaluation that informs improvement planning, especially Catholic life Governors’ awareness and participation in monitoring and evaluation Pupils participation in monitoring and evaluation Relevant school mission statements Pupils initiating, planning and leading collective worship

S48 INSPECTIONS GOVERNORS’ ROLE DURING THE INSPECTION One or more governors meet with the inspector/s to discuss the governing body’s role in monitoring the Catholic life, RE and collective worship of the school . This could be the RE/Catholic life link governor or chair of governors. To attend the final feedback from inspectors to the school.

35 S48 INSPECTIONS Catholic Education Service
Annual Self- Evaluation of the Governing Body New document from CES May 2016 Governors to complete Answers will be informed by using the key documents & the school’s monitoring and evaluation of Catholic life, collective worship, RE and leadership.

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