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MIT App Inventor By Hans Yip.

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Presentation on theme: "MIT App Inventor By Hans Yip."— Presentation transcript:

1 MIT App Inventor By Hans Yip

2 Background What is a Smartphone?
A smartphone is a cellphone combined with a handheld computer in which you can make phone calls and other computer functions such as internet access and capable of running downloaded apps. What is a mobile operating system? (Mobile OS) A mobile operating system (Mobile OS) is an Operating System for smartphones, tablets, or other mobile devices.

3 Major Mobile OS Platform Developed by iOS 11.x Apple Android 8.x Oreo
Goggle Windows 10 Mobile Microsoft

4 What is MIT App Inventor?
MIT App Inventor is a visual programming environment that allows everyone to build functional apps for Android smartphones and tablets.

5 Getting Started with MIT App Inventor 2
App Inventor is a cloud-based tool in which you can build apps right in your web browser. The App Inventor Software, or “service” is at This website offers all the support you will need to learn how to build your own apps.

6 1. Setting Up App Inventor
If you are using an Android device and you have a wireless Internet connection. You need to install the App Inventor Companion App.

7 Connect Your Phone or Tablet over WiFi
If you have a computer, an Android device, and a WiFi connection, this is the easiest way to test your apps. Once the Companion is installed, you can open projects in App Inventor on the web, open the companion on your device, and you can test your apps as you build them.

8 2. Designer and Blocks Editor
App Inventor consists of the Designer and the Blocks Editor. App Inventor Designer: Design the App’s User Interface by arranging both on- and off- screen components. App Inventor Blocks Editor: Program the App’s behavior by putting blocks together.

9 3. Beginner Tutorials With these beginning-friendly tutorials, you will learn the basics of programming apps for Android.

10 4. Packing and Sharing Apps
After you have built an App, you can package it for your phone and share it with friends.

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