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Grasslands…. 2nd Grade Research.

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1 Grasslands…. 2nd Grade Research

2 Grasslands are… Wide open spaces
Few bushes and trees (only near rivers or streams)

3 Rainfall… 10-30 inches of rainfall per year
If they had less they would turn into a desert. If they had more, they would turn into a forest. Photo by: ecstaticist's photostream on FLICKR 

4 North American Grasslands…
Used to be covered with herds of bison and pronghorn. Now covered with crops Rich agricultural soil for farming Photo by Gord McKenna

5 Types of North American Grasslands…
Tall Grass Prairie- 5 feet tall. Mixed Grass Prairie- 2 and 3 feet tall. Short Grass Prairie-no more than 2 feet tall. The amount of rainfall affects how tall the grass is.

6 Grasslands of the World…
25% (one quarter) of the world is grassland Tropical grasslands -- those closest to the equator -- are hot all year. Temperate grasslands are farther from the equator -- such as the U.S. prairies -- and have both hot summers and harsh winters.

7 Other Names for Grasslands…
In South America, grasslands are called "pampas"; in Europe, "steppes"; in Africa, "savannas

8 How are the Prairies maintained?
The prairies are maintained by fire and grazing animals.

9 Grassland Plants… The tallest plant in the grasslands is called the Big Bluestem Grass. It grows to 11ft tall.

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