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SIP Conferencing Requirements

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1 SIP Conferencing Requirements
Henning Schulzrinne Petri Koskelainen Columbia University 18 September 2018 SIP/SIPPING Interim Meeting

2 SIP/SIPPING Interim Meeting
General philosophy SIP philosophy: strictly separate media and session signaling thus, media control (e.g., retransmission requests) out of scope thus, encoding profiles out of scope orthogonal  apply also to other conference types Support central-controller conferences: central mixing or selection/replication or end-system mix possibly different addresses for different media sessions media session(s) identified by single SIP URI SSM: sources send to controller = root of multicast tree Allow re-use of SIMPLE approaches subscription permission  conference join permission buddy list  pre-stored participant list 18 September 2018 SIP/SIPPING Interim Meeting

3 Don't invent new pieces (unless we have to)
Tease out conferencing-specific needs modular, no H.323-like vertical stack avoid conferencing-specific profiles no T.120 special case (except through gateways) No need to define requirements for things that we already have: conference creation (but may need termination) conference joining and leaving participant muting renegotiation of leg codecs 18 September 2018 SIP/SIPPING Interim Meeting

4 SIP/SIPPING Interim Meeting
No meta application Believe that meta-app model is misguided  seems to call for another signaling protocol, identifier, etc. if no protocol or identifier, invisible don't want uninstantiated relationships we can set up sessions (including T ) via SIP 18 September 2018 SIP/SIPPING Interim Meeting

5 SIP/SIPPING Interim Meeting
General model Divide into requests and notifications requests = do something notification = something happened Requests may trigger notifications if action may be delayed or partial human approval group invite 18 September 2018 SIP/SIPPING Interim Meeting

6 Motherhood and Apple Pie
Simplicity bandwidth-frugal (mobile) incremental notifications and command selectable notification granularity templates for privileges 18 September 2018 SIP/SIPPING Interim Meeting

7 SIP/SIPPING Interim Meeting
Components Identified by object manipulated: conferences  conference management participants within conferences  user management shared resource  floor control 18 September 2018 SIP/SIPPING Interim Meeting

8 Conference management
Create conference [?] Delete conference name vs. resources Conference properties: description (subject) visibility to searching and directories policies? 18 September 2018 SIP/SIPPING Interim Meeting

9 SIP/SIPPING Interim Meeting
User management Cause server to invite user(s) Expel users List of pre-approved attendees User rights invite, expel, approve others manage & request floor add media sessions Join notification with thresholding Obtain list of members 18 September 2018 SIP/SIPPING Interim Meeting

10 SIP/SIPPING Interim Meeting
Open issues Separate conference name existence from resource allocation want to keep name, but not mixing and bandwidth resources Template management: user lists privilege levels ("chair", "secretary", "panelist", "audience") 18 September 2018 SIP/SIPPING Interim Meeting

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