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David Zepeda Information Architecture and Design I Fall 2005

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1 David Zepeda Information Architecture and Design I Fall 2005
Audio and Video David Zepeda Information Architecture and Design I Fall 2005

2 Vocabulary Audio Formats Video Formats Media Players Audio and Video on the Web Future of Audio and Video

3 Vocabulary Codec: COmpresor/DECoder an encoding algorithm that compresses and optimizes audio/video for digital transmission

4 Vocabulary Lossless Compression: type of compression that squeezes/stuffs data into smaller sized data packets without permanently discarding information Lossy compression: type of compression that intelligently discards data to achieve smaller file sizes, permanently discarding frequencies deemed unnecessary

5 Vocabulary Streaming Media: Media that is consumed while it is being delivered. HTTP Streaming / Progressive Streaming: Download-and-Play method takes a compressed media file and downloads it to your computer's hard drive before playback. Real Time Streaming Real-time streaming is broadcast to your computer directly from a server and played back as the information is received from the server, without waiting for the file to download.

6 Audio Formats File Type Extensions AIFF (Mac) .aif, .aiff WAV .wav MP3
Windows Media Audio .wma QuickTime .qt RealAudio .ra ACC - Advanced Audio Coding .MP4

7 Video Formats File Type Extensions Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG)
.mpg, .mpeg Quicktime .mov, .qt, .movie, .moov Audio Video Interleaved .avi Windows Media Video .wmv RealMedia .ram, .rm DivX .divx

8 Media Players Windows Media Player iTunes Quicktime Real Player
Flash (.swf) DivX Player

9 Audio and Video for the Web
Don’t use it if you don’t need it Only use it when expected If you use it, explain how Offer alternative formats if possible Use Audio and Video to instruct and entertain

10 Examples

11 Future of Audio and Video
Take it anywhere: iPod, Podcasting, PSP, Cell Phones, and PDAs Emmy for ACHIEVEMENT IN CONTENT FOR NON-TRADITIONAL DELIVERY PLATFORMS This award will be given in recognition of editorial content and video production creativity in original material created primarily for consumption on non-traditional viewing platforms such as computers, mobile phones, PDAs and similar devices

12 Resources

13 Resources Barfield, Lon. (2004). Design for new media : interaction design for multimedia and the Web. Harlow, England ; New York : Pearson/Addison Wesley, 2004. Beggs, J. and Thede D. (2001). Designing Web Audio. Beijing ; (Cambridge, Mass.) : O'Reilly, c2001.

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