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and the role of the shipping industry

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Presentation on theme: "and the role of the shipping industry"— Presentation transcript:

1 and the role of the shipping industry
Marine research and the role of the shipping industry Peter Hinchliffe with thanks to: OceanScope and

2 The burning questions 50% The Oceans and Climate? 25%
This picture depicts CO2 emissions not just from the burning of fossil fuels. The oceans and the land about a quarter of these emissions each. The rest stays in the atmosphere.

3 Climate (CO2) control by biology (& chemistry)
Co2 exchange is both ways. Mention role of phtyo in o2 and co2 pump. CO2 sequestration to depth

4 SO how can the shipping industry help out ?
Climate (heat) control by physics SO how can the shipping industry help out ? The ocean conveyor belt Modified after

5 Commercial ships go where few scientists have gone before
and much more frequently Oceanography all day everyday and everywhere Using Ships of Opportunity (SOOs) OceanScope is leading the way in how best to do this

6 What is a ship of opportunity (SOO)?
Repeating track What is a ship of opportunity (SOO)? Climate Circulation Biodiversity Invasive species Pollution baselines Power & water intake No impact on ship’s normal operation Real-time transmission

7 Types of ships of opportunity (SOOs)
Ferries Cruise Ships Rig Supply Vessels Cargo Vessels Cargo Vessels Oil tanker

8 Measuring physics measuring currents Salinity Temperature ~60 cm 9 cm
ADCP Transducer

9 mounted in wells near the keel amidships
ADCP Transducers mounted in wells near the keel amidships The 150 kHz and 30 kHz ADCP transducers in transducer wells near the keel amidships. Each has its own transducer well and is protected by a polycarbonate window. The wells are free flooded but most of the crossion and biofoulding is kept at bay by flooding the inside with fresh water and maintaining a positive pressure fresh water environment by continually dripping fresh water into the space. University of Miami 9

10 Where in the World : CO2 uptake data Database is full of holes
Less data More data Takahashi et al., 2009 No year to year information either

11 Filling the holes using SOOs
The current global CO2 network is small Filling the holes using SOOs International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project


13 Major benefits of SOOs – To SCIENCE
Collects scientific data on a regular basis Observes change in the ocean impossible to get by other means Fills big holes in data/understanding Highly cost effective A global perspective

14 Helps inform on how to respond to
Major benefits of SOOs – To SOCIETY Helps inform on how to respond to Climate change Pollution Awareness raising Underpins regulation/policy

15 Major benefits of SOOs – To INDUSTRY
Better information on their environment Educational & promotional outreach to stakeholders & public Influence policy (e.g. setting of emissions reduction) Informs environmental & corporate responsibilities

16 SCOR* OceanScope A science-industry partnership for the sustained systematic study of the global ocean water column using SOOs … making the vision a reality Using instrumentation that operates without the need for human presence and to operate automatically No interference with the ship’s normal operation To transmit quality data in near real-time Merchant vessels as “satellites orbiting the Earth at sea level” OS is working out the best way to achieve a global sustained network of SOOs for observing the ocean *Scientific Committee for Ocean Research

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