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Rochester Institute of Technology

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1 Rochester Institute of Technology
Design Project Management: Boeing Underwater Robotic Technologies [R13201] September 18, 2018 Rochester Institute of Technology

2 Rochester Institute of Technology
Outline DPM – Project Definition Current progress Project Ideas in the following areas: Limited Bandwidth Communication Navigation Systems Energy Systems Payloads and Sensor Systems Autonomy Summary of Project Ideas Next Steps September 18, 2018 Rochester Institute of Technology

3 DPM – Project Definition
Conducted interviews with invested faculty members Project Background/Research Voice of the Customer/Objective Tree Functional Decomposition Metrics and Specifications House of Quality Risk Management Engineering Analysis Feasibility September 18, 2018 Rochester Institute of Technology

4 Rochester Institute of Technology
Agenda Limited Bandwidth Communication Navigation Systems Autonomy Energy Systems Payloads and Sensor Systems September 18, 2018 Rochester Institute of Technology

5 Limited Bandwidth Communication Projects
There are two emerging communication technologies, Laser and LED. For each of these technologies, the proposed project consists of: Creation of a model to optimize data transfer rates and range for laser and LED wavelengths in various conditions. Testing the commercial or in-house manufactured optical system to verify the results of the model and pursue longer range models and tests. Manufacturing a waterproof housing for both the communication device and the receiver. This project could be pursued simultaneously for both Laser and LED methods of communication. Only one housing should be developed but it should be compatible with both systems. September 18, 2018 Rochester Institute of Technology

6 Rochester Institute of Technology
Agenda Limited Bandwidth Communication Navigation Systems Autonomy Energy Systems Payloads and Sensor Systems September 18, 2018 Rochester Institute of Technology

7 Navigation Systems – Proposed Projects
Precision Operations: Design a robotics rig which accomplishes the following: Identifying and avoiding obstacles Delivering payloads Navigating both known and unfamiliar territory Endurance Operations: Minimizing drift over time Maximizing submersion times Navigating effectively for long periods September 18, 2018 Rochester Institute of Technology

8 Navigation Systems – Precision Operations
For this project a student-designed rig would accomplish tasks similar to those typically seen in the AUVSI/ONR Underwater Vehicle competition. Possible tasks include: Navigating a specific course path while identifying and avoiding obstacles Delivering specific payloads Precision navigation using a visual camera or other high accuracy instrumentation Possibly employing sensors to locate oil or other targets This project would likely be a long term project due to the integration of the various systems required. September 18, 2018 Rochester Institute of Technology

9 Navigation Systems – Endurance Operations
This project would utilize a student-designed rig to focus on the endurance aspects of the system, including: Maximizing submersion times while minimizing drift in GPS-denied environments. Navigating effectively for long periods Identifying and avoiding obstacles Possibly employing sensors to do carry out these objectives within the framework of a sensing mission Once again, this would likely be a long term project due to the integration of the various systems required. September 18, 2018 Rochester Institute of Technology

10 Rochester Institute of Technology
Agenda Limited Bandwidth Communication Navigation Systems Autonomy Energy Systems Payloads and Sensor Systems September 18, 2018 Rochester Institute of Technology

11 Benchmark of Current Collegiate Autonomous Technology/Research
University of Michigan - Perceptual Robotics Laboratory Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) Algorithms University of Tokyo - URA Lab R1 (long Range AUV) MIT SLAM Algorithm Heriot-Watt – Ocean Systems Laboratory Fast Marching (FM) algorithm Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) Algorithms: To test and validate these algorithms, they have developed a new multi-autonomous underwater vehicle Mission planning software allows the user to graphically layout a mission trajectory over a geo-registered image or nautical navigation chart and to specify parameters such a depth, speed, goal radius, timeout, etc R1 (long Range AUV) For autonomous free swimming, the robot must be able to determine its own geographical position and avoid collision with obstacles. The precise, high-speed control of a robotic arm underwater is being formulated for use in the autonomous retrieval of undersea specimens MIT An autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) was achieved that integrates state of the art simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) into the decision processes The AUV requires only simple sensors and operates without navigation equipment such as Doppler Velocity Log, inertial navigation or acoustic beacons The system includes a forward looking sonar and a set of simple vehicle sensors Heriot Watt Fast Marching (FM) algorithm, is analyzed and extended to improve the trajectory planning process for mobile robots. Reliability of trajectory planners has been improved by introducing the Fast Marching algorithm as a new basis for sampling based trajectory planning methods in the continuous domain The Fast Marching method, as one of these trajectory planning technique is similar in spirit to classical grid-search algorithms such as the A* algorithm. This led us to develop a new algorithm, called FM*, that combines the exploration efficiency of the A* algorithm with the accuracy of the Fast Marching method. For these reasons, the FM* algorithm opens new possibilities for planning trajectories in wide and continuous underwater environments. Trajectory planning methods are applied to the underwater environment September 18, 2018 Rochester Institute of Technology

12 Autonomy – RIT Research
Dr Sahin – Electrical Engineering Faculty advisor to Robotics Club He has research experience related to autonomous systems RIT Robotics Club Already has autonomous systems experience Currently compete in IGVC (Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition) Teams design and build an autonomous ground vehicle capable of completing several difficult challenges Dr. Kolodziej Imaging Science Project Unmanned Aerial Vehicle project for RIT imaging science Dr. Walter Swarm Robots Research (with Dr. Sahin) Autonomous Mobile Robots at Imagine RIT Dr. Sahin His current research interests that may be of interest to Boeing are: System of Systems Simulation and Modeling Swarm Intelligence - collective behavior of decentralized, self-organized systems Robotics Decision Theory - identifying the values, uncertainties and other issues relevant in a given decision, its rationality, and the resulting optimal decision Pattern Recognition - assignment of a label to a given input value Modular Micro Robot Design and Control Operating System Development for a Colony of Microrobots He has completed research in the following areas that may be of interest to Boeing: Testability of a Swarm Robot Using a System of Systems Approach and Discrete Event Simulation Swarm Intelligence and Colonization of Microrobots Autonomous Colonization and Self-organization in Autonomous Mobile Micro Robots Robotics Club Already has autonomous systems experience Currently compete in IGVC (Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition) Teams design and build an autonomous ground vehicle capable of completing several difficult challenges Do not see problem in applying their autonomous systems to an underwater environment Dr Kolodziej Unmanned Aerial Vehicle project for RIT imaging science non-military project. UAV carries camera(s) up into the air, hovers over a specific location, maintains stability and takes clear bird’s-view photograph/films Replaces the use of actual aircrafts or helicopters Current project consists of a remote control input. Working on converting this vehicle autonomous embedded programs, memory storage, and internal built-in processor(s) are required along with the GPS communication Dr. Walter Swarm Robots Research Individual robot has to be small in size – roughly about the size which could easily fit inside of a aircraft wind Expandable Consists of aerial, marine and ground robots Collect data – send & receive data Decentralized control Cooperative operation Much like ants, bees and birds If one robot fails, others cover-up that lost robots tasks as well 4 Projects to Visit at Imagine RIT September 18, 2018 Rochester Institute of Technology

13 Rochester Institute of Technology
Autonomy Ideas Potential Ideas Swarm robots application Entry into the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) RoboSub competition Long term goal Dr. Sahin proposed 2 ideas that the Robotics Club could work on Basic autonomy in an underwater environment Autonomy + Navigation in a GPS-denied underwater environment Robosub Co-sponsored by the Office of Naval Research (ONR), the goal of this competition is to advance the development of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) by challenging a new generation of engineers to perform realistic missions in an underwater environment. This event also serves to foster ties between young engineers and the organizations developing AUV technologies. September 18, 2018 Rochester Institute of Technology

14 Rochester Institute of Technology
Agenda Limited Bandwidth Communication Navigation Systems Autonomy Energy Systems Payloads and Sensor Systems September 18, 2018 Rochester Institute of Technology

15 Energy Systems – RIT Strengths/Research
Thermoelectric Research (Dr. Stevens) Thermoelectric energy recovery Fuel Cell Research (Dr. Kolodziej & Dr. Kandlikar) PEM Fuel Cell SOFC Fuel Cell Fuel Cell Laboratory Study PEM fuel cells supplied with hydrogen and oxygen Past Senior Design Projects Solar Stirling Engine Thermoelectric Power Pack Photovoltaic Energy Harvesting Micro-Hydro Generator September 18, 2018 Rochester Institute of Technology

16 Energy Systems – Project Ideas
Thermoelectrics Using excess heat to generate power Heat produced from batteries Heat produced from on-board electronics Would need a method of simulating heat loss within the system Obtain engineering specifications and power inputs Design a system that would simulate these inputs Underwater Solar Panels Absorb energy from the blue-green portion of the visible light spectrum ( nanometers) Micro-Hydro Generator Pull behind hydro-foil Propeller turbine September 18, 2018 Rochester Institute of Technology

17 Energy Systems – Project Ideas
Fuel Cell Look at designing a fuel cell that could meet the power requirements Possibly use salt water as an electrolyte with magnesium based fuel cell Stirling Engine Could be used in conjunction with a fuel cell Could be connected to any alternative heat source Salt Water as Fuel Focused on feasibility Look at how RF signals affect the chemical composition of salt water Energy ratios September 18, 2018 Rochester Institute of Technology

18 Rochester Institute of Technology
Agenda Limited Bandwidth Communication Navigation Systems Autonomy Energy Systems Payloads and Sensor Systems September 18, 2018 Rochester Institute of Technology

19 Innovative Payload and Sensor Ideas
Modular sensor interface Creates a customizable end product for the customer Swarm Robotics Opportunity to complete multiple objectives simultaneously during a mission Air Muscle actuated robotic arm Competitors in the oil and gas segment utilize hydraulic actuated robotic arms. RIT has expertise with air muscles and there’s an opportunity for them to be a viable alternative to hydraulics September 18, 2018 Rochester Institute of Technology

20 Modular Sensor/Payload Interface
Central sensor interface that allows customers to easily add additional sensors for specific jobs. Project idea: Swappable bays Set of common sensor packages Oil/Gas Detection Ocean mapping Marine life monitoring Customizable aftermarket bay for customer retrofitting September 18, 2018 Rochester Institute of Technology

21 Swarm Robotics Storage
Collaborative small-scale robots that are released by the main vessel. Project ideas: Storage, launch, and collection system Develop a method to safely store robots that also provides an easy and reliable method to release and collect the swarm during operation Possible swappable payload bay September 18, 2018 Rochester Institute of Technology

22 Air Muscle Air Muscle actuated Robotic Arm
RIT has a significant background in air muscle design and research from several past Senior Design projects Comparable to competitors’ hydraulic robotic arm (Kraft TeleRobotics) Advantages Power-to-size ratio greater than hydraulic system Possibility for dexterity (robotic hand as opposed to clamp) Provides more capabilities for the customer Disadvantages Compressor size constraint Non-linear output Vessel redesign to allow additional load support Kraft TeleRobotics hydraulic arm RIT Biomimetic Crab with air muscles September 18, 2018 Rochester Institute of Technology

23 Air Muscle Project Ideas:
Air muscle design and development for high pressure marine environments Assess the feasibility of using air muscles at great depth in the sea Testing of incompressible fluids as a substitute to air Air muscle actuated arm & hand Design and development of a robotic arm with the dexterity of a hand Glove Control Operator uses glove to control movements of robotic arms RIT Air Muscle Artificial Limb September 18, 2018 Rochester Institute of Technology

24 Summary of Project Ideas
Limited Bandwidth Communications Laser-based communication development LED-based communication development Navigation Systems Precision-Based Navigation Capabilities Endurance-Based Navigation Capabilities Energy Systems Optimization (thermoelectrics, underwater solar panels, hydro-foil) New energy system (fuel cell, stirling engine, salt water) Payloads and Sensor Systems Air Muscle actuated robotic arm Storage and launch of swarm robots (dependent on autonomy) Modular Sensor Interface Autonomy Swarm robots AUVSI Competition Dr. Sahin’s idea proposals September 18, 2018 Rochester Institute of Technology

25 Rochester Institute of Technology
Next Steps RIT Team Develop functional decompositions for project ideas Develop metrics and specifications Brainstorm plausible solutions Boeing/Kevin Provide feedback to RIT Team on project ideas Did we fully capture your needs? Which ideas should be pursued? Which areas need more direction? September 18, 2018 Rochester Institute of Technology

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