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Conceptual Modeling SIE 510 GIS Applications Spring 2017.

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1 Conceptual Modeling SIE 510 GIS Applications Spring 2017

2 Levels of modeling - ANSI-SPARC architecture Real World External Level
Subset of reality Universe of discourse Real World Universe of modelled phenomena External Level User defined subset of the real world Conceptual Level Schematic representation of phenomena and how they are related Logical Level Transformation of the conceptual model to an implementation model Internal Level Storage device levels, file structures

3 Conceptual modeling Formal representation of something that needs to be understood, remembered, communicated, tested Represents how some user reality is organized in terms of objects, properties, relationships, and processes.

4 Conceptual model Describes the things of significance to an organization or user (entity classes), characteristics (attributes) of these entities, and associations between pairs of entities (relationships). Describes the semantics of some phenomena and represents a series of assertions about its nature.

5 Conceptual modeling A conceptual model is built from a small well defined set of constructs Uses a set of guidelines and rules to capture the semantics of a domain Constructs, along with a notation, and a set of rules constitute a formal language. Formal methods include textual or graphical notations to create, present, validate, and manipulate data models Clarifies identification of entities, attributes, and relationships Provides a basis for discussion and refinement

6 Creating conceptual models
Early on formal models were made manually Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools have helped to automate this process CASE tools provide the formal constructs, graphic representations, constraints, drawing, and editing tools

7 OO approaches and UML UML – Unified Modeling Language – a notation system for conceptual models models objects (as classes), encompassing properties (attributes) models relations between objects models aggregation of objects into more complex objects models generalization or specialization of the types of objects to more general or more specific types

8 Basic Components Entities, Attributes, Associations
Entity: an abstraction that represents data objects about which information is collected - usually person, place, thing, event A particular occurrence of an entity is called an entity instance Attributes: properties or characteristics of entities or relationships that provide descriptive details about them Associations: represent real world associations among one or more entities

9 Representation of an entity
An entity (class) is represented in UML by a rectangle containing three compartments stacked vertically The top compartment shows the class name The middle compartment lists the class’s attributes The bottom compartment lists the class’s operations or methods Class name Attribute 1: integer Attribute 3: date Attribute 2: string Operation 1(): string Lake Name: string Area: float ID: integer GetArea(): float

10 Associations (relationships)
Associations are described in terms of degree, multiplicity, and role The degree is the number of entities associated in the relationship Unary, binary, ternary are special cases where the degree is 1, 2 or 3. An n-ary relationship is the general term for any degree n Binary relationships are the most common A ternary relationship relates 3 entities to each other in such a way that it cannot be decomposed into equivalent binary relationships

11 Associations Usually drawn as a solid line connecting two classes or a single classifier to itself. Unary Relation Stream tributaryOf Stream Lake Binary Relation flows into hasInflow Student Professor Course Ternary Relation takes offers

12 Associations Label describes the association, typically consists of a noun or verb followed by a preposition Role indicates a role played by the class in the association. The UML notation expresses the role using a term on each side of the association. The idea of the role is that the same class can play the same or different roles in other associations label Class A Class B role A role B Person Committee member committee Membership

13 Associations Multiplicity describes the constraint on the number of entity instances that are related through an association It is important to determine the multiplicity on each side of a relationship individually multiplicity A multiplicity B Class A Class B

14 Associations Multiplicity determined from semantic rules
Each department may be the employer of 0 or more employees Each employee may work for at most one department Employment Employee Department worker employer 0..* 1

15 Associations Some entities existence depends on the existence of another entity – existence dependency or just existence. Existence is defined as either mandatory or optional Optional existence is indicated by a zero multiplicity River Mouth flowsTo terminates 1 mandatory Stream has dams 1 0..* optional Dam

16 Associations Modeling Inheritance Subclass - subsumption relationship
Indicated by a solid line drawn from subclass with an arrowhead pointing to the super class

17 Associations Composition: indicates that one class (child) is part of another class (parent): the lifespan of a child instance is dependent on the parent, indicated by a solid line and filled diamond on the parent class Building Building id Room Room number 1 1..* Aggregation: The child class can exist independently of the parent class. Indicated by a solid line with an unfilled diamond on the parent class Car type Wheel has 4 1

18 Example Entities Attributes ID, assessed value, size
Name, billing address, phone ID, assessed value, construction date Number, type, date issued Type, permitted uses parcel owner permit zone building

19 Example Parcel – owner association
A parcel must have at least one owner A parcel can have more than one owner Owner can own one or more parcels Parcel Owner owns owned by 1..*

20 Example Parcel – Building association
A parcel may have zero to many buildings A building can occupy only one parcel Parcel Building occupies contains 1 0..*

21 Example Parcel – Zone association A parcel belongs to only one zone
A zone contains one to many parcels Parcel Zone belongs to contains 1..* 1

22 Example Parcel – Permit association
An instance of a parcel can have zero to many permits An instance of a permit is granted to only one parcel Parcel Permit Granted to permitted 1 0..*

23 Example Building – Permit association
A building can have zero to many permits An instance of a permit is associated with only one building Building Permit granted to permitted 1 0..*

24 Example 1..* Parcel Owner 1..* 1 1..* 1 0..* 0..* 1 Building Permit

25 Example Spatial databases need to consider entities and their spatial representations Parcel Polygon is represented by

26 Example Entity-Parcel Spatial representation entities polygon chain
97 polygon chain line_segment f 30 ls5 ls10 115 node point 88 103 20 c 112 ls4 e ls8 48 106 102 ls11 ls6 50 b 40 120 g ls12 96 ls7 101 d ls3 ls16 ls13 135 10 68 180 101 104 76 ls1 40 ls15 a ls2 210 ls14 105

27 Spatial Object Definitions – from SDTS
(Spatial Data Transfer Standard) Zero-Dimensional Objects Point (NP). A zero-dimensional object that specifies geometric location. One coordinate pair or triplet specifies the location Node (NO, NN). A zero-dimensional object that is a topological junction of two or more links or chains, or an end point of a link or chain.

28 Spatial Object Definitions
One-Dimensional Objects Line Segment. A direct line between two points. String (LS). A connected non-branching sequence of line segments specified as the ordered sequence of points between those line segments. Note: A string may intersect itself or other strings). Arc (AC, AE, AU, AB). A locus of points that forms a curve that is defined by a mathematical expression.

29 Spatial Object Definitions
One-Dimensional Objects continued Link (LQ) A topological connection between two nodes. A link may be directed by ordering its nodes.                         Chain. A directed non-branching sequence of non-intersecting line segments and (or) arcs bounded by nodes, not necessarily distinct, at each end. Complete chain (LE). A chain that explicitly references left and right polygons and start and end nodes. It is a component of a two-dimensional manifold. Ring. A sequence of nonintersecting chains or strings and (or) arcs, with closure. A ring represents a closed boundary, but not the interior area inside the closed boundary.

30 Spatial Object Definitions
One-Dimensional Objects continued G-ring (RS, RA, RM). A ring created from strings and (or) arcs. GT-ring (RU). A ring created from complete and (or) area chains.

31 Spatial Object Definitions
Two-Dimensional Objects G-Polygon (PG). An area consisting of an interior area, one outer G-ring and zero or more nonintersecting, nonnested inner G-rings. No ring, inner or outer, must be collinear with or intersect any other ring of the same G-polygon GT-Polygon (PR, PC). An area that is an atomic two-dimensional component of one and only one two-dimensional manifold. The boundary of a GT-polygon may be defined by GT-rings created from its bounding chains. A GT-polygon may also be associated with its chains (either the bounding set, or the complete set) by direct reference to these chains. The complete set of chains associated with a GT-polygon may also be found by examining the polygon references on the chains.

32 Example – semantic rules
GT_Polygon–Chain association A polygon is bound by one or more chains An instance of a chain bounds 1 or 2 GT_polygons Chain-Node association A chain is bound by one to two nodes A node connects 1 or more chains Line_segment-Chain association A chain contains 1 or more line segments An instance of a line_segment is part of one and only one chain.

33 Example Entities polygon chain line_segment node point 103 102 101 104
ls9 97 polygon chain line_segment 30 f ls5 ls10 115 node point 88 103 20 c 112 ls4 e ls8 48 106 102 ls11 ls6 50 b 40 120 g ls12 96 ls7 101 d ls3 ls16 ls13 135 10 68 180 101 104 76 ls1 40 ls15 a ls2 210 ls14 105

34 Example – semantic rules
Line_segment-point association A line segment is bound by 2 points. An instance of a point bounds one or more line segments. Node-point association A node can be associated with one point. An instance of a point can be associated with at most one node.

35 Example – Geometry and Topology
polygon chain bound by 1..2 id, length bounds id area 1..* 1 1..* is part of 1..* contains bound by line segment bounds id, length 1..* 1..2 bounds bound by 1..2 node assoc 0..1 point id assoc 0..1 id, x,y

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