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Water Balance in MIKE-SWMM

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1 Water Balance in MIKE-SWMM
Melissa Figurski

2 Blocks in SWMM Runoff Transport Extended Transport (Extran)

3 Runoff Block Simulates quantity and quality of runoff
Rainfall Snowmelt Converts to runoff (Inlet hydrographs) and pollutant loads (pollutographs)

4 Simulated Events Can be run for minutes to years Less than 2 weeks:
Single-event simulation Greater than 2 weeks: Continuous simulation (w/ no time limit) Calculations are exactly same for both Except for snow

5 Subcatchment Representation
Up to 200 idealized subcatchments Impervious with depressions Impervious without depressions Pervious with depressions Each subcatchment drains to a channel/pipe or inlet Single slope

6 Data Input to Runoff Block
Precipitation Up to 10 hyetographs for 10 gages Surface Quantity Surface Quality Evaporation Rate Land Use For snowmelt – air temp and wind speed

7 Time Step WET WETDRY DRY Globally wet
No precip, water still in surface storage DRY No precip or surface storage Time Step is one second to one year. Different time steps for each

8 Runoff Loses Evaporation Evapotranspiration Infiltration
Groundwater flow Percolation Surface Water Outflow

9 Evaporation Average Monthly Rate Evaporation Time Series
Continuous simulation – value for all months Evaporation Time Series Daily, weekly, or monthly ‘Loss off the Top’ Where do we get this info? Loss of the top – subtracted from rainfall depths and/or ponded water prior to calc. infiltration

10 Evapotranspiration Upper Zone Evapotranspiration
Fraction of total maximum evaporation rate Lower Zone Evapotranspiration Constant over time step

11 Infiltration (1) fp = fc + (fo – fc)e-kt Horton’s Equation
fp = infiltration capacity, ft/sec fc = min or ultimate value of fp, ft/sec fo = maximum or initial value of fp, ft/sec t = time from beginning or storm, sec k = decay coefficient, sec-1 Where do you get data?

12 Infiltration (2) Green-Ampt Equation For F > Fs: For F < Fs:
f = i and F = SuIMD/(i/Ks – 1) for i >Ks For F > Fs: f = fp and fp = Ks(1 + (SuIMD/F) F = infiltration rate, ft/sec i = rainfall intensity, ft/sec F = cumulative infiltration volume, ft Fs = cumulative infiltration volume for ponding, ft Su = average capillary suction at wetting front, ft water IMD = initial moisture deficit for this event, ft/ft Ks = saturated hydraulic conductivity of soil,. ft/sec Advantage? What is this whole Fs thing? Newton-Raphson routine

13 Groundwater Flow Can be routed to a channel/pipe
Can be ‘lost’ from system Both methods are accounted in continuity check

14 Percolation Uses Darcy’s Law for Unsaturated Flow

15 Water Balance Continuity Balance

16 Reference Storm Water Management Model: Version 4, User’s Manual.
Section 4: Runoff Block

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