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Interjections -- word or phrase that expresses emotion or exclamation

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Presentation on theme: "Interjections -- word or phrase that expresses emotion or exclamation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Interjections -- word or phrase that expresses emotion or exclamation
-- has no grammatical connection to other words

2 Examples Oh, my! What is that? Ouch! It’s hot! Yikes, I’ll be late!
Ah, that’s better.

3 Practice: Identify each interjection.
“Oh, my goodness!” cried Mrs. Wallace, the head librarian. “We’ve got mites in the atlas again!” “No kidding!” chuckled Len, her assistant. “Tell them to enjoy their trip.” Sandy rounded the corner at the bottom of the hill. “Uh-oh!” she gasped. “I forgot to have the brakes fixed on this bike!”

4 4. “Hee, hee. ” chortled the villainous banker
4. “Hee, hee!” chortled the villainous banker. “I finally own the mortgage on the widow’s little cabin!” 5. “Ha!” laughed the widow. “Keep it. I own the mortgage on your penthouse!” 6. “Say, Charlie,” called his teacher. “I noticed that you didn’t hand in your homework this morning.” 7. “Well, Mr. Anderson,” Charlie answered, “I was going to tell you that our canary ate it, but we only have a dog.”

5 8. Six-year-old Ian woke up late with a start. “Oh, rats!” he grumbled. “If today’s not Saturday, I’m going to be tardy!” 9. Janine looked down into the cereal bowl and gagged. “Eeeew, what is that stuff? It looks just awful!” 10. “Yuck!” exclaimed Cindy. “You’re right, but I don’t know what it is. That’s your bowl.”

6 Answers Oh, my goodness! No kidding! Uh-oh! Hee, hee! Ha! Say Well
Oh, rats! Eeew, Yuck!

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