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At least 30 minutes before the start time_________________________

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1 At least 30 minutes before the start time_________________________
LOG IN to ensure connectivity. Use the virtual platform’s Layout feature to have a “welcome” layout with multiple pods open at the same time. Possible pods to include are: Two share pods, one for a Welcome slide and one for a Housekeeping slide. Two chat windows, one for “Tech Questions” and one for “Chat”. WELCOME participants individually as they arrive. Engage them in conversation. INVITE participants to get acquainted with the virtual classroom features, such as raise hand, chat, and using the drawing tools. ANNOUNCE when 1 minute remains before the session. . Producer Notes: Assist facilitator with greetings Assist facilitator in demonstrating features Help participants connect via audio Address any technical issues that arise Welcome to Class Name

2 Introductions Your name Your organization Your role Your location
Welcome and Introductions 10 minutes WELCOME participants to the program. INTRODUCE yourself to the group. Include the following information: Your name Your location Your major responsibilities and trainer experience Your role as facilitator of this program SHOW slide, “Introductions.” HAVE participants introduce themselves using the chat window, sharing the information requested on the slide. Comment on introductions as appropriate. Encourage participants to chat with each other, to begin building a comfortable learning environment. Note: Move very quickly through the introductions. SAY: It looks like we have an eager group who is ready to learn! We will continue using the Chat window, as well as the status indicators and verbal dialogue throughout today’s session. If needed, review how to use the status indicators (raise hand, agree, disagree, etc) and how to send public and private chat messages. TRANSITION: Let’s take a moment to preview our time together. Introductions Your name Your organization Your role Your location Something you hope to gain during this session Producer Notes: Introduce yourself in the chat window Let participants know you’re available to assist with technical issues, and how to reach you Assist with feature overview as needed

3 To provide you with skills to …
SHOW slide, “Purpose.” SAY: Our purpose for this program is to provide you with the skills to … (insert info here) ASK: How will this program specifically benefit you? Type your response in the chat window. (comment on responses as appropriate) What are you most looking forward to learning about? Use your stamp tool on the drawing toolbar to mark the agenda items that sound most interesting. Acknowledge all responses. Make appropriate connections to introduction/chat comments from earlier. TRANSITION: Let’s see how much you already know about our topic. Purpose To provide you with skills to … Producer Notes: Move to “purpose” layout. Annotate/highlight key words on slide. Type: “Page 2 of Handout” in chat window. Assist any participants who need the handout.

4 Fascinating Facts Producer Notes: Move to “fascinating facts” layout.
Defining (Topic Name) 10 minutes SHOW slide, “Fascinating Facts.” SAY: To set the stage for our definition of (topic), let’s look at some fascinating facts. On the screen, you will see statements about (topic). Decide what you think are the correct answers for each statement. After everyone has responded, we’ll discuss the correct answers. ALLOW 2 minutes for individual responses to the poll questions. REVEAL responses to poll questions. Discuss correct answers for each. Discussion Guide/Answer Key (correct answers in bold)** Poll info here Poll info here. ASK: What lessons can we draw from this data? Discuss, and acknowledge all responses. ASK: What does this information mean for you? TRANSITION: Given this information about (topic), let’s consider our definition of it. Fascinating Facts Producer Notes: Move to “fascinating facts” layout. If needed, open poll questions and reveal results. Type: “Notes area on Page 4 of Handout” in chat window.

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