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Costructionism and Robotics in School Education

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1 Costructionism and Robotics in School Education
Dimitris Alimisis Department of Education, School of Pedagogical & Technological Education, Greece

SCHOOL OF PEDAGOGICAL & TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION L.L.P. PROGRAMME: HIGHER EDUCATION (ERASMUS) School of Pedagogical & Technological Education, GR Comenius University, SK Bilateral Agreement for the Academic Year 2008/2010

3 Short information about A.S.PE.T.E
Higher education institution founded in Athens in June 2002 State-funded public legal entity Mission… to provide Technological Education and concurrently Pedagogical Education to promote applied research in educational technology and pedagogy to provide pedagogical training, further training or specialization …in educational sciences like… didactics with new technologies, technology education, guidance and counseling 18/09/2018 D. Alimisis, ERASMUS, ASPETE, GR-COMENIUS UNI. BA, SK

4 ASPETE’s Campus and Branches
18/09/2018 D. Alimisis, ERASMUS, ASPETE, GR-COMENIUS UNI. BA, SK

5 Postgraduate Programmes
A joint postgraduate programme in cooperation with the National University of Athens in “Subjects Didactics and New Technologies” ( A joint postgraduate programme “M.A. in Education”, in cooperation with Roehampton University, London ( 18/09/2018 D. Alimisis, ERASMUS, ASPETE, GR-COMENIUS UNI. BA, SK

6 For more info…

Topics… Why Robotics in school education? Which teaching methodology? Which technology? The crucial factor is the teacher! The TERECoP pilot training course (Athens 2008) 18/09/2018 D. Alimisis, ERASMUS, ASPETE, GR-COMENIUS UNI. BA, SK

8 Why Robotics in education?
Robotics as learning object… enables students to control the behavior of a tangible model by means of a virtual environment Offers constructional skills Makes programming work concrete and clear: students can see their programming commands to be realized by the robot Develops designing skills: students can design and test their own projects 18/09/2018 D. Alimisis, ERASMUS, ASPETE, GR-COMENIUS UNI. BA, SK

9 Why Robotics in education?
Robotics as learning tool Supports interdisciplinary, project-based learning activities learners can be actively involved in the solution of authentic problems enhance learners’ research attitudes allow learners to make assumptions carry out experiments develop their abstracting skills 18/09/2018 D. Alimisis, ERASMUS, ASPETE, GR-COMENIUS UNI. BA, SK

10 before teachers rush to exploit robotics in education…
Technology alone cannot affect students’ minds We need the appropriate… educational theory appropriate curriculum learning environment teaching methods 18/09/2018 D. Alimisis, ERASMUS, ASPETE, GR-COMENIUS UNI. BA, SK

The TERECoP project European Programme Socrates/Comenius/Action 2.1 (Training of School Education Staff) duration 3 years: 6 countries - 8 institutions : School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (GR, coordinator) Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maîtres d'Aix-Marseille (FR) Department of Information Engineering – University of Padova (IT) University of Piteşti (RO) IT+Robotics srl (IT) Museo Civico di Rovereto (IT) Charles University Prague, Faculty of Education (CZ) Public University of Navarre (ES) 18/09/2018 D. Alimisis, ERASMUS, ASPETE, GR-COMENIUS UNI. BA, SK

TERECoP objectives designing of appropriate robotics-based learning activities production of a set of critical examples testing and evaluation of those activities by trainees in training courses in real classroom settings the development of a community of practice between educators and teachers 18/09/2018 D. Alimisis, ERASMUS, ASPETE, GR-COMENIUS UNI. BA, SK

13 a constructionist perspective
Learners build something on their own Learners create a tangible object that they can both touch and find meaningful Learners are invited to work on experiments or problem-solving with selective use of available resources, according to their own interests, search and learning strategies Learners seek solutions to real world problems, based on a technological framework meant to engage students' curiosity and initiate motivation 18/09/2018 D. Alimisis, ERASMUS, ASPETE, GR-COMENIUS UNI. BA, SK

14 The TERECoP learning methodology
Stage Activities in class Engagement stage Students are provided with an open-ended problem and get involved in defining the project and main issues involved Exploration stage Students get familiar with experimental devices, make hypothesis and test their validity in real conditions Investigation stage Students formulate the driving questions or problems, investigate alternative solutions Creation stage Students share and combine their artefacts, synthesize ‘solutions’ to the initial problem Evaluation stage Students share ideas & products at class level, evaluate final group proposals 18/09/2018 D. Alimisis, ERASMUS, ASPETE, GR-COMENIUS UNI. BA, SK

15 to partner technology with the ideas of constructionism…
The LEGO Mindstorms ΝΧΤ system building materials sensors programming software 18/09/2018 D. Alimisis, ERASMUS, ASPETE, GR-COMENIUS UNI. BA, SK

16 the crucial factor is the teacher …
for successful introduction of robotics in school education we need to enable teachers to implement the robotics-enhanced constructionist learning in classroom settings support teacher professional development in the field 18/09/2018 D. Alimisis, ERASMUS, ASPETE, GR-COMENIUS UNI. BA, SK

17 teachers teach as they are taught, not as they are told to teach!
It is not enough for trainers to describe new ways of teaching and expect teachers to translate from talk to action learning activities that teachers can include in their own classes follow the kind of learning spirit that we wish our trainees to cultivate in their school classes Provide a co-operative and collaborative framework 18/09/2018 D. Alimisis, ERASMUS, ASPETE, GR-COMENIUS UNI. BA, SK

Training methodology focus on learning experiences: trainees actively engage in group work respect & exploit trainees’ teaching experience, pedagogical background, perspectives enhance reflection on current practices and future trends in designing robotics-enhanced activities 18/09/2018 D. Alimisis, ERASMUS, ASPETE, GR-COMENIUS UNI. BA, SK

Trainees work … As Students: familiarize themselves with materials and the programming environment & reflect on hands on activities & experience collaborative activities As Teachers: critical thinking on theoretical principles and the methodology for designing robotics-enhanced activities As Designers: design and build their own projects 18/09/2018 D. Alimisis, ERASMUS, ASPETE, GR-COMENIUS UNI. BA, SK

20 The TERECoP training methodology
Stage activities Engagement stage How can we use robotics in school class? Trainees get involved in discussions of the theoretical framework of constructionism and of learning strategies and methodologies Exploration stage Trainees explore experimental devices, programming tools, methodological issues and a given project-example on how to organize a robotic project Investigation stage trainees investigate the proposed methodology, plan and design their own projects and set their own evaluation criteria Creation stage trainees share and combine their ideas, synthesize solutions and suggestions and create their own final artifacts and projects Evaluation stage Trainees write reports, present their final products and projects at class level and evaluate them 18/09/2018 D. Alimisis, ERASMUS, ASPETE, GR-COMENIUS UNI. BA, SK

21 Emphasis on communication…
Communication in group level and in the classroom Learners express their ideas and test their understanding through their collaboration in small group and/or in classroom Feedback from each other the trainers give learners the opportunity to improve their work and meet the learning goals of the project 18/09/2018 D. Alimisis, ERASMUS, ASPETE, GR-COMENIUS UNI. BA, SK

Communication supported by an open source e-class platform public areas for all the members of the class - trainers and trainees private areas for each group to upload their diaries & products, discuss topics, and exchange s 18/09/2018 D. Alimisis, ERASMUS, ASPETE, GR-COMENIUS UNI. BA, SK

23 An exemplary implementation
Who? 23 trainees: 15 teachers in service (4 teachers of primary education and 11 of secondary education) and 8 post-graduate student-teachers 4 trainers Where? at the premises of the School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (ASPETE) in Athens When? 5 face to face meetings of six teaching periods each (5x6=30 teaching periods in total) during 3 Fridays/Saturdays afternoons. Between the fourth & fifth meeting, an interval of three weeks (Easter holidays) was intervened. Through this period groups worked on the development of their own project 18/09/2018 D. Alimisis, ERASMUS, ASPETE, GR-COMENIUS UNI. BA, SK

24 An exemplary implementation …
What? Didactical contract, curriculum based on hands-on activities and e-activities & content How? Working on activities, reflecting, keeping diaries, work in teams, peer evaluation, exchange of experiences / ideas / information 18/09/2018 D. Alimisis, ERASMUS, ASPETE, GR-COMENIUS UNI. BA, SK

25 TERECoP training course session 1 (6h)
Introductions (“breaking the ice”) Agreeing on a "didactic contract" Constructivism, constructionism and project-based learning each group study, comment through the e-class on a specific section of a paper about ‘Constructivist Learning’ and present it in the plenary the trainer discusses and summarises the basic principles of constructionist learning emphasizing on the use of educational robotics as a leaning tool 18/09/2018 D. Alimisis, ERASMUS, ASPETE, GR-COMENIUS UNI. BA, SK

26 TERECoP training course Session 2 (6 h)
robotics as learning object (or getting started with robotics) getting familiar with Lego Mindstorms Education NXT kit constructing a robot-car with two motors following the manual instructions proposing a set of criteria for evaluating robotic constructions 18/09/2018 D. Alimisis, ERASMUS, ASPETE, GR-COMENIUS UNI. BA, SK

27 TERECoP training course Session 2 (6 h) …
Structured introductory activities to the programming environment of Lego Mindstorms Education NXT: programme a robot to move along a square investigate the relation between power of motor and speed of the robot-car, left and right turns share your products with trainers and other trainees 18/09/2018 D. Alimisis, ERASMUS, ASPETE, GR-COMENIUS UNI. BA, SK

28 TERECoP training course Session 2 (6 h) …
Working with the project ‘The cat, the mouse and the master’ – open problems to solve like: make the cat run after the mouse and stop when it reaches a black area (the mouse!) make the cat able to stop for a while and make a sound when the master touches it use variables to make the cat move on a spiral path. data logging 18/09/2018 D. Alimisis, ERASMUS, ASPETE, GR-COMENIUS UNI. BA, SK

29 TERECoP training course Session 3 and 4 (12h)
Robotics as learning tool (or designing projects with robotics) Features of a robotic project Methodology on how to organize a project An exemplary robotic project Apply the model to a new robotic project 18/09/2018 D. Alimisis, ERASMUS, ASPETE, GR-COMENIUS UNI. BA, SK

30 TERECoP training course Session 5 (6h)
Presentations – evaluations Project 1: Selector of recycled garbage Project 2: Autonomous irrigation system for water management Project 3: Organizing seats in a theatre Project 4: Easy parking Project 5: A moving car Project 6: The catapult Course evaluation 18/09/2018 D. Alimisis, ERASMUS, ASPETE, GR-COMENIUS UNI. BA, SK

31 From the training course to the school class…
trainees are encouraged to implement their projects in real school classes and to evaluate them 3 implementations in progress now… the evaluation results and reports will be published and discussed in the public space of our e-class 18/09/2018 D. Alimisis, ERASMUS, ASPETE, GR-COMENIUS UNI. BA, SK

32 For further information…
18/09/2018 D. Alimisis, ERASMUS, ASPETE, GR-COMENIUS UNI. BA, SK

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