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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME USERRA Investigator COURSE."— Presentation transcript:


2 Investigator COURSE Goals of Training

3 GOALS OF TRAINING Standardize Procedures Improve Staff Competency
Encourage Early Resolution Enhance Quality of Technical Assistance

4 COMPETENCIES All Participants will:
Know their role and be able to understand, utilize and implement USERRA law. Have a knowledge of the documentation and letters utilized throughout case processing process. Understand the case processing process. Have an understanding of the investigation concept. Understand case conferences and know when and how to conduct these conferences.

5 Competencies Continued
Training on how to plan and conduct an effective interview with a variety of witnesses. Training on how to utilize a variety of communication techniques during an interview. Training on how to write complete, relevant and accurate notes while interviewing. Training on how to develop notes into accurate, signed witness statements at the time of the interview

6 Competencies Continued
10. Training on ethics and confidentiality for investigations in relation to basic issues of confidentiality when talking to any person involved in the investigation process Training on how and when to negotiate in order to fairly benefit the parties involved and stay within the law Training on how to keep information and documentation in such a fashion as to support litigation (subpoena, testimony, deposition, etc.)

7 Phase I Phase II Phase III
USERRA Distance Phase I Phase II Phase III

8 Distance Learning Objectives
Phase I Training to become more knowledgeable about “reasonable accommodation” with regard to resources, rights and application Training on ethics and confidentiality for investigations in relation to my personal liability in doing investigation Training on how to determine when and what information should be shared with all parties (Cont:) Distance Learning Objectives

9 Distance Learning Objectives
Phase I Training on ethics and confidentiality for investigations in relation to legal requirements under the code of ethics for federal employees Training on ethics and confidentiality for investigations in relation to my role as a public employee (Cont:) Distance Learning Objectives

10 Distance Learning Objectives
Phase I 6. Training to become knowledgeable about applicable laws as they apply to witnesses Training to become knowledgeable about the information employers are required to maintain Distance Learning Objectives

11 Distance Learning Objectives
Phase II 8. Training on how to write in a clear, accurate, legal manner in order to refer cases for litigation 9. Training on how to write letters appropriate for investigations Distance Learning Objectives

12 Distance Learning Objectives
Phase III Training on how to analyze documents and recognize the need for additional information Training on how to evaluate evidence to ensure that all issues have been addressed Distance Learning Objectives

13 Investigator COURSE USERRA

14 USERRA OVERVIEW Subchapter I – General 4301-4304 Purpose of Congress
    Relation to other law, plans or agreements     Definitions    Character of Service 9/18/2018

15 USERRA OVERVIEW Subchapter II- Employment and Reemployment Rights and Limitations; Prohibitions        Discrimination        Reemployment Rights        Reemployment positions        Reemployment Federal Government        Reemployment of Certain Federal Agencies        Rights, Benefits and Obligations        Health Plans        Pension Rights in Foreign Countries 9/18/2018

16 USERRA OVERVIEW Subchapter III- Procedures for Assistance, Enforcement, and Investigation Assistance in obtaining reemployment or other employment rights Enforcement of employment or reemployment rights Enforcement to a state or private employer Enforcement of rights with Federal Executive agencies Enforcement of rights with certain Federal agencies Conduct of investigations; subpoenas Noncompliance of Federal officials with deadlines 9/18/2018

17 USERRA OVERVIEW Subchapter IV – Miscellaneous Provisions 4331-4335
    Regulations     Reports Outreach Notice of rights and duties Training for Federal executive agency 9/18/2018

18 Pinpointing Law: Certain Federal Agencies, not under Judicial review
Multi-employer health plan where sponsor does not provide -- it is the last employer employing 4317(a)(3)(B)(i)/ Successor-in-interest factor, similarity of jobs 4303(4)(D)(i)(IV)/ 9/18/2018

19 Regulations Overview (20 CFR)
General Provisions Subpart B –Anti-Discrimination and Anti- Retaliation Subpart C – Eligibility for Reemployment Subpart D – Rights, Benefits, and Obligations of Persons Absent from Employment Due to Service in the Uniformed Services Subpart E – Reemployment Rights and Benefits Subpart F – Compliance Assistance, Enforcement and Remedies 9/18/2018

20 Regulations Overview (5 CFR)
Subpart A – General Provisions Subpart B – Uniformed Service Subpart C – Compensable Injury 9/18/2018

21 Jacob works for Friends Shoe Manufacturing Company when he decides to join the military on December 18, 2014, Jacob gives notice to Friends that he is leaving to enter the military. After 4 years, Jacob returns to find that the company is now owned by Pals Jeans Manufacturing Company. As many of Friends’ employees were hired by Pals, Jacob makes proper application to Pals. Pals refuses to hire Jacob because he did not give notice to them before he went into the military and Friends did not tell them of a potential reemployment rights claim. Scenario

22 Does VETS investigate? Successor in interest TSA Supervisor
TSA employee Judicial employee Post Office employee Employer with 2 employees Employer with 500 employees 9/18/2018

23 Does VETS Investigate? Legislative employee FAA employee
FBI, CIA employee Hiring Hall State Employee Foreign Employer with branch in United States American Company in Foreign country 9/18/2018

24 Regulations Subpart B- Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Retaliation/ USERRA section 4311
Sec – What employment actions are protected from discrimination? Sec What actions are protected from retaliation? Sec – Protects non-service members Sec – Brief non-recurring positions Sec – Burden of Proof Sec – Causal Connection

25 Case Elements for Discrimination Cases
Protected Class Member? Adverse Employment Action? Motivating factor or Causal Connection? 9/18/2018

26 Similarly Situated Covered under the same policy Similar circumstances
Covered within same policy timeframes Same/Similar Decision-maker Text Text Text Text Text Text Text 9/18/2018

27 Regulations Subpart C Eligibility for Reemployment/ USERRA section 4312
Notice ( to ) Cumulative Length of Service ( to ) Timely Reporting Back ( ) Character of Service ( 9/18/2018

28 Regulations Subpart C Eligibility for Reemployment/ USERRA section 4312
Coverage of Employers and Positions Sec to Coverage of Service in the Uniformed Services Sec to Absences From a Position of Employment Necessitated by Reason of Service in the Uniformed Services Sec to 9/18/2018

29 Regulations Subpart C Eligibility for Reemployment USERRA section 4312d
Employer Statutory Defenses Changed Circumstances Undue Hardship Nonrecurring Position Employer has the Burden of Proof 9/18/2018

30 USERRA Operations Manual

31 Electronic Operations Manual
276 Pages Regulations Included (5 and 20 CFR) Statute Included Usability Search Functions Interactive Electronic Operations Manual


33 Thumbnails View Navigation Pane Select multi-view



36 Search Functions WORD CTRL + F


38 Toolbox Interactive Links for all USERRA Investigator Resources!

39 Issue Codes and Toggle

40 LAW LAB Issue: What sections of Chapter 43? What section of REGS:
5 year limit 4312 (c) (3) & (4) Sec & 103

41 Investigator COURSE USERRA

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