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Station 3 In August 1791 the island of St Domingue began its successful rebellion: slaves, led by Toussaint L’Ouverture , overthrew the government that.

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Presentation on theme: "Station 3 In August 1791 the island of St Domingue began its successful rebellion: slaves, led by Toussaint L’Ouverture , overthrew the government that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Station 3 In August 1791 the island of St Domingue began its successful rebellion: slaves, led by Toussaint L’Ouverture , overthrew the government that ran the island and it became the first free state known as Haiti CO 137/89 f An early and very brief account of the rebellion was sent to London by the governor of Jamaica in September 1791 The first part talks about the governments immediate response to the insurrection. The second part is ten days later. Read through the two extracts from the document What words does the Governor of Jamaica use to describe the insurrection at St. Domingo/Haiti? How did the Governor respond to the insurrection? Why? Why do you think in the second part of the extract, the governor is keen not to allow any male man from Haiti to come to Jamaica? Complete the sentence: The Governor of Jamaica is (insert emotion)_______________ we know this because __________________. Extension Task Create a diary entry of the Governor that night; what might he write about the rebellion?

2 Part 1

3 Part 2

4 Transcript Part 1 “I am very sorry my first correspondence with you should contain so melancholy an account as I have to give of our neighbours in St Domingo. A Mr Bugues l has been deported here from the Governor and President of the assembly to crave assistance on account of a terrible insurrection among the negroes who have burnt and destroyed all the plantations for 50 miles in length on both sides of the Cape. The Mulattos who were at open violence with the whites have joined them from a sense of common danger, and 15,000 of them with 30,000 slaves who remain faithful are crowded in the town and the Cape, almost starving. I have at their desire sent them 500 musquets and 1500 O of Ball and allowed them to purchase provisions to send there.” Part 2 On the south side the damage to the plantations has been proportionally great but I fear the massacres much greater. The Admiral has ordered some of the ships to look into Port au Prince. I have supplied them with 300 musquets and Ball and they have bought powder and provisions from the merchants. Some of the inhabitants from that part have fled hither and we were told more would follow. If that should be the case my chief care would be to prevent their negroes from coming to mix with ours and orders have been given to prevent their landing without particular permissions which will only be granted to a few females for the care of women with child or young child, but no male negro will be allowed.

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