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Jacksonian Democracy Ch. 6 Sec. 1.

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1 Jacksonian Democracy Ch. 6 Sec. 1

2 Jacksonian Democracy Term given to Jackson’s time in office
The belief in the capability & intelligence of average Americans The majority should rule Ordinary citizens should play a prominent role in govt. Strong supporter of the spoils system Spoils system – appointing people to govt. jobs on the basis of party loyalty and support He forced out large numbers of govt. employees appoint his own followers

3 A New System Presidential candidates were decided through the caucus system Members of the party caucus in Congress would decide who to nominate for president Restricted access to office mainly to the elite and well connected Jacksonians replaced it w/ the National Nominating convention Delegates from states gathered to decide on the party’s presidential nominee Political power would come from the people rather than from the elite political institutions

4 Tariff Troubles South Carolina’s economy weakening
Many blamed this on US tariffs… SC had few industries Purchased many manufactured goods from England The tariffs had made these goods very costly 1828 – Congress levies a new tariff Called the Tariff of Abominations Many SC threatened to secede (leave) the Union

5 Nullification Crisis John C. Calhoun – vice president from SC
Torn b/w his country and his state Does not support secession  instead put forth the idea of nullification Anonymously publishes – The South Carolina Exposition and Protest Argues that states have the right to declare a federal law null (not valid) States have this right since they had created the federal Union

6 Jackson vs. Calhoun 1832 – Jackson and Congress pass a law to cut tariffs significantly SC was still not satisfied November 1832 – SC state convention adopted an ordinance of nullification Declared the tariffs of 1828 and 1832 to be unconstitutional Jackson considered the nullification an act of treason He sent a warship to Charleston

7 Ease the Tension 1833 – Congress passed the Force Bill
Authorized the president to use the military to enforce acts of Congress Somebody had to ease the tensions b/w country and state Congress passes a bill to gradually lower the nation’s tariffs until 1842 SC repealed its nullification of the tariff law The issue is temporarily solved

8 Jackson and Racism Jackson hated Indians
Wanted to move all Indians to the Great Plains Many b/l the Great Plains was a wasteland and would never be settled He wanted all Native American influences removed from the US

9 Assimilation Chief John Ross  Leader of the Cherokee Nation 1828-1866
Restore Politcical Unity Assimilation – to integrate or incorporate into another society

10 Get Rid of Them! 1830 – Indian Removal Act
Provided money for relocating Indians Most gave in and settled in the West But not the Cherokee of Georgia Cherokee of Georgia had adopted white culture, they were assimilated They hired lawyers to sue the state of GA and fought it to the Supreme Court

11 Worcester vs. Georgia 1832 – Chief Justice John Marshall sides w/ the Indians He ordered state officials to honor Cherokee property rights Jackson refused to support the decision of the Supreme Court!

12 Trail of Tears Most of the Cherokees resisted the govt. until 1838
Eventually Jackson’s successor (Van Buren) sent in the army to force the remaining Indians out of their homes Army marched them to present day Oklahoma  The Trail of Tears About 4,000 Cherokees (¼ of the Indians on this journey) died of starvation, disease, and exposure on the journey


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