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Managed DirectX Joe Gavin.

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Presentation on theme: "Managed DirectX Joe Gavin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managed DirectX Joe Gavin

2 About DirectX Introduced in 1995
Provides an interface between software and hardware Allows software to use hardware acceleration Constantly updated for new hardware and technologies

3 Managed DirectX Interfaces
Direct3D DirectDraw DirectPlay DirectSound DirectInput AudioVideoPlayback

4 Direct3D Object to be drawn Environment Camera Lighting


6 DirectDraw Works with older hardware when only 2D images are being displayed Works with two surfaces Primary Surface Back Buffer Draw to the back buffer and Then flip it with the primary surface


8 DirectPlay Used for multiplayer gaming
Allows programmers to use whatever network connections a computer has to send and receive game data from other players Offers prebuilt functionality to go on top of a connection

9 DirectSound Allows for advanced control of sounds to be played back
Sounds can be located in a specific 3D location Sounds can change when the source or the listener moves Gives control over properties like pan and frequency

10 DirectInput Used to get input from the user Can be set up in two ways
Polling loop Implemented in the main code loop State of input is checked with every frame render Event loop One thread keeps track of the state of the device and when it changes it raises an event Main application listens for the events

11 AudioVideoPlayback Designed to be a simple to use interface that will play video and sound Very easy to use but lacks the advanced controls of DirectSound Allows videos to be very easily integrated into programs.

12 Questions?

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