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Getting Started with Excel Essentials
Lesson 18 Getting Started with Excel Essentials
Objectives Identify the parts of the Excel screen.
Navigate through a worksheet and a workbook. Change views and magnification in the worksheet window. Use the AutoCorrect and AutoComplete features when entering data. Insert and delete rows, and change column width and row height. Copy, clear, move, and delete data. Use the Undo and Redo features. Use the AutoFill feature to copy and enter data into a range of cells. Objectives
Vocabulary active cell: Cell that is selected.
AutoFill: Feature that enables you to repeat the same data in a column or row. cell: The intersection of a single row and a single column. cell reference: Column letter followed by the row number. column heading: The letter at the top of the column. range: A group of selected cells. Vocabulary
Vocabulary (continued)
row heading: The number at the left of the row. spreadsheet: Grid of rows and columns into which you enter text data and numerical data. value: Text or numbers entered into a cell. workbook: Where one or more spreadsheets are stored in Excel. worksheet: Excel term for a spreadsheet. Vocabulary (continued)
Identifying the Parts of the Excel Screen
A spreadsheet is a grid of rows and columns into which you enter text data (e.g., surnames, cities, states) and numerical data (e.g., dates, currency, percentages). Excel refers to a spreadsheet as a worksheet. The worksheet is always stored in a workbook that contains one or more worksheets. Worksheet is divided into columns and rows. Columns = Vertical, Identified by capital letters Rows = Horizontal, Identified by numbers Top Row usually reserved for explanatory text or headings to identify data in column. Identifying the Parts of the Excel Screen
Identifying the Parts of the Excel Screen (continued)
When you open a new Workbook, Sheet 1 appears in the worksheet window. Worksheet Specifications - Each worksheet contains: 1,048,576 Rows 16,384 Columns 17,179,869,184 Cells Column width = Max of 255 characters Row height = Max of 409 points Identifying the Parts of the Excel Screen (continued)
Identifying the Parts of the Excel Screen (continued)
Excel application window Mouse Pointer Shapes outside worksheet cells = white arrow within worksheet cells = white plus sign within formula bar = I-beam Identifying the Parts of the Excel Screen (continued)
Identifying the Parts of the Excel Screen (continued)
Minimized Title Bar window screenshot Maximize Button On Title Bar, click the Minimize Window button to minimize the Worksheet Window, but still have Ribbon appear in application window. Close Button Restore Up Button Minimized Title Bar actual location Larger Scaled View of minimized Title Bar Identifying the Parts of the Excel Screen (continued)
Identifying the Parts of the Excel Screen (continued)
Excel application window Title Bar of minimized worksheet Worksheet Sizing Buttons Minimize Button Maximize Button Close Button Worksheet window reduced in size Identifying the Parts of the Excel Screen (continued)
Identifying the Parts of the Excel Screen (continued)
Excel 2010 uses Microsoft Office Fluent user interface, which is the Ribbon that adjusts to meet your needs. It is similar to the Ribbon in Word. Quick Tip: You can also minimize the Ribbon by double-clicking any one of the Ribbon tabs. To expand the Ribbon, double-click any one of the tabs. Identifying the Parts of the Excel Screen (continued)
A cell is the intersection of a single row and a single column.
The cell reference is the column letter followed by the row number (for example, A1 or B4). When a cell is selected, it is called the active cell. Navigating a Workbook
Navigating a Workbook (continued)
Keyboard shortcuts to move insertion point Navigating a Workbook (continued)
Navigating a Workbook (continued)
Name box shows the cell reference Displaying Active Cell In Worksheet Active Cell Formula Bar shows cell contents Column Letter and Row Number highlighted for active cell. A dark border appears around the active cell. Navigating a Workbook (continued)
Navigating a Workbook (continued)
Quick Tip: You can quickly open the Go To dialog box by pressing F5 or Ctrl+G. Editing Group On The Home Tab Navigating a Workbook (continued)
Navigating a Workbook (continued)
Active cells have solid border when selected Vertical Scroll Bar and Scroll Box Horizontal Scroll Bar and Scroll Box Navigating a Workbook (continued)
Changing the Workbook View and Magnification
Workbook Views group on the View tab You can change the view by selecting options from the Workbook Views group on the View tab. Default view highlighted Shows page breaks of worksheet Hides Ribbon, Formula Bar, and Status Bar Columns and Rows separated from the worksheet cells Changing the Workbook View and Magnification
Changing the Workbook View and Magnification (continued)
You also can change the view by clicking one of the view buttons in the status bar in the lower-right corner of the worksheet window. Changing the Workbook View and Magnification (continued)
Changing the Workbook View and Magnification (continued)
Additional Info: If you have a mouse with a wheel, you can also change the zoom settings by using the wheel. To increase the magnification, hold Ctrl and roll the wheel away from you. To decrease the magnification, hold Ctrl and roll the wheel towards you. Zoom Group On The View Tab Changing the Workbook View and Magnification (continued)
You add data to the cells by entering text or a number, often referred to as a value, in the active cell. Inserting Data To enter data in a cell, the cell must be active. Values you enter are displayed in both the cell and the formula bar. By default, excel shows approximately 8 characters in each cell. If text does not fit in cell, a series of number signs (####) is displayed in the cell. Entering Data
Entering Data (continued)
Cancel, Enter, Insert Function buttons As data is entered in the cell, the formula bar shows the content Entering Data (continued)
Entering Data (continued)
Quick Tip: If you choose not to keep the data you have entered, you can press Esc or click the Cancel button in the formula bar. The Enter and Cancel buttons do not appear in the formula bar unless you enter data in a cell or position the insertion point in the formula bar. Entering Data (continued)
Entering Data (continued)
Using the AutoCorrect and AutoComplete Features The AutoCorrect feature in Excel corrects common mistakes as you enter data. With the AutoComplete feature, Excel compares the first few characters you enter in a cell with existing entries in the same column. If characters match an existing entry, Excel proposes the existing entry. Entering Data (continued)
Modifying the Worksheet Structure
You can change the structure of a worksheet by adding or deleting rows and columns or merging cell. You can also add and delete worksheets stored within a workbook. Selecting Multiple Cells in the Worksheet To select an entire row in a worksheet, click the row heading, which is the number at the left of the row (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.). To select an entire column, click the column heading, which is the letter at the top of the column (A, B, C, D, etc.). Modifying the Worksheet Structure
Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Selecting Multiple Cells in the Worksheet (continued) You can also select a row, column, or section of a worksheet by clicking and dragging the mouse to highlight an area. When you select a group of cells, the group is called a range. All cells touch to form a rectangle and are identified by the cell references of the cell in the upper-left corner and the cell in the lower-right corner. Here is an example of a range A1:D6 Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Selected Column Click on letter of column to select “Active Cell” of selection has no shading. All other cells will be shaded Dark border appears around column when selected. Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Selected Row Click on number of row to select “Active Cell” of selection has no shading. All other cells will be shaded Dark border appears around row when selected. Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Selected range of cells shaded in blue Range Name = A1:D6 Active Cell Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Additional Info: Instead of holding down the Shift key to select a range of cells, you can press F8 and then press the arrow keys to select the cells. The F8 key enables the Select mode. To turn off the Select mode, press F8 again, or press Esc. Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Inserting and Deleting Rows and Columns Affects entire worksheet by shifting data in some direction. New column added = existing data is shifted to the “Right.” New row added = existing data is shifted down a “Row.” To add or delete rows and columns, use the buttons in the Cells group on the Home tab. Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Inserting and Deleting Rows and Columns To insert or delete multiple columns and rows in a single step, select the desired number of columns or rows before executing the command (insert or delete). If the data in one cell is dependent on the data in another cell, when these cells are adjusted, Excel will keep straight what information is required where. Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Changing Column Width and Row Height If data does not fit in cell, you can widen the column or change the height of a row. To change column width: Drag the right column header boundary. Double-click the right column header boundary In the Cells group on the Home Tab, click the Format button then: Click AutoFit Column Width. Click Column Width and input specific width, then click OK. Default Column Width = 8.43 characters with the default text font. Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Dragging Column Boundary to Change Column Width Position pointer on right border of column to change; double-headed arrow appears for mouse pointer, then click and drag to reduce or enlarge column. New position for column boundary ScreenTip shows column width Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Using Format button to Change Column Width Select Column(s) to change. Next, in the Cells group on the Home Tab, click the Format button and then click either: Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Changing Column Width and Row Height (continued) To change row height: Drag the bottom row header boundary. Double-click the bottom row header boundary. In the Cells group on the Home Tab, click the Format button then: Click AutoFit Row Height Click Row Height and input specific height, then click OK. The default row height is with the default text font. Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Dragging Row Boundary to Change Row Height Position pointer between rows; double-headed arrow appears for mouse pointer, then click and drag to reduce or enlarge row height New position for row boundary ScreenTip shows column width Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Using Format button to Change Row Height Select Row(s) to change. Next, in the Cells group on the Home Tab, click the Format button and then click either: Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Editing the Worksheet Data Sometimes after entering data in a worksheet, you need to reorganize it. You may even want to remove some of the data and not replace it. Or, you may want to move or copy existing data from one location to another. Quick Tip: To view the objects on the Clipboard, in the Clipboard group click the dialog box launcher to display the Clipboard task pane. However, the Clipboard task pane does not need to be open when you copy and paste data. Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Editing the Worksheet Data (continued) Additional Info: By default, the Quick Access Toolbar does not include the Repeat Command. To add the Repeat command to the QAT, click the Customize Quick Access Toolbar button, and then click More Commands. Under Separator, click Repeat, click Add, and then click OK. Clearing, Replacing, and Copying Existing Data To replace cell contents, you can select the cell and enter the new data. The process for deleting data can be as simple as pressing Delete or Backspace. To copy or move, use Buttons in the Clipboard group on the Home tab. The Clipboard is used to copy and paste data. You can move or copy multiple cells of data at the same time. Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Delete Dialog Box When deleting CELLS, the Delete dialog box opens which gives you options: Warning: Use caution when using the Shift cells feature. The results may misalign data in your rows and columns. Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Moving Dotted-line Marquee around selected cell When cutting or copying data from a cell, an animated border (a moving dotted-line marquee) appears around the selected cell(s). Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Using the AutoFill Feature to Copy Data The AutoFill feature enables you to repeat the same data in a column or row. The fill command can only be used when the destination cells are adjacent to the original cell. Can use mouse to automatically fill data up or down in the same column or right or left in the same row. Fill Button located in the Editing Group on the Home Tab Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Using the AutoFill Feature (continued) Fill Handle is the small black square located in the lower right corner of the active cell. Mouse pointer turns to “Crosshair” when placed on Fill Handle. Additional Info: To quickly fill to the cell on the right, click the destination cell and press Ctrl+R. The contents in the cell at the left are copied to the destination cell. To quickly fill down, click the destination cell and press Ctrl+D. The contents of the cell above are copied to the destination cell. Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Using the Fill Handle to fill down a range of cells Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Using the AutoFill Feature to Fill in a Series Used to fill series of numbers and dates Can use Fill Handle to complete this task: Pattern must be established in the initial selection of cells. If you drag fill handle down or to the right, the series is continued in ascending order. If you drag fill handle up or to the left, the series is continued in descending order. Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Drag the fill handle to automatically fill in a series of numbers and dates. Examples shown below. Continuous Numbers Dates Odd Numbers Fill Handle Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Using the AutoFill Feature to Fill in a Series (continued) Can use Series dialog box to modify fill settings: Select fill range Choose Editing Group from the Home tab, click on the Fill button, click on Series Modify options See Series dialog box on next slide for options. Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Series dialog box To get to this box: Choose Editing Group from the Home tab Click Fill button Click Series Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
After range of cells has been filled AutoFill Options button Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Technology Careers - Computer Software Engineers: Computer software engineers evaluate situations, analyze needs, develop software to perform functions, and then verify and test the software to ensure that the requirements are met. They develop many types of software, including business applications, computer games, operating systems, and technical applications used in a variety of industries. They also solve technical problems as they arise. The tasks evolve quickly, so computer software engineers must continually strive to acquire new skills to keep up with changing technology. They must pay attention to detail and have strong problem-solving and analytical skills. Much of the work is part of a team effort, so computer software engineers must be able to communicate effectively with team members and other staff. Job prospects for computer software engineers are excellent. It is one of the fastest growing occupations. Modifying the Worksheet Structure (continued)
Summary In this lesson, you learned:
The Excel application window shows the Quick Access Toolbar, status bar, and other similar features used in other Microsoft Office applications. To navigate the workbook, you can use keyboard shortcuts and the scroll bars. Summary
You can choose from several options to view the worksheet, and you can change the zoom settings to specify the level of magnification. To enter data in a cell, the cell must be active. Depending on the width of the column, all the data may not be displayed, but the data is still contained in the cell. Summary (continued)
As you enter data, the AutoCorrect feature automatically corrects some of your keyboarding errors. If the data you are entering matches characters of existing entries in the column, the AutoComplete feature proposes the existing entry to save you time. When you insert or delete cells, rows, and columns, all existing data is shifted up, down, left, or right. Summary (continued)
To accommodate the data in a cell, you can widen the column and change the height of a row.
To reorganize a worksheet, you can add and delete columns and rows; you can also delete, clear, copy and paste, or move the data. The Undo and Redo commands are available on the Quick Access Toolbar. The AutoFill feature enables you to quickly fill in a series of data. Summary (continued)
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