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Paper 1 and 2 feedback.

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1 Paper 1 and 2 feedback

2 Boundaries 2017 +5%

3 Boundaries +15 marks (best to be prepared.....) +10 marks 9 133 8 123

4 The Next Step Paper 2 – feedback points + slides (blog)
DIT paper 2 section A (select lowest Q) timed (self assessed with teacher mark) DIT paper – complete the 2 other questions (use resources on blog to support and self assess) DIT paper 1 section A – complete lowest as new timed (self assessed with teacher mark) DIT paper – complete the other 2 questions (use resources on blog to support and self assess) Q5 improvements for both papers will be done in lessons – ‘writing workshop’ carousel (details to be provided next lesson) Thursday PM support sessions 3 sessions with Mrs Morgan (your teacher will inform you if it is recommended that you attend to support Language DIT process)

5 After the Lit mock.... Mock return lesson: period 5 Wednesday 28th March DIT essay – 2 different stories and 2 different poems ( complete in Easter holidays/details to be provided next week) self assess skills for both (with exemplar essay to guide grade. Any mocks that were below target grade/borderline – teacher mark DIT (completion of all checked). Revision resources on blog for Easter support

6 English Language Paper 2

7 Question 2- 8 marks 'summary of differences'
Strong focus on differences rather than similarities! Hurrah! Those who remembered to use quotes to support ideas attained better levels Those who used range of quotes ACROSS both texts attained higher Focus of the task was on the behaviour of the children- comments solely on for behaviour of teachers or school building could not be rewarded. Use connectives to move between sources and aid clarity of comparison/ contrast Full markers wrote the response with clear points of comparison, good range of texts and expressed the differences using strong and varied synonyms to evaluate subtle differences

8 Q3 – 12 marks ‘analysing language’
Read the section carefully before you write to get a secure sense of tone, style, characterisation, atmosphere and any changes  An introduction is not needed – go straight to analysis and ‘anchor your answer’ to the question focus. SQI format – quote for all points and if there is a specific language term you must use it (check you understanding of nouns/verbs/adjectives/adverbs to avoid ‘lost marks’ Look for the more sophisticated devices – auditory/tactile/tone/cumulative effect of vocabulary choices/semantic fields Inference for all selected quotes essential – perceptive not obvious. Ask yourself what the writer really wants the reader to understand and feel.  Structural devices only relevant if focused on the language in the feature eg. cumulative effect of the listing of animalistic verbs... or contract of juxtaposed imagery of....  Your vocabulary – how you write  matters. Consider your language choices to capture the writer’s intention. Avoid repeating your self for different quotations. Variety is key.   For full marks, consider links across the passage- is one technique used across the passage? How does it develop? Why has it been repeated? Aim for  5-6 quotes minimum. 

9 Q4 – 16 marks ‘compare the writers’ attitudes…’
Use information about the sources’ audience/form (provided on the insert’s front cover) to inform your evaluation of the writer’s attitude ( Source B was from a diary which helps explain its more raw and confessional style and being a teacher there every day, not an inspector, could explain his weariness with the daily grind) The question focus is on the ‘attitudes’ of the writers. Some students focussed on how the schools were presented (dismal / hellish / oasis) rather than how the writer felt (disgusted/ fearful/ delighted) 3 points of comparison : beginning/ middle/end with 6 quotes in total (3 per source) to ensure coverage 6 methods – one for each quote (juxtaposition/ metaphor/ short sentence / intensifier / auditory imagery / oxymoron worked well in this paper…) Some lovely inference showing a strong evaluative critical voice ‘source A writer shows his feeling of delight through the ‘oasis’ metaphor which shows he sees the school as a safe haven / sanctuary / means for redemption / holy grail / paradise within hell ..’ keep up this lively, convincing analysis 

10 Q5 - Writing Form – read question carefully. A speech needs to address an audience and show clear use of features for this form. Show a connection to your audience. Purpose- what context is the writing for? Here- a final school day- how can you use this context to shape the response? 'Our time here at DHSG' 'The World Book day of Year 7...' 'Bude, Bookbabes and Bunsen burners...' Be aware of alternative views – have a counter to strengthen your opinions. Tone – don’t rant and don’t ‘sit on the fence’ – commit to your views but ask yourself ‘would this be effective in the ‘real world’? Paragraph! Your marks are capped if you don’t. Route 5 can help (hook/develop/counter/pivotal ‘killer point’/memorable ending – perhaps cyclical) DROPS Apostrophes please.

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