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U. S. Coast Guard Alignment and Transformation

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1 U. S. Coast Guard Alignment and Transformation
Commandant Intent Action Order (CIAO)–Based Strategic Service-Wide Alignment and Transformation Coast Guard CIAO-Based Strategic Transformation Overview Brief 9/18/2018

2 All of Us, Working Together Today,
To Ready Our Coast Guard for Tomorrow Before today, you have likely heard about upcoming changes, and it is understandable you may have many questions right now. This brief is intended to give you an overview of the planned changes to our Coast Guard. The World is changing and America’s Coast Guard has to change and adapt along with it. Since 9/11 we have deployed Port Security Units to domestic ports, maintained continuous waterside security in Gauntanamo Bay, Cuba, sustained the deployment of six patrol boats in the Persian Gulf, and maintained stability in Haiti during that country’s recent unrest. We now routinely conduct multi-agency operations with our Homeland Security partners. We have developed standard operating procedures to flow forces to DoD and have conducted coordinated operations under the National Incident Management System with diverse responders such as FEMA urban search and rescue teams, the National Disaster Medical System, and non-governmental organizations. Simultaneously, we have maintained execution of our traditional missions. We manage risk on a daily basis more so now, than any time in our history, and we operate in a radically changed mission environment. Our Coast Guard must evolve to keep pace. We need to become more agile, flexible, and responsive. Specifically, we need to do 3 things: We need to make our force structure more responsive to Mission Execution. We need to make our support systems more responsive to our operators. And, we need to make our Coast Guard more responsive to the needs of our Nation. Our Coast Guard must change, transition and transform. However, it is important that each of you realize our Coast Guard cannot succeed in this transformation without the help, support, and dedication of each one of you who make up our Coast Guard workforce: active-duty, civilian, reserve and auxiliary alike. Together, we need to commit to the idea that our Coast Guard must change, and together we must transform our Coast Guard. Each one of us in the Coast Guard today, is vital to shaping our Coast Guard for America’s future. Making our force structure more response to Mission Execution. Making our support system more responsive to our operators. And Making our Coast Guard, more responsive to our Nation. 9/18/2018

3 Mission Execution The Coast Guard’s “World of Work”-
We provide for the safety, security and stewardship of America’s maritime interests wherever the Coast Guard operates. Our people, platforms and partnerships are critical to doing this through our three principal force structures: Shore-based multi-mission forces (Sectors); Maritime patrol and interdiction forces (Deepwater); Specialized deployable forces (Deployable Operations Group) The Coast Guard has never been more relevant or important in the world then we are today. Because of our operational successes after September 11th and with Hurricane Katrina, as well as with our day-to-day operations, we’ve never been more respected by the American public then we are right now. It is wonderful to be admired in this way, however this has resulted in a prevailing belief that we are capable of maintaining this level of operational success and doing more, on a sustained basis, with service competencies and capacities, in a current structure, that can not truly support it. With this in mind, the Commandant vowed to focus on a primary goal of ensuring successful Mission Execution. Mission Execution includes sustaining a level of performance that the country has come to expect from us, and ensuring we are always able, from an organizational standpoint, to do the things the American public expects us to be able to do. It seems a simple concept, but if you look at what goes into the output of our Mission Execution, it becomes extremely complex very rapidly. So, in order to pin-point exactly what the Coast Guard would need to do to sustain Mission Execution, Admiral Allen formulated a study group of experts from all of the varying mission roles- officers, enlisted folks, reserves and auxiliarists, and conducted a service-wide performance assessment of how the Coast Guard does business. From this, a model of Mission Execution was created that does 2 things- sustains the Coast Guard’s exceptional performance, and takes into account that fundamental service-wide changes, which have not been made in nearly 30 years were needed, in order to safeguard against eventual organizational failure. 9/18/2018

4 Need for Purposeful Change
“We live in a world of dynamic threats and hazards and must adapt accordingly. We will not change for change’s sake but purposefully, with strategic intent and always focused on our first priority and duty to the Nation: Mission Execution.” - Coast Guard Commandant, Admiral Thad W. Allen The Coast Guard has had systemic problems which we’ve tried to fix in the past based on external drivers, or as a result of special studies. We’ve tried at various times to change how we operate the Coast Guard as both an operating agency, and in regard to general internal business practices. Some very innovative ideas for positive change have been conceived, but unfortunately, we’ve not always followed through on the whole concept, and optimized, fully, these ideas. For example, a 1986 study resulted in the creation of the Maintenance and Logistics Commands- finance, engineering and general support functions were removed from the districts and reassigned to the 2 MLCs. The actual recommendation of the study group was to create a central MLC so that we don’t have 2 coasts conducting maintenance in different ways. However, for various reasons we sub-optimized the decision. This is one example of how, in the past, we’ve had great ideas, but didn’t always demonstrate the courage to believe in ourselves and completely follow through. We now find ourselves with “stove-piped” logistics systems, and essentially we manage support for aircraft, ships, and shore facilities, differently. We’ve tried at times to unify logistical and supply support consistent with what you’d see in the private sector, for example Walmart or Fed Ex, etc., but, we never quite finished executing the necessary changes to get us to that ideal centralized support system. Another example, in 1999 following a study, it was concluded the Coast Guard would be optimally structured if we consolidated all of the field units- operations and marine safety existing in single ports, into single commands. This same study showed we should also get involved in Maritime Domain Awareness, ironically, this was 2 years before Unfortunately, we had the same problem, we accurately analyzed that moving in that direction was the best thing to do for the Coast Guard, but we didn’t promptly follow through. After 35 years, having been closely involved in many of these past positive change attempts, and based in large part on the service-wide performance assessment he directed, Admiral Allen decided it was time to take a step back to look at our organizational wellness, and from this assessment vowed that the Coast Guard must transform in a manner that optimizes the service’s people and platforms if we are going to ultimately sustain Mission Execution. 9/18/2018

5 Alignment and Transformation
To adapt to today’s operational environment and sustain mission execution into the future we must: take immediate steps to reorganize our operational forces, improve our service and support systems, better align with our departmental and interagency partners, and make our logistics and financial systems more efficient and accountable. The Commandant is clear about where the Coast Guard needs to go. The need for service-wide transformation is divided into 2 key areas- Command and Control- how we actually execute the mission and, Mission Support- how we optimize the support and the readiness we need to execute the mission We are setting out to align and transform the entire Coast Guard in terms of both the command and control and mission support structures; the 2 key areas that support Mission Execution. The Commandant has issued 10 Commandant Intent Action Orders or CIAOs, that will serve as the template for his tenure as Commandant, and the basis for our service-wide transformation. The CIAOs are designed to support the strategic priorities of the Coast Guard and enable us to best serve the national interests. Implementation of the CIAOs will: better align the Coast Guard with DHS, and DOD, improving overall unity of effort. It will enhance our people support- such as career path planning and competency proficiencies, and ultimately improve the condition and well being of our workforce. It will provide better Headquarters and Field alignment by shifting significant operational oversight outside of the Washington, D.C. area. It will remove layers from a too many layered support system. And, it will significantly enhance the Coast Guard’s overall readiness management. In short, this service-wide alignment and transformation will prepare the Coast Guard for continued success in the 21st century. 9/18/2018

6 STRATEGY STRATEGY Outcome Metrics Command and Control
CIAO 6 CGS STRATEGY CIA0 3 DOG Command and Control Mission Execution Outcome Metrics Save mariners Eliminate collisions Eliminate oil spills Achieve sustained fisheries Reduce the flow of illegal drugs Reduce homeland security risk Support national security & military strategies Deployable DOG CIAO 2 HQ CIAO 7 C2 Mobile Deepwater The purple box on this slide shows our outcome metrics, the key goals we are governmentally mandated to work toward annually with our alloted budget. We execute our missions to produce these outcomes for the American public. The gray box in the slide depicts the clear, coherent manner we will employ forces in order to create a layered defense for the Nation. These operational forces are the Coast Guard’s “strategic trident” of force structure: We have fixed or shore-based multi-mission forces unified and tethered to an area of responsibility in a single port, now executed through our centralized single command called sectors. Mobile maritime interdiction and long-range patrol assets exist in our deepwater concept of operations, which is how we extend our presence off shore through high sea boardings, patrol operations, and during deployment in support of DOD in the Arabian gulf, and so forth. Finally, we have our deployable specialized forces including our Strike Teams, Port Security Units, TACLETs, and now our MSSTs and MSRT. These forces are being consolidated into a single unified expeditionary command structure. Following our Hurricane Katrina response, it was clear this was an essential change that had to be carried out. The Coast Guard is now creating adaptive, force packaging referred to as the Deployable Operations Group. This will enable us to “mix and match” strike team members, MSSTs, etc. and go into a port, like we did in New Orleans, with a force that is ideally packaged to fix the problem or respond to a higher threat level and ultimately be better prepared to achieve Mission Execution. These expeditionary forces will also deploy with DHS agencies, in events that require unity of effort at the department level. CIAO 3 mandates the DOG be established, and operating by July of 2007, and they are nearly complete. That is the force structure. To optimize this you need to enhance the 2 key areas- command and control and mission support. There are 10 distinct CIAOs, but they are not being planned or executed as independent initiatives. This slide provides a visual image of how the CIAO’s interrelations fit together to support these key areas, which in turn will enable critical organizational and procedural enhancements that will fundamentally change the Coast Guard for the better. To ensure systematic implementation, the Commandant has looked to his senior executive leaders for the analysis and decision making required for thorough planning and execution, and a CIAO Coordination Team has been established to meticulously workout the intricate internal and external sequencing details, and timelines necessary for us to realize full alignment and transformation. The following slides provide a detailed summary of the purpose and end-state goals of each CIAO, the primary issues they are designed to address, as well as a projected timeline for implementation and Full Operational Capability. CIAO 1 ACQ Mission Support CIAO 4 LOG CIAO 5 FIN Fixed Sectors CIAO 8 HR CIAO 9 RC CIAO 10 eCG STRATEGY

7 CIAO 1 - (ACQ) Acquisition Directorate and the Integrated Deepwater System Consolidation
The Coast Guard’s Acquisition Directorate (G-A); Deepwater (G-D) staffs; the Office of Procurement Management (CG-85); Office of Research, Development, and Technical Management (CG-66); the Research and Development (R&D) Center; and the Head Contracting Authority (HCA) will be consolidated under the leadership of the Assistant Commandant for Acquisition (CG-9). End States: Become a model for mid-size Federal Agency acquisition and procurement. Align with DHS procurement organization. Align with Coast Guard mission support organization. Improve efficiency of human capital. Execute more effective project management and acquisition governance. Projected Stand Up of CG-9: 29 June 2007 Admiral Allen has emphasized, “The Coast Guard must become the model for mid-sized Federal agency acquisition in process, workforce and capability.” The Coast Guard is currently managing an unprecedented $25.8 billion dollars in total acquisition programs under 16 major system acquisitions to deliver new and improved air, surface, and C4IT (information technologies) platforms to the field. The Acquisition Consolidation will be the first step in the service-wide restructuring of acquisition, engineering, logistics and human resource functions into a Mission Support Organization. The Coast Guard will also be undergoing major Acquisition Reform to align with DHS and better manage cost, performance, schedule and risk. Through consolidation and reform, the acquisition directorate will enhance Mission Execution by delivering more effective platforms and support in a life-cycle management context. 9/18/2018

8 CIAO 2 – (HQ) USCG Headquarters Transition to Numbered Staffs
The Coast Guard Headquarters’ staff will be reorganized into numbered staffs (CG-1, CG-2, CG-3, etc.) to improve the way the Coast Guard develops policy and manages resources and to enable better alignment with the Department of Defense (DoD). End States: Integrate all Coast Guard operating programs. Structure alignment with DoD components. Projected Full Operational Capability Timeline: End of Fiscal Year 2008 The change to numbered staffs is not new. In fact the Coast Guard began the transformation back in 2004 with the Assistant Commandant for Intelligence when they became CG-2. Staff symbols are used extensively throughout the Service in everyday verbal, electronic, and paper based communications. By transforming our organizational staff symbols to a numbered system, the Coast Guard better aligns itself with our counterparts within the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security. Ultimately, our organizational construct will be more understandable to both our external as well as our internal stakeholders. Additionally, CIAO 2-HQ planners are significantly involved in the planning process that will result in an overall Coast Guard organizational construct that is significantly “delayered,” and flatter, which will ultimately result in more efficient support to the field. Included in this portion of the transformation is the full merger of the O and M “world’s-of-work,” as well as the elimination of the Coast Guard’s Chief of Staff position as it is currently structured. 9/18/2018

9 CIAO 3 – (DOG) Deployable Operations Group Implementation
The Coast Guard will establish a Deployable Operations Group (DOG). The mission of the DOG will be to provide organized, equipped, and trained deployable, specialized forces to Coast Guard, DHS and interagency operational and tactical commanders. These forces Will deploy in support of national requirements as tailored, integrated force packages, across the United States and other high interest areas. End States: Provide adaptive force packages for all threats, all hazards. Enhance unity of effort within DHS, DoD, and inter-agency. Projected Full Operational Capability Timeline: End of Fiscal Year 2008 The Coast Guard has long maintained teams and detachments that are deployable, but that have always been stovepiped among different mission areas. These teams will be placed under one command, a force structure designed to integrate with DHS and other Federal and state agencies to create a more agile, flexible force that can deploy in advance of or after an event to mitigate any threats or hazards. As a complement to the Coast Guard’s shore-based and mobile forces, deployable units will meet increased threat levels, respond to incidents of national significance, and form into adaptive force packages within DHS. The Deployable Operations Group (DOG) is not a new set of forces or an additional level of bureaucracy, it is frankly a better way to organize forces that already exist and streamline and simplify the chain of command. The DOG will be a single entry point for other agencies, streamlining potential responses and improving efficiency. The following forces will report to the DOG: National Strike Force (NSF), Tactical Law Enforcement Teams (TACLETs), Port Security Units (PSUs) Maritime Safety and Security Teams (MSSTs), Maritime Security Response Team (MSRT). The overall value added with the formation of the DOG is: Creation of a more efficiently organized and more effectively deployable force structure, Opportunity to develop departmental doctrine to support adaptive force packaging for incident response or surge operations, A “Community of Interest” established w/in the Coast Guard that will support long term skill sets, i.e. Common training, tactics, techniques and procedures developed across unit types, Coordinated administrative, intelligence, operational, logistics, planning, command and control architecture, exercise and financial functions, Better integration with, and support of DHS, DOD, DOJ and other Federal, state and local partners, Unitary, timely, and reliable force employment for maritime threat and disaster response; in turn, overall enhanced Mission Execution. 9/18/2018

10 Pre-Deployable Operations Group (DOG)
U.S. Coast Guard Pre-Deployable Operations Group (DOG) Strike Team NSFCC HQ (G-RPP) LANT TACLET LANTAREA (Are) HQ (G-RPC) PAC TACLET LANT MSST PAC MSST LANT PSU PAC PSU MSRT HQ (G-R) PACAREA (Pre) HQ (G-RPD) The current chain of command for Deployable Security Force units is circuitous, and presents unnecessary challenges to providing a properly organized, trained and equipped force. 9/18/2018

11 Deployable Operations Group (DOG)
U.S. Coast Guard Deployable Operations Group (DOG) NSFCC LANT TACLET DG-33 (Current Ops) DG-3 (Operations) PAC TACLET LANT MSST PAC MSST LANT PSU PAC PSU MSRT DOG Commander Again, the DOG concept is not new forces or an additional level of bureaucracy, it is simply a better way to organize forces that already exist, and to streamline and simplify the chain of command. In turn, this new organizational structure for deploying our forces, will enable us to more efficiently meet the Nation’s expectations, enhance overall Coast Guard Mission Execution, and most importantly, help us better safeguard the American public. 9/18/2018

12 CIAO 4 – (LOG) Logistics Organizational Alignment
The Coast Guard will develop and implement a mission focused support structure. The proposed organization will be designed to support operational mission effectiveness at the lowest achievable costs, improve control and accountability, centralize control of depot maintenance and supply chain management, achieve and sustain Chief Financial Officer audit compliance, and better facilitate the ongoing logistics transformation to achieve the goals of the Logistics Transformation Program Integration Office (LTPIO). End States: Bi-level maintenance w/more standardized procedures. Centralized supply chain management w/spending driven by maintenance requirements. Disciplined/standard Coast Guard-wide engineering and logistics business processes, modeled after our internal best practices currently in use in aviation. Strong configuration management processes, w/associated compliance inspections, to ensure all configurations are safe, effective, and supportable when installed. Reduce the number of financial and information systems. Projected Full Operational Capability Timeline: End of Fiscal Year 2010 CIAO4’s planning frame work contains the following guiding principles, goals and projected time line. Essentially, in order to better enhance Coast Guard wide logistical support effectiveness and efficiency, rather than having two specific major Coast Guard commands managing logistical support based on geographical areas of responsibility, the notional plan is to transform and realign the functions of the MLCs into a new mission support structure. Through a bi-level system of maintenance, Asset-based engineering and maintenance related logistical functions will be shifted to 4 Logistics Centers that support Aviation, Shore Infrastructure, C4IT (which is information technologies), and Surface Forces. These Logistics Centers will be designed to provide focused logistical support for in-service assets through asset product lines similar to the way the Coast Guard Aviation Repair and Supply Center in Elizabeth City is organized today. The office that controls acquisition and the office that controls sustainment will both work for the Deputy Commandant for Mission Support, one single flag officer. This will do away with the “stove pipes” and oversight issues that have caused us to become somewhat dysfunctional from a management standpoint in instances such as with Deepwater after the awarding of large contracts for example. 9/18/2018

13 Today’s Logistics “Flow”
Today’s logistical support organizational flow chart demonstrates that we are not “optimally organized” to support our working level field units. Multiple lines of communication for support in our current logistical support model as shown on this slide will be eliminated by “pushed” services in the new Mission Support Organization. 9/18/2018

14 Logistics Flow with notional Mission Support Organization Implemented
Mission Support, after IOC Aviation Logistics Center Product Line Engineering support, technical authority, supply chain management, technical documentation, including: Spares, maintenance manual, tools & test equipment, tech pubs Depot maintenance (scheduled & unscheduled) Materiel condition reports Contract field teams (oversee PBL/CLS support & procure spares) Time critical technical order kit delivery HR services, contracting support, etc. OPERATIONAL UNITS (Sector, AIRSTA, Cutter, TRACEN etc.) “Pushed” Products & Services Supporting Assets Surface Forces Logistics Center Product Line C4I Logistics Center Product Line This slide provides a visual of how, conceptually, the new logistics centers will operate. Aviation support works this way today. The yellow box depicts the products and services that are pushed to sustain assets, including but not limited to: Spare parts, Depot level maintenance, Test equipment, Technical documentation. These products and services are paid for and delivered by AR&SC to AIRSTAs, AR&SC contains the product line managers who are the primary POCs to AIRSTA Engineering Officers, and the single accountable POC on any issue with aircraft, systems, or equipment on aircraft. The model is simple and effective; benefits of supporting ops in this way were demonstrated during the CG’s response to Hurricane Katrina. In the case of Surface Forces, depot maintenance will continue to be executed locally by contractors and industrial sites, but all of the maintenance above unit level will be managed by the Logistics Center. The Logistics Center structure will significantly streamline the way we manage and deliver logistics and will eliminate a lot of needless hand-offs and coordination among the current complex web of logistics providers. As discussed previously, residual support organization functions will generally map to Areas and Districts. In addition, non-asset support functions, seen in red on this slide, fall under the Mission Support organization. Thus, there will be a single organization responsible for meeting all of the Coast Guard’s mission support needs. Shore Infrastructure Logistics Center Product Line Service Centers (HR, Contracting, etc.) 9/18/2018

15 CIAO 5 – (FIN) Financial Management Transformation and CFO Audit Remediation
The Coast Guard’s financial management system will be revamped and accountability and internal controls will be improved. The Coast Guard will aggressively pursue, support, and contribute to the DHS goal of earning a clean audit opinion on the DHS consolidated financial statement and implement solutions to systemic issues to ensure sustainable success in future financial audits. The Coast Guard will also provide improved financial management tools for use by operational units. End States: Achieve unqualified Chief Financial Officer audit opinion. Improve financial systems. Improve control of funds/base management. Support optimal mission execution while reducing workload at operating units. Projected Full Operational Capability Timeline: End of Fiscal Year 2011 The Coast Guard has always excelled on the operational front…..our successes over the last year are an especially strong testament to that fact. Where we have NOT done so well recently, is with our financial management processes. Since transferring to DHS, the CG has come under considerably stronger audit scrutiny….and we’ve found that many of our financial processes are not operating as well as they need to be. This is most obvious in the fact the CG is the biggest stumbling block to DHS obtaining a “clean” audit opinion. Most importantly, we’ve found that we haven’t provided our operational commanders with the proper financial management tools and organizational infrastructure to support mission accomplishment. Last summer, the Chief of Staff chartered the Financial Management Transformation Task Force to lay out a long term plan of attack to turn this situation around. The Commandant has committed to you the men and women who carry out the CG’s day-to-day operations, that the CG will provide you with better tools to support mission execution, to that end, CG HQ is spearheading a series of initiatives to improve financial management policy, procedures and systems. Simultaneously, as part of these initiatives, we are improving field personnel input to ensure accurate data is captured within the financial system. Maintaining proper documentation, reviewing undelivered orders, entering transactions into the system in a timely manner, and, to help alleviate the associated workload in the field, HQ is working to consolidate financial processes at some level above smaller operational units. The bottom line is that we need good, accurate financial data for CG managers to have the information they need to make decisions. The work you do all impacts the cost of doing the CG’s business, and we MUST understand our business processes and have a good grasp of the cost of those processes if we are going to accurately manage our finances service-wide. CIAO 5’s initiatives will help enable that for all of our financial managers from the field up through CG Headquarters. 9/18/2018

16 CIAO 6 – (CGS) USCG Maritime Strategy and the Evergreen Cycle of Strategic Renewal
The Coast Guard developed a comprehensive strategy based on the previous Evergreen Strategies (developed in 2003) and current policy drivers in order to provide enterprise-wide strategic intent for the Coast Guard through the next 4-5 years. This new strategy , the U.S. Coast Guard Strategy for Maritime Safety, Security and Stewardship, was signed on 19 January 2007 and an engagement plan in now being developed . End States: Strategy driven/mission-focused Coast Guard (CGS/Evergreen II). Set service priorities for budget, legislative proposals, rule making, and international activities during ADM Allen’s tenure as Commandant (CGS). Establish a continuous cycle of strategic renewal for developing enterprise-wide intent for both current and long term planning (Evergreen II). Projected Full Operational Capability Timeline: Fiscal Year 2007 The U.S. Coast Guard Strategy for Maritime Safety, Security, and Stewardship (CGS) describes how the CG will work to safeguard the nation against all threats, hazards, and challenges in the maritime domain, today and in the future. It discusses the CG’s enduring roles, future challenges and threats, and a systems approach for improving maritime governance. From these foundations, the Strategy presents six strategic priorities that build on the CG’s strengths and best focuses its capabilities to serve the nation. Strategic Priorities for the Coast Guard This Strategy identifies six cross-cutting priorities for improving the nation’s preparedness and advancing U.S. maritime interests in maritime safety, security, and stewardship they are: Strengthening regimes for the U.S. maritime domain, Achieving Awareness in the Maritime Domain, Enhancing unity of effort in maritime planning and operations, Integrating Coast Guard capabilities for national defense, Developing a national capacity for Marine Transportation System recovery, and Focusing international engagement on improving maritime governance. The Evergreen Strategy Cycle The Evergreen process is a continuous strategic cycle designed to institutionalize strategic thinking in the CG and frequently update the service’s strategic intent in response to evolving policy and operating environments. The first Evergreen cycle began in 2003, resulting in an overarching set of Evergreen strategies in the spring of These strategies guided the Coast Guard’s efforts to shape the National Strategy for Maritime Security in 2005, and are now encapsulated within the strategic priorities of the recently issued CGS. The second Evergreen cycle has already started, and a new Evergreen core team was formed late in The core team is developing a new set of alternative scenario worlds, which will be used to “stress test” the new CGS in the spring 2007, and also to refresh the CG’s strategic intent starting in the fall 2007. In short, CGS will be the strategic intent for the CG for the next 4 years, it will be how we operate, what we ask for in way of regulations, what we look for through the International Maritime Organization, and the process we use to plan for the future. 9/18/2018

17 CIAO 7 – (C2) Assessment of Coast Guard Command and Control Organization
The Coast Guard will develop an operational framework to ensure it is optimally designed to facilitate the timely and accurate flow of information and direction between the strategic, operational, and tactical levels of mission execution. This will result in a command and control system that is more agile, adaptive and responsive, so as to improve mission execution and effectiveness. End States: Improve readiness and mission execution. Enable unity of effort within DHS and at all levels of government. Improve organizational effectiveness and efficiency. Projected Full Operational Capability Timeline: End of Fiscal Year 2010 The CG is developing a Command and Control Organization and refining its operational framework to ensure it is best designed to facilitate the timely and accurate flow of information and direction between the strategic, operational, and tactical levels of Mission Execution. This will result in an enhanced command and control system that will be more agile, adaptive and responsive. In addition to the districts and sector commands, plans are for the new organizational construct to consist of two intermediary commands, each commanded by a vice admiral; just like the current Atlantic and Pacific Area commands. However, rather than having these two commands responsible for the Coast Guard’s entire “world-of-work” under their operational area of responsibility, for example PacArea- west coast, LantArea- east coast, one of these commands will be responsible for managing the current and future readiness of the Coast Guard’s workforce, platforms, and infrastructure, and for ensuring we maintain the ability to execute our missions. This command will be entitled Coast Guard Force Readiness Command or FORCECOM. The other command will be an operational level command that will maintain the primary responsibility of overseeing Coast Guard Mission Execution. This command will be entitled Coast Guard Operations Command or OPCOM. Aligning our command and control system in this manner will enhance the Coast Guard’s unity of effort within the Department of Homeland Security and at all levels of government, it will result in stronger Headquarters and Field alignment, and will in turn better our organizational effectiveness and efficiency. In short, this construct will help improve both the Coast Guard’s overall readiness management and most importantly, our Mission Execution. 9/18/2018

18 CIAO 8 – (HR) Human Resource Strategies to Support Coast Guard Maritime Strategy
The Coast Guard will develop a process by which it can know human capital requirements (i.e., Manpower Requirements Determination (MRD)) using a common language with which to express those requirements. The Coast Guard will also balance expert and broadened organizational knowledge in the officer corps (i.e., Officer Corps Management System (OCMS)). The Coast Guard will then employ an information system to identify and close competency gaps, and promote career management. End States: Prepare work force for future. Support repeatable/verifiable staffing decisions. Align with DHS Chief Human Capital Officer organization. Projected Full Operational Capability Timeline: End of Fiscal Year 2009 For over 20 years unit commanders and program managers have complained that they did not have the people they needed – or worse yet, that they didn’t know if they had what they needed until something didn’t work. Uncertainty about requirements leads to uninformed decisions and unnecessary risks. Fortunately we can apply an evolving science to determine how many people, with what competencies we need to do the work that leads to mission success. One result of the HR effort will be to figure out the most effective and efficient way for the CG to apply that science. By having a clear understanding of the quantity and qualities of the work we do, and doing our best to match the competencies of our talented workforce to those requirements, we will enable better mission planning and enhance Mission Execution. It has become obvious over the past decade that the CG produces leaders. If we are to continue to do that we must attend to the need for our officers to be experts at various technical disciplines, while having enough broad CG experience to lead when technical solutions are uncertain. Ensuring that officers have sufficient broadening experiences is the goal of recent and forthcoming changes to the officer corps management system (OCMS). Finally, although each individual is responsible for managing his or her own career, the CG has the responsibility to make certain information available to enable that. People need to be able to know what it takes to do certain jobs, and they need to be able to compare what they have (education, training, competencies, experiences, etc.) to the characteristics of any position in the CG, and be able to lay out a plan to get what they need to improve the probability that when they are ready for an assignment, they will be competitive. This will give people some control over their destiny and help them make career and life decisions with their eyes open. In turn, both individuals, and the Coast Guard, will be better as a result. 9/18/2018

19 CIAO 9 – (RC) Reserve Component Mission Support System
The Coast Guard will develop a new Reserve Component mission support system and implementation plan based on a comprehensive review of the current Reserve Component mission support system. It will develop Coast Guard policy on contingency planning assumptions for staffing Contingency Personnel Requirements List (CPRL) which will provide standard methodology to determine the size of the Selected Reserve (SELRES). The Coast Guard will also define the future of the Port Security Specialist (PS) rating. End States: Optimize use of Reserve Component. Increase readiness by improving training and administrative support in new threat environment. Projected Full Operational Capability Timeline: End of Fiscal Year 2010 After full implementation of CIAO 9: Mission support will be optimized to ensure a Reserve Component that is fully ready for all hazards, all threats. Implementation will result in a service-wide alignment of Active, Reserve, Civilian and Auxiliary components to execute contingency missions. The Port Security rating will be transformed to fully support emerging CG security requirements. In short, the focus of CIAO 9 is not on the roles that Reserve Forces play, but on how the Coast Guard can best support the Reserve Component. 9/18/2018

20 eCG Oriented Architecture Implementation
CIAO 10 – (eCG) eCG Oriented Architecture Implementation Enhance Coast Guard mission performance through optimal Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Information Technology (C4IT) enterprise investments and management. The new service oriented architecture (eCG) will better serve the needs of all internal and external customers. Establish the Chief Information Officer (CIO) as the single Coast Guard director of C4IT, accountable to senior leadership and end users for complete delivery of eCG aligned with Logistics Transformation principles and practices. End States: • Align with DHS enterprise architecture and infrastructure enhancements • Improve management, acquisition, and use of information technology to support mission execution • Implement best government and industry C4IT practices to support the centralization of funding/staffing and to manage highly effective C4IT systems • Align with new servicewide logistics system Projected Full Operational Capability Timeline: End of Fiscal Year 2011 Coast Guard leadership understands we need to use technology to enhance our ability for all of us to do our job. We also understand that we do not have unlimited resources to invest in ever-changing and ever-improving C4IT technology. With this in mind, the Commandant has established the Chief Information Officer as the single party with the authority and responsibility to ensure that we invest effectively. We must ensure that we are not all buying individual solutions to common CG problems. We must manage our resources based on requirements. Coast Guard-wide solutions to common requirements must be funded to a degree to ensure they enhance overall Mission Execution. We will supply one-stop shopping to bring these C4IT goods and services to our Coast Guard men and women in a timely manner. We will also partner with DHS to ensure the C4IT equipment, systems, and solutions we use are compatible with DHS. In many instances we will want to share IT infrastructure with other DHS components so we are not each paying for the same service. We will also ensure that despite the short life-cycle of C4IT systems, that we use the same effective bi-level maintenance model that is being used for all of the CG’s logistics. 9/18/2018

21 Current Coast Guard Area and District geographical boundaries
Although still early in the planning phase, one of the key elements of this service-wide transformation, as mentioned earlier, is to better align Coast Guard field operations. To that end, much of the Coast Guard’s direct operational oversight and focus will be shifted away from Washington, D.C. and Coast Guard Headquarters. In turn, this will increase the operational responsibilities of the district offices and sector commands. 9/18/2018

22 United States Coast Guard
Pre- CIAO Alignment Commandant (G-C) Vice Commandant (G-CV) Atlantic Area Pacific Area Chief of Staff (G-CCS) Districts Maintenance & Logistics Command Districts Maintenance & Logistics Command Director of Governmental & Public Affairs (G-I) Judge Advocate General & Chief Counsel (G-L) Mission Execution Units Mission Support Units Mission Execution Units Mission Support Units Asst. Comdt for Human Resources (CG-1) Asst. Comdt for Intelligence & Criminal Investigations (CG-2) Asst. Comdt for Prevention (G-P) Asst. Comdt for Response (G-R) Asst. Comdt for Engineering & Logistics (CG-4) Asst. Comdt for Plans & Policy (G-X) Asst. Comdt for C4IT (CG-6) Asst. Comdt for Resources (CG-8) Asst. Comdt for Acquisition (G-A) Until OCT 31 this was the organizational construct of the CG. The Areas Commands, Districts and MLC’s to the left and right as is currently the set-up, and a confusing, partial numbering/lettering system at CG Headquarters. This partial numbering system existed and provided another example of how we didn’t finish execution of a well devised plan; this one to shift to the DOD numbered staffs construct mentioned under the details of CIAO 2 – HQ, earlier. So as a result, you had CG-1, CG-2, G-P, G-R, CG-4, G-X, people inside the CG couldn’t understand who we were, not even people assigned directly to Headquarters, so needless to say external stakeholders were at a complete loss. We are fixing that, along with other key organizational processes through the implementation of CIAO 2-HQ. Deepwater Program Executive Office (G-D) Command Cadre and Staff Directorates and below 9/18/2018 Field Level C2 Nodes

23 United States Coast Guard Current Organizational Alignment
Commandant (CG-00) Vice Commandant (CG-09) Atlantic Area Pacific Area Chief of Staff (CG-01) Districts Maintenance & Logistics Command Districts Maintenance & Logistics Command Director of Governmental & Public Affairs (CG-092) Judge Advocate General & Chief Counsel (CG-094) Mission Execution Units Mission Support Units Mission Execution Units Mission Support Units Asst. Comdt for Human Resources (CG-1) Asst. Comdt for Intelligence & Criminal Investigations (CG-2) Asst. Comdt for Operations (CG-3) Asst. Comdt for Engineering & Logistics (CG-4) Asst. Comdt for Plans & Policy (CG-5) Asst. Comdt for C4IT (CG-6) Asst. Comdt for Resources (CG-8) Asst. Comdt for Acquisition (CG-9) This is the CG’s current organizational structure, which includes implementation of the CIAO 2-HQ numbering system to align us with our DOD counterparts and, which will eventually make us much more understandable once folks get used to it. Key to this organizational chart is the visual depiction of the Coast Guard’s Operations Directorate. If you note, there is no longer a distinction at that level of the separation between O and M, operations and marine safety, response and prevention, Coast Guard operations is Coast Guard operations. They are all equal, and within the Operations Directorate we have product lines, search and rescue, aids to navigation, marine safety, and so forth. The goal there is to unify us under a standard organizational structure and to unify all the operational programs. We have finally done what was recommended in 1998, fully executed the plan to combine O and M, into one single Coast Guard Operations Directorate, and in doing so, we have taken a large step toward enhancing Mission Execution. Asst. Comdt for Current Operations (CG-33) Asst. Comdt for Operations Planning (CG-35) Asst. Comdt for Operations Capabilities (CG-37) Deployable Operations Group (DOG) Command Cadre and Staff Directorates and below Changes from previous state 9/18/2018 Field Level C2 Nodes

24 Command Cadre and Staff
United States Coast Guard Envisioned Field Command and Control Organization LEGEND Command Cadre and Staff Field Level C2 Nodes Force Provider/Staff Following complete plan development, implementation, and attainment of Full Operational Capability for CIAO 7-C2, rather than two distinct Area Commanders, there will be 2 vice admiral-directed field commands. One of these commands will be dedicated to directing Coast Guard operations, and the other will be responsible for overall mission readiness. As mentioned during the CIAO 7-C2 summary, we are going to transform what is currently today’s two Area Commands. We will execute all Coast Guard operations through the vice admiral serving as Commander, Coast Guard Operations Command. All the District Commanders will report to ONE next echelon of command, and the sectors will report to their districts, etc. Commander, Coast Guard Operations Command or OPCOM will be the person in charge of Mission Execution. Commander, Coast Guard Operations Command will also be the direct interface with the DOD commands that we work with, for example Southern Command, Northern Command, Central Command, and so forth. This is the structure we will execute Coast Guard operations with in the future. The other current Area Command will transform into our second vice admiral-directed field command, Commander, Coast Guard Force Readiness Command or FORCECOM. This command will direct and manage our readiness posture, it will train, equip and provide. The Force Readiness Command will be responsible for ensuring Coast Guard folks are trained, they will deal with standardization teams, training doctrine, procedure, etc. This will include standardization and ultimately every level of training team the Coast Guard maintains, imbedded in this command will also be our new community of interest the DOG. 9/18/2018

25 United States Coast Guard Envisioned Post - CIAO Alignment
Commandant (CG-00) Judge Advocate General and Chief Counsel Vice Commandant (CG-09) Chief of Staff to the Comdt Director of Governmental and Public Affairs Asst. Comdt for Intelligence and Criminal Investigations (CG-2) Asst. Comdt for Resources (CG-8) External Coordination Deputy Commandant for Mission Support (CG- 1/4/6/9) Deputy Commandant for Operations (CG-3/5/7) Commander Coast Guard Force Readiness Command (FORCECOM) Commander Coast Guard Operations Command (OPCOM) 1-8 Staff This is the future picture of the organizational structure of the Coast Guard that will exist after full implementation of the CIAO-based service-wide alignment and transformation; it is where we are going to go. Note there is something missing between the Commandant, and the Vice Commandant on this picture, The Coast Guard Chief of Staff. The authority that used to rest with the Chief of Staff will devolve down to the 2 Deputy Commandant’s for Mission Support and Operations, and the rest will reside with the Vice Commandant who will essentially serve as the Chief Operating Officer of the Coast Guard. We are the only military service with a position like the current Coast Guard Chief of Staff. In other services, the Chief of Staff essentially runs operations, like the Chief of Staff of the Army or Air Force, etc. In turn, this modification to our organizational structure will further align us with DOD. Shore Forces Mgr MPF DOG District XYZ 1-8 Staff Chief Human Resources Officer (CG-1) Chief Sustainment Officer (CG-4) Chief Information Officer (CG-6) Chief Acquisition Officer (CG-9) Asst. Comdt for Current Operations (CG-3) Asst. Comdt for Policy, Planning & Intn’l Affairs (CG-5) Asst. Comdt for Capabilities (CG-7) Sector XYZ 1-8 Staff Command Cadre and Staff Directorates and below Changes from previous state Field Level C2 Nodes 9/18/2018 Force Provider/Staff

26 CIAO-Based Service-Wide Alignment And Transformation
Inconsistent, Sub-Optimal Approaches Optimized Systems Approach Full Coast Guard CIAO-Based Service-Wide Alignment And Transformation Current State: Desired State: Pockets of Excellence Pervasive Excellence Incomplete Information Complete Information and Good Analysis Fully Deployed Sustainable Leadership Ongoing Embedded Improvement Partially Deployed Personality (Leader) Dependent Random Acts of Improvement As I mentioned at the start of this presentation, prior to taking over as Coast Guard Commandant, Admiral Allen conducted an in-depth service-wide Performance Excellence Assessment. The assessment identified Coast Guard management system opportunities for improvement. The left side of this slide shows the current state cross-cutting key themes found through this assessment. The right side represents the desired state. The 10 Commandant’s Intent Action Orders (CIAOs) I’ve described today, are ADM Allen’s concrete steps toward that desired state. They comprise a service-wide alignment and transformation that will slim the Coast Guard down more vertically, removing the east coast, west coast distinction in operations, and flatten the Coast Guard in terms of layers which will enhance our overall effectiveness. We can’t control the external environment, and the external environment is extremely different than it was when our current construct was implemented. Each CIAO represents an integral piece of a dynamic strategy to systematically improve mission support and Mission Execution and ultimately transform our service to adapt to today’s environment and toward the desired state: of pervasive excellence. 9/18/2018

27 Today’s Coast Guard Workforce
is vital to Tomorrow’s Coast Guard Success It is vitally important everyone within the Coast Guard: active-duty, civilian, reserve and auxiliary members alike, realize that every decision regarding this transformation is being carried out with extreme care. The Commandant asks that each member of the Coast Guard workforce keep in mind that, unlike past organizational transformations, for example the mid-1990’s streamlining evolution, the goals of these changes are not to enable workforce reduction, whatsoever. The Coast Guard would not be as successful, or highly recognized as we are today without each of you. And, considering today’s dynamic operating environment, we need you now more than ever. Our current workforce numbers, and the exceptional professional expertise we currently maintain, will remain fully intact. Each of you is essential to our collective ability as an organization, for providing the first-class service the Nation expects from its Coast Guard. The Commandant and senior decision makers are committed to keeping you informed, and to listening to and addressing your concerns. Please refer to "CG Central" for in depth information on the CIAOs and implementation plans. Every question can not be answered in detail today, because we are still working policy and legislative issues through DHS, the administration and the Congress. Once we have validated plans, the Coast Guard’s most senior leadership guarantees that you will have complete transparency of information, and every detail as soon as it is known will be published and passed. In closing, I want to emphasize that this transformation will enable us, together, as the world’s greatest Coast Guard, to be able to best serve America far into the future. 9/18/2018

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