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Presentation on theme: "NHS DUMFRIES & GALLOWAY"— Presentation transcript:

Appropriately Trained & Developed “aspire to lead” NHS DUMFRIES & GALLOWAY NHS D&G have implemented an "Aspire to Lead" Programme and a Leadership Programme working in Partnership with NHS A&A and NHS NWTC. Both projects are aimed at ensuring that staff have the skills to develop into more senior leadership roles.

2 Aspire TO lead - background
The background to ASPIRE to Lead was set up on the back of NHS Dumfries & Galloway’s recognition that they have difficulty in recruiting to senior nursing posts internally - that is because NHS Dumfries & Galloway have people with potential but who have not been exposed to some of the experiences they need to develop that potential and externally - there is an issue with recruitment to a rural area. NHS Dumfries & Galloway wanted to give Band 5s and 6s an opportunity to build on their ability to see if that would prepare them for their next post NHS Dumfries & Galloway have worked with University West of Scotland through Professor Belinda Dewar and with her, Fiona Cook who NHS Dumfries & Galloway have worked well with in the past, NHS Dumfries & Galloway have also utilised the skills of their own staff locally to support learning in more management focussed areas. NHS Dumfries & Galloway are also planning evaluation with Belinda and Fiona NHS Dumfries & Galloway have a strategy group to oversee the programme and have planned a celebration event on 5th December 2014


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