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Welcome! August 17th, 2017 Thursday

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1 Welcome! August 17th, 2017 Thursday
Do Now Get out your weekly Bell Ringer sheet and begin working on Thursday’s assignment. Once the bell rings, you will have five minutes to find the errors in the post. Remember: Do Now's are INDEPENDENT and QUIET exercises. Thank you 

2 Correct the spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors in the following social media post.
What’s on your mind? © Presto Plans

3 Their/there: While there refers to a place, their refers to possession
kids’…?: Kid’s indicates more than one child and possession. The example in parenthesis indicates only one child’s birthday. Both are correct. A question was asked, so a question mark is used. Saw: The past tense of to see is saw. week, and: A comma should be used to separate two complete sentences with a conjunction (and). To/Too: Too is a synonym for also or means an excess of something. To should be used here as a preposition. Myself: This word is misspelled. Myself is one word. © Presto Plans

4 Native American Myth Project
For our next project, you’re going to choose your own Native American myth and make a poster that explains the myth and outlines the important elements of your chosen myth. To choose a myth, you can go to on your phone and pick one title from the “Creation/Migration Stories” section, OR you can ask me for a hard copy of three myths to choose from. Once you’ve chosen a story, you will create a poster for your story that includes the following….

5 The title of the myth and the tribe it’s from (2 points) A summary of the story at least 4-5 sentences that includes what natural event(s) the myth tries to explain (how the crops grew, how the earth was created, etc.) (5 points) 2-3 sentences explaining a connection/similarity between your myth and a creation myth or story from another culture or religion. (5 points) A theme analysis paragraph: Ask yourself, is there a moral to this story? Is there a lesson that the storyteller wanted the listener to take away? How do you know? Be sure to use at least one piece of textual evidence to back up your answer. (5 points) A creative, colorful presentation! If your poster is pretty enough I’ll hang it on my wall and give you bonus points! :) (5 points) These will be worth 22 points and are due tomorrow at the end of class. Good luck!

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